カワサキサービスプラザ坂出 - Marugame

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カワサキサービスプラザ坂出

住所 :

Ayautacho Tomikuma, Marugame, 〒761-2407 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887789
Postal code : 761-2407
Webサイト : http://www.ksp.bike/
街 : Kagawa

Ayautacho Tomikuma, Marugame, 〒761-2407 Kagawa,Japan
あい on Google

I felt that the difference between those who liked it and those who didn't. I didn't feel the clerk's attitude was good.
n Nagamori on Google

持ち込みパーツでも快く取り付けしてくれます、 今回もw650チューブレス仕様のタイヤ交換持ち込みでお世話になりました。
Even the parts you bring in will be installed comfortably, Thank you for bringing in the w650 tubeless tire replacement this time as well.
ぐるーみー on Google

とある店員の態度が最悪でした。 客に向かって「作業の邪魔になる」と言われ、とても不愉快な思いをしました。二度と行きません。
The attitude of a certain clerk was the worst. I was very unpleasant when I was told by the customer that it would be an obstacle to my work. I will never go again.
らう on Google

I went to see the current Ninja 250. The clerk responded very friendlyly and was very motivated to buy. I wanted to consider buying as soon as the money came to a close. We think that it was troublesome by visitor only for visit, but was very satisfied! !
ta-ma on Google

すごく丁寧に作業してくれます。 安いよりは信頼出来るのが一番ですね。
They work very carefully. It's best to be reliable rather than cheap.
k on Google

さすがに足元見過ぎ。 あの接客でカワサキうたっとるのが残念。
As expected, I overlooked my feet. It's a pity that Kawasaki sings with that customer service.
宮地久義 on Google

電動バイクの指定店で、お世話になっています。アイディアAA−カ−ゴに乗っています! 他のバイクのオイル交換も、 やってもらっています。 無くてはならないお店です。
I am indebted to you at a designated electric motorcycle store. Idea AA-I'm on the cargo! Oil change for other bikes I have you do it. It is an indispensable shop.
-Y h- on Google

I think this shop is a very good shop as a Kawasaki dealer. But even though it is located in such a remote country, how do you handle it as a motorcycle shop in the city? ?? ?? I think. Can you take a look here? Can you fix it? It was completely salt-friendly for the local reservations who visited. If you want to operate as a Kawasaki dealer, I thought you should do more in the city center.

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