つつみ屋 落合店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact つつみ屋 落合店

住所 :

Ayashihigashi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒989-3127 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : http://www.tutumiya.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Monday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–6:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Ayashihigashi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒989-3127 Miyagi,Japan
井上恒幸 on Google

藻塩ずんだ大福美味しかったです。 甘さと塩辛さが絶妙に合っています?
Daifuku was delicious with algae salt. The sweetness and saltiness match perfectly ?
ジョニージョンスター on Google

昼辺りに行ったのですが店員さんがいなかったので「すいません」と声をかけたのですが誰もこず… 昼時だから誰もいないのか?と思ってたら作ってる方に人を発見。お昼を食べている様子だった。 しばらく待ってみたが、そんな見えるとこにいるのに気づかないのかと思うくらいの場所にいるのに気づかす… 私はそっと店を出ました… 物はいいですよ(*^^*)
I went around noon, but there was no clerk, so I said "I'm sorry", but no one was there ... Is there nobody because it's noon? I found a person who made it. It looked like he was eating lunch. I waited for a while, but I noticed that I was in a place where I thought I wouldn't notice that I was there ... I gently left the store ... Things are good (* ^^ *)
佐々木浩之 on Google

串団子(六種類&季節物)を一本から、好みの物を選んで、注文。 注文してから、一本一本餡を塗り付けてくれる極め細かさ❗ 団子一本にお餅三個、一個のボリュームのあること、驚きです。
Pick one of the skewers (six kinds and seasonal) from one and order. After ordering, it is very fine to apply bean paste one by one. It is surprising that one dumpling has three mochi and one piece of rice cake.
まむ on Google

It was a Tsutsumiya after a long time. It was my first time at the Ochiai store, but it was a beautiful store with a parking lot, so it was easy to enter. The taste was of course delicious.
AAA on Google

震災の頃、停電でご飯が炊けなかった時に、こちらのお団子にお世話になり、以後ずっとファンです。 大きくて柔らかなお団子に、目の前でたっぷり餡を乗せてくれます。個人的には、あんこ、ずんだ、ピーナッツ、みたらしが好きです。餡だけの販売もしています。あんこだけでお腹いっぱいにしたいくらい、あんこが美味しいです。運が良いと、たまにお味見をもらえることがあります。娘はみたらしのお団子の切れ端?をいただき、すっかりみたらし好きになりました(笑)。ご馳走さまでした!
At the time of the earthquake, when I couldn't cook rice due to a power outage, I was taken care of by this dumpling, and I've been a fan ever since. It puts a generous amount of bean paste in front of you on a large and soft dumpling. Personally, I like red bean paste, zunda, peanuts, and mitarashi. We also sell only bean paste. The bean paste is so delicious that you want to fill your stomach with just the bean paste. If you are lucky, you may occasionally get a taste. Is your daughter a piece of Mitarashi dango? I fell in love with Mitarashi dango (laughs). It was a feast!
ルーク on Google

団子ならつつみ屋です。20年以上前から食べてます。大きくて食べごたえがあり甘過ぎず近くを通ると必ず思い出して買ってしまいます。 今の店舗は2月末までです。3月からは西に5分ぐらいの100円ショップの向いになります。
If it's dumplings, it's Tsutsumiya. I've been eating it for over 20 years. It's big and chewy, it's not too sweet, and if you pass nearby, you'll definitely remember and buy it. The current store is until the end of February. From March, it will be opposite the 100-yen shop, which is about 5 minutes west.
池田清太郎 on Google

揚げ饅頭が食べたいなと思い、評判の良いこちらに伺いました。 つつみ揚以外にもお団子が美味しそうだったので、醤油(みたらし)とずんだ、期間限定の栗餡をチョイスしました。甘みや風味が良い塩梅でした。 つつみ揚は、想像してたもの(あんドーナッツみたいな感じ)とは違いましたが、甘さ控えめでクルミの食感も面白く、美味しかったです。
I wanted to eat fried buns, so I visited this place, which has a good reputation. Besides the tsutsumi fried dumplings, the dumplings looked delicious, so I chose the soy sauce (mitarashi) and zunda chestnut bean paste for a limited time. It was a salted plum with good sweetness and flavor. The tsutsumi fried was different from what I had imagined (like an donut), but the sweetness was modest and the texture of the walnuts was interesting and delicious.
ゆかりんこ on Google

I moved to Ayashihigashi on March 1, 2022 and went to buy it immediately ? A lot of festive flowers at a beautiful store ??? Customers lined up one after another. It's stable and delicious ~ The seasonal sakura bean paste dumplings were also delicious ✨

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