auショップ 観音 [ UQ モバイル取扱店]

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact auショップ 観音 [ UQ モバイル取扱店]

住所 :

Minamikanon, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0035 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト :
街 : Hiroshima

Minamikanon, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0035 Hiroshima,Japan
ひさ on Google

The customer service attitude, knowledge, was the worst. He was the person in charge who couldn't explain properly without asking about his needs, and couldn't answer unless he went back and asked people. After that, I went to several stores, but other than this store, the customer service was excellent. My family will never go again.
メイ・メイ on Google

I went to the Kannon store because I had a worrying comment about the security of my smartphone and didn't know what to do. I was relieved that the explanation was easy to understand. I was very happy and grateful to the elderly for the word "I'm worried." It was a nice male staff.
あろ on Google

エディオンで契約したルーターの不具合を auの機械だったため エディオンに行くと auに行くように言われ au何店舗か 電話して駄目で 観音でやっと予約がとれて 泣きそうな想いをしてた時に ものすごく親切に対応してくださいました。 電気屋さんでUQなどは 契約書しないほうが良いと 初めて実感的しました。不具合があった時に 対応してもらえず たらいまわしに なります。 そこで au中島さんが 面倒な連絡も 手続きも エディオンや UQへの問い合わせ 全て 間に入ってやってくれました。 二時間近くかかり auも 私も くたくたに なりました。 長時間滞在して感じたのは 携帯ショップの中でも 観音は どこよりも対応が 親切でした。 本当に 助かりました。
The router contracted with EDION was a malfunction of the au machine, so when I went to EDION, I was told to go to au. I couldn't call several au stores and finally made a reservation with Kannon. Thank you for your kindness. For the first time, I realized that it is better not to make a contract for UQ etc. at an electric shop. If there is a problem, we will not be able to deal with it. Therefore, Mr. au Nakajima took care of all the troublesome contacts and procedures for all inquiries to EDION and UQ. It took almost two hours, and both au and I were exhausted. What I felt after staying for a long time was that Kannon was more kind than anywhere else in the mobile phone shop. That was a really big help.
山下千里 on Google

It was a shop that was polite and kind.
yoshi nkt on Google

若いスタッフでしたが、説明が丁寧 私の言うこともよく理解し、回答も適切でした! ただ Auのシステムには疑問あり、他店では無料のものが有料と言うサービスが多い。無知な人からお金をとるイメージでした
The staff was young, but the explanations were polite, I understood what I was saying, and the answers were appropriate! However There are doubts about Au's system, and many other stores charge for free services. It was an image of taking money from an ignorant person
堀野晃 on Google

予約して行ったので手際が良かったです? 自分が希望していた機種が手配できないとのことでしたが、別のメーカーを提案され、気に入ったので機種変更しました?
I made a reservation so it was smart ? I heard that I could not arrange the model I wanted, but I was offered another manufacturer and I liked it so I changed the model ?
年君 on Google

親切丁寧ですごく良いショップだと思う 本当なら、予約しないと受付してくれない所を受付てくれたし、今まで行ったショップでは、一番良かったと思う!人に勧めるのなら、この店が一番いいと思うよ!
Kind and polite and I think it's a very good shop If it's true, they accepted places that wouldn't be accepted unless I made a reservation, and I think it was the best shop I've ever been to! If you want to recommend it to others, I think this store is the best!
。さき on Google

The clerk in charge was very easy to understand, and the best response I had ever made to a mobile phone shop! (// ∇ //) Thank you for your cooperation.

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