Asuka - 462 新在家 平岡町 Kakogawa

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asuka

住所 :

462 新在家 平岡町 Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 675-0101
Webサイト :

462 新在家 平岡町 Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0101, Japan
稲田重子 on Google

こちらのブレンドコーヒーが、一 番美味しいです。 この数年豆を買っています。家でも美味しく頂いてます。 ランチも、美味しいですよ?
This blended coffee is one It ’s the most delicious. I've been buying beans for the last few years. It's delicious at home. Lunch is also delicious ?
り-ちゃんらんど“リンリ” on Google

I went there for the first time! It was a shop that was reasonably comfortable to enter (easy to get used to), and the clerk was very nice!
-Reika-麗華 on Google

雑炊や鍋焼きうどんと体調が優れない時にも行けるのですが、接客が悪い。喫茶店は場所を楽しむ場所であると同時に心が安らいだり、時々ウキウキしたりなにが出てくるか楽しみにしたり、店内の作りなどはとてもいいのですが、店員同士が喋りに喋って「すみません」と言っても聞いてもらえず、かと言って店員さんを呼ぶボタンもない。干渉しないスタンスや賑やかにならないスタンスはいいのですが、延々と経営論や政治論を静かな落ち着いた店内で聞きたくはありません。お客様と交わしているなら分かりますが、店員同士で交わされてるのはいささか不愉快です。 しかし、出てくる料理はそれなりに美味しく、サラダがしっかりと入っているので嬉しく思います。 鍋焼きうどんと雑炊はダシがしっかり効いていていますので、好き嫌いがわかれるかもしれません。私はお雑炊好きです。
I can go when I'm not feeling well with the soup and hot pot udon, but the customer service is bad. The coffee shop is a place to enjoy the place, but at the same time, it makes me feel at ease, and I am looking forward to seeing what is coming out sometimes, and making the inside of the shop is very nice, but the clerk greets each other `` I'm sorry '' There is no button to call the store clerk. I don't want to listen to management or politics in a quiet and calm shop. You can understand if you are interacting with customers, but it is a bit unpleasant to be exchanged between shop assistants. However, the dish that comes out is delicious as it is, and I am glad that the salad is firmly contained. Nabeyaki udon and miso are well-salted, so you may be able to tell whether you like or not. I like cooking.
The only In japn on Google

加古川に昔からある人気のお店です? 久しぶりに来ましたが、店内の雰囲気は懐かしさがあって良い感じです☺️ 駐車場の幅が結構狭いので、大型車の方は注意が必要です? 昼前に行きましたが、続々とお客さんが入って来て満席になりました‼️ 人気店は健在のようです。 日替わりランチも有りましたが、久しぶりなので人気の明日香ランチを注文しました^_^ 値段は高めですが、ハンバーグも海老フライも美味しかったですよー? 食後のアイスコーヒーは器がメチャ冷たくて形も独特で良かった、何よりメチャ冷たくて美味しかった^_^
It has been a popular store in Kakogawa for a long time ? It's been a while since I came here, but the atmosphere inside the store is nostalgic and it feels good.☺️ The width of the parking lot is quite narrow, so large vehicles need to be careful ? I went there before noon, but the number of customers came in and became full! ️ Popular stores seem to be in good health. There was a daily lunch, but I ordered the popular Asuka lunch for the first time in a while ^ _ ^ Although the price is high, the hamburger and fried shrimp were delicious too ? The iced coffee after the meal was cool and the shape was unique, and above all, it was cold and delicious ^ _ ^
HKRTとっこ on Google

日替わりランチをオーダーしました。 税抜き760円でとってもコスパ良いです。 バランス良く味も安定でこの価格ならお得です。 日替わりは豆ごはんか白米か選べます。 画像の豆ご飯は大盛でプラス140円です。 前に駐車場もあり中も広いです。 入り口には消毒液が置いてありコロナ対策もちゃんとされてました。 安心して食べることが出来ました。
I ordered a daily lunch. The cost is very good at 760 yen excluding tax. It is well-balanced and has a stable taste, so it is a great deal at this price. You can choose bean rice or white rice for daily change. The bean rice in the image is a large serving and costs an additional 140 yen. There is a parking lot in front and the inside is large. There was a disinfectant solution at the entrance, and measures against corona were taken properly. I was able to eat with confidence.
SRりえちよ on Google

店内の雰囲気は非常に良かったけれど…。 ケーキセットの内容がメニューになく店員さんに聞いたところ実物を持ってきてくれました。 ひとつは明らかにチョコレートケーキですがもうひとつは求肥のようなものに何かが包まれたもの。色は透けて見えますがなにかまで分からなかったので聞いたところ、どこか別の店から仕入れたものなので分からないと言われました。食べ物アレルギーは私はありませんがそれはちゃんと把握しているべきでは…? 結局チョコケーキと紅茶をセットで頼みましたが、どこか雑巾臭いものが運ばれてきました。(どちらからか不明) 紅茶を注げばその香りで幾分マシになりました。 人と来ていてその人は気づいてなさげだったので雰囲気を壊してもなぁ、と思いそれには触れずに終えましたが非常に残念でした。 多分もう行きません。
Although the atmosphere of the store was very good .... The contents of the cake set was Bring me the real thing I asked the clerk's not on the menu. One is obviously what it is the chocolate cake is another wrapped something to something like Gyuhi. The color will show through, but I asked because I did not know until something was said that such does not know what that was purchased from somewhere else in the store. Food allergy should but do not I know it properly is ...? Eventually asked a set of chocolate cake and tea, but those smells somewhere rag was been carried. (Either from either) It was somewhat become a machine in its scent if pour a cup of tea. The man Naa also break the atmosphere because it was the name of up to notice, and I think it was finished without touching on it was very sorry to have to come to the people. Maybe I will not go.
Shakipannda on Google

I visited for the first time in a long time, but when I entered the store, there was a temperature measurement and alcohol disinfection, and measures against corona were taken. In the semi-private room, the morning was a drink plus 88-198 yen plus a range, and the cospa was good. The clerk was also very cheerful and it felt good.
yum on Google

I sometimes go there because I want to eat Asuka's lunch, but even among Asuka, the main store has a personality and I love the calm atmosphere.

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