3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Yoyogi, Shibuya City, 〒151-0053 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Yoyogi, Shibuya City, 〒151-0053 Tokyo,Japan
阿部重郎 on Google

ブレーキ調整で、1000円から と言われて、5分調整しただけで1,650円…説明もあいまいで、ぼったくり感満載。あんな店信用できません。
It is said that it starts from 1000 yen for brake adjustment, and it's 1,650 yen just for 5 minutes ... The explanation is vague and it's full of rumble. I can't trust such a store.
アルコ on Google

パンク修理に訪れましたが、他の依頼が溜まっているということでかなり時間が掛かってしまうとのことで断念しました(日曜日) ですが親切に近くのスポーツサイクル店を教えていただけました。
I visited for a punk repair, but I abandoned it because it would take quite some time because other requests were accumulated (Sunday) But I was kind enough to tell you a nearby sports cycle store.
Asakura Yasuko on Google

Thank you for your continued support. It's a little expensive bicycle shop, but I feel like it will last longer if I take the bicycle I bought for 3 months inspection and see it thoroughly.
tama chan on Google

店員さんが全員感じがよくて親切。 腕がよくて安いです。 星一つマイナスなのはいつ行っても修理が多くて順番待ちが長いのと、恐らく依頼した箇所以外の気になった部分を親切心で料金取らずに調整していただいたようなのですが、その場合はやはり一言欲しいです。 自転車が戻ってきてから、ん???となりました。 まー、いい自転車屋だと思います。
All the staff are nice and kind. Good arms and cheap. One star minus is that there are many repairs whenever you go and it is a long wait, and it seems that you adjusted the part you were interested in other than the part you requested without kindly paying for it, I want a word in case. Since the bicycle came back? ? ? have become. I think it's a good bike shop.
Ma Phio on Google

偶然お店の前で自転車で歩道に乗り上げた際に泥除けが曲がってしまい、タイヤはそれに引っかかって回れなくなった。店に気づき、助かったなと思ったら大間違いだった。 店員さんに状況を説明しても何も答えずに「電動の自転車の販売しています」みたいなサインを指で指すだけ。修理してくれないとしてもちょっとドライバー貸してもらえないかと聞いたら、断られた。ただの口下手なのか、接客に向いてないのか、分からないが、印象かなり悪かった。
I happened to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk in front of the shop and the mudguard bent, and the tire got caught in it and I couldn't turn it around. It was a big mistake when I noticed the store and thought it was helpful. Even if I explained the situation to the clerk, I just pointed to a sign like "I am selling electric bicycles" without answering anything. When I asked if I could lend you a driver even if they didn't fix it, I refused. I don't know if he's just a bluff or not suitable for serving customers, but the impression was pretty bad.
hiromi _ on Google

ブレーキの調子が悪かったのですが、お店にお伺いしました。 営業中だったのですが、誰もおらず、無人…。 たまたまいらっしゃらなかったようで、五分ほど待っていると、どこからか店主が登場してくださりました。 修理も丁寧で、しっかりブレーキが効くようになって見違えるようでした。 電動自転車を直してくれるところが、なかなかなかったので、とても助かりました。 また、なにか自転車の不具合があれば、ここにお願いしたいです。 会計もPayPay が使えて、助かりました。
I had a bad brake, but I visited the store. It was open, but nobody was there, and nobody was there ... It didn't seem like it happened, and when I waited for about five minutes, the shopkeeper appeared from somewhere. The repair was also polite, and it seemed to be mistaken because the brakes started to work properly. I couldn't find a place to fix my electric bicycle, so it was very helpful. Also, if there is something wrong with the bicycle, I would like to ask here. I was able to use PayPay for accounting, which helped me.
Jane O on Google

Good shop. Also they have good service. Recommend! ?
fabrice thierry on Google

Second hand bike bought this day. I have been searching for this all through the city, including recyclé garden yoyogi for example (more expensive and rusty bikes, very Bad advise), I have Never found a bike in a correct state and price anywhere. Here the price was lower and the state much better than in the other places (I would Say I went to ten of them). Very good place, even if the choice is limited. My commentary is only for second hand, otherwise they seem to sell especially electric bikes. The man who attended me was nice and efficient.

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