Ashigara the cosmetics Co., Ltd. - Minamiashigara

2/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Ashigara the cosmetics Co., Ltd.

住所 :

224 Numata, Minamiashigara, Kanagawa 250-0115, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 250-0115
Webサイト :

224 Numata, Minamiashigara, Kanagawa 250-0115, Japan
もちねこ on Google

先輩後輩の上下関係が酷かったです。 気に入らない後輩がいれば、影で悪口を毎回のように言っている先輩がいました。仕事がキツい割に正社員でありながら給料は低くほぼ最低賃金でした。
The hierarchical relationship between seniors and juniors was terrible. If there was a junior who didn't like it, there was a senior who was saying bad things in the shadow every time. Although the work was hard, I was a full-time employee, but my salary was low and it was almost the minimum wage.
スノーラビィ on Google

a enoki on Google

シンゲン餅 on Google

80% of the local part
Hiro Sakamoto on Google

Kanebo products are produced
K N on Google

この会社は、人件費削減のため、派遣会社から必要な人員を派遣させて、こき使っています。 こういう企業のために、日本は非正規雇用が全労働者の約4割を占めるまでになり、雇用不安や貧困問題、雇い止めによる失業や、それに伴う精神疾患や自殺率の高さ、低所得のための少子化、消費低迷、税収低下、デフレや社会保障の破綻の危機などを引き起こしている訳です。 企業は日本社会全体のために、一人でも多く、正規雇用で労働者を雇うべきです。
In order to reduce labor costs, this company dispatches necessary personnel from dispatching companies and uses them. For such a company, non-regular employment accounts for about 40% of all workers in Japan, and employment insecurity and poverty problems, unemployment by stopping employment, high mental illness and the rate of suicide associated with it, low income The cause of declining birth rates, sluggish consumption, falling tax revenues, deflation and the collapse of social security. Companies should hire as many regular workers as possible for the Japanese society as a whole.

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