都まんじゅう(つるや製菓) 八王子店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 都まんじゅう(つるや製菓) 八王子店

住所 :

Asahicho, Hachioji, 〒192-0083 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://hachi-navi.com/shop/japanese_sweets/260223
街 : Tokyo

Asahicho, Hachioji, 〒192-0083 Tokyo,Japan
Machao O on Google

お隣相模原から行ったら 八王子でランチをして、ぶらっと歩いて 帰りに買うのは『都まんじゅう』 神奈川から越境したら都まんじゅう 気を使わない人への手土産に最高? 会社のスタッフに茶菓子としても最適 焼きたてを店頭で販売しています 必要個数の商品が店頭になければ すぐに作ってくれます 変わらなければいけない事 変わってはいけない事 上手に使い分けていられますよね! ご馳走様でした?
If you go from the neighboring Sagamihara Have lunch in Hachioji and walk around The one to buy on the way back is "Miyako Manju" If you cross the border from Kanagawa, the capital Manju Great as a souvenir for those who don't care ? Ideal as a tea confectionery for company staff Freshly baked products are sold at stores If the required number of products is not available at the store Will make it right away Things that have to change Things that should not change You can use it properly! It was a treat ?
前中里佳 on Google

I got a souvenir from an acquaintance! It was delicious. I will drop by when I go to Tokyo.
kazu on Google

八王子に行ったら、都まんしゅう! 2021年12月から¥35が¥40/個に値上げ! 原材料の高騰には勝てず!
If you go to Hachioji, it's the capital city! From December 2021, the price of ¥ 35 will be increased to ¥ 40 / piece! I can't beat the soaring prices of raw materials!
駒谷淳子 on Google

It is a bite-sized white bean paste. They are also sold individually, so you can eat freshly baked food on the spot. You can see the workshop covered with glass.
Koji on Google

It seems to be one of the soul foods of Hachioji citizens. It's a sweet with a gentle taste. As I was walking toward the station, I saw something mechanically made through the glass window. When approaching, it seems that they are making small baked goods. Miyako Manju. Unfortunately I haven't heard of it, but if you can eat freshly baked, I want to eat it. .. .. It seems that they are sold in boxes at the counter, but I bought them in bulk because I said, "It's okay to buy one at a time." A small size that fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. When I broke the castella dough, it contained white bean paste. It's a little hot rather than warm, and I'm satisfied with the cheeks at the storefront. This is like a lot of things. Visited in late August 2021.
bi wasa on Google

After a long time, I passed in front of the shop and lined up in a line to see how a small and cute city manga was completed. I learned that you can buy just one. It was freshly made. The taste is the same and it's delicious: D
石川雅美(まさみん) on Google

出来立てを食べに行きたいお店(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) 白あんラバーズの人は是非❤️ 今回はお土産でいただきました ハロウィンモデルが?かわいすぎました 一緒に塩辛いものを合わせて食べても美味しいです(*´꒳`*)
Shops you want to go to eat freshly made (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) If you are a Shiroan Lovers, please come ❤️ This time I got it as a souvenir Halloween model was too cute ? It is delicious to eat together with salty foods (* ´꒳` *)
三浦多史 on Google

甘い香りに誘われて、着いた先は、都まんじゅうさんです!いつ来ても、焼き立ての都まんじゅうを買いに、行列が出来ていますね!少し前は、1個で20円でしたが、今は、少し値上がりして1個で35円です!10個以上で包装をしてもらえます、袋は、有料になり大きさに合わせて値段も上がります!今回は、八王子のソウルフードと言える、都まんじゅうさんでまんじゅうを食べたいと思います!私の知っている知識では、八王子のソウルフードと言えば、八王子ラーメンと都まんじゅうが、思い付きます!そんなソウルフード目当てに、都まんじゅうさんに行くと、店頭には、早くも人集りが見えてきます!皆一様に都まんじゅうを、おみあげように買い求めています! 私も甘い香りの誘惑に負けて、列に並び10個入り350円を購入します!近くにベンチがあるので、我慢出来ずに可愛らしい一口まんじゅうを、一口でいただきます!出来立ての温かいまんじゅうで、生地は、モチモチしていて中の白餡が程良い甘さで、とても美味しいです! 食べたら最後、美味しいまんじゅうを、もう一つ、もう一つと食べてしまい、あっという間に、ペロリと10個入を完食してしまいました(笑)おみあげは、次回に預けて、まんじゅうの感想は、本当に美味しい温かなまんじゅうでした!病みつきになる、白餡の甘み、モチモチの生地!大満足ですね!皆様方も八王子の名物、都まんじゅうを是非とも食べてみては、いかがですか?贈答用にも喜ばれる逸品ですよ!そして、残念な事に都まんじゅうは、12月から材料の高騰により値上げが決まりました!1個35円が1個40円になりますので、覚えておいて下さいね!値上げしても、まだまだ良心的なお値段なので一安心です! 八王子のソウルフードは、持ち帰るまでが勝負の時間です、我慢出来ずに私の様にペロリと食べちゃいますからね(笑) 本当に、美味しく、可愛らしい一口まんじゅうでした!そして、八王子名物の都まんじゅうに感謝をし、ごちそうさまでした!
Invited by the sweet scent, I arrived at Miyako Manju! Whenever you come, there is a line to buy freshly baked manju! A little while ago, it was 20 yen for one piece, but now it's a little higher and it's 35 yen for one piece! You can wrap 10 or more bags, and the price will increase according to the size of the bag for a fee! This time, I would like to eat Manju at Miyako Manju, which can be said to be Hachioji's soul food! To my knowledge, Hachioji ramen and Miyako manju come to mind when it comes to Hachioji soul food! If you go to Miyako Manju for such a soul food, you can see a crowd of people at the store as soon as possible! Everyone is buying the Miyako Manju as if they were going to buy it! I also lost the temptation of the sweet scent and lined up in a row to buy 10 pieces for 350 yen! There is a bench nearby, so you can't stand it and have a cute bite-sized bun! Freshly made warm steamed buns, the dough is chewy and the white bean paste inside is moderately sweet and very delicious! When I ate it, I ate another delicious manju, and in a blink of an eye, I ate 10 pieces of buns (laughs). Was a really delicious warm steamed bun! Addictive, sweetness of white bean paste, chewy dough! I'm very satisfied! Why don't you try Hachioji's specialty, Miyako Manju? It's a gem that is also appreciated as a gift! And unfortunately, the price of Miyako Manju has been raised due to the soaring prices of materials from December! Please keep in mind that 35 yen per piece will be 40 yen per piece! Even if you raise the price, you can rest assured that the price is still reasonable! Hachioji's soul food is a game until you take it home, because you can't stand it and eat it like I do (laughs). It was a really delicious and cute bite bun! And thank you to Manju, the famous city of Hachioji, and thank you for your feast!

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