
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社賃貸ステーション本厚木店

住所 :

Asahicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0014 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.chintai-sta.com/content/atsugi/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Asahicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0014 Kanagawa,Japan
hajime suzuki on Google

物件を探しに行きました。 契約にはなりませんでしたが、親切に対応して頂けました。
I went to find a property. It was not a contract, but he kindly responded.
〈ロキ〉 on Google

The person in charge kindly responded to me by giving me detailed information about the property, or by calling the manager of the property and asking me if I had any questions.
ペンタブんワコム on Google

多分忙しすぎなのかな 対応とか言葉遣いとかはまぁ悪くないけど 基本的折り返しますとか連絡しますみたいなのは重要でもこっちから再度連絡しないと要件伝えられないよ。
Maybe too busy It ’s not bad to speak or speak It's important to contact you about basic wrapping, but if you don't contact us again, you won't be able to communicate your requirements.
kazue on Google

電話対応が酷い。 失礼な言葉遣いにも拘らず 鼻で笑い、話途中なのに保留にする。 二度とこちらにはお願いしません。
Telephone correspondence is terrible. Despite the rude wording Laugh with your nose and put it on hold even though you're in the middle of talking. Please do not ask here again.
4 kmkr on Google

予約無しでしたが、親切丁寧に対応して頂けました。物件のマイナスポイントも隠さずに教えてくれたため、非常に信頼できました。 機会があればまたお願いしたいです。
No reservation was made, but he was kind and polite. I was very trustworthy because it taught me the negative points of the property without hiding it. If there is an opportunity, I would like to ask again.
masa tabotabo on Google

Well. A small amount! We will not accept any troublesome cases for the poor. I wonder what. Correspondence is stupid.
田島怜 on Google

I went to the store because I was told that the person who was in charge of the call would try to find a property. Then, it was another person who responded. Despite telling the conditions, those who recommended the same property over and over again, proposed a property that did not meet the conditions, and responded to the customer who was next to it, thought that the language was not good. In addition to the conditions, the person who responded was like a newcomer, so I decided to make it ☆ 2. It was thought that parking fee and time were wasted.
battle heater on Google

ペット可の物件をネットで内見予約したが、当日店に行ったら「全て猫は不可の物件でした」と言われて内見できず無駄足になった。 猫を飼うことは事前に伝えていたのに先に調べておいてほしかった
I made a reservation for a pet-friendly property online, but when I went to the store on the day of the event, I was told that "all cats were not allowed" and I couldn't preview it, which was a waste of time. I told you in advance that I would like to have a cat, but I wanted you to check it first.

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