Asagiri - Agatsuma District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asagiri

住所 :

2185-10 Ozasa, Tsumagoi, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-1613, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87997
Postal code : 377-1613
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7:30PM
Sunday 11AM–7:30PM
Monday 11AM–7:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–7:30PM
Thursday 11AM–7:30PM
Friday 11AM–7:30PM

2185-10 Ozasa, Tsumagoi, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-1613, Japan
ai wo on Google

くるみ蕎麦を注文 普通のざるそばに、くるみダレが付いてきます。 二味楽しめて良いです。 値段は場所が場所だけに、ちょっとお高めですが、特別違うというわけではなかったですが、普通に美味しかったです。
Order walnut soba A walnut sauce is attached to the ordinary soba noodles. You can enjoy the two flavors. The price is a little expensive because the place is only the place, but it was not special, but it was usually delicious.
温泉サムライ on Google

The handmade soba and freshly fried tempura were delicious (^^)
T. Ishida (弐駆) on Google

嬬恋パノラマラインのドライブで寄りました。 パノラマラインから外れて10分ほどでアクセス出来ます。 とろそばを頂きましたが、少し甘めの蕎麦つゆと、とろろの相性が抜群でした。
We stopped by a drive of Tsumagoi Panorama Line. It can be accessed in about 10 minutes off the panorama line. I had Toro soba, but the sweetness of a little sweet soba noodles was very good.
bibi suzuki (ポポちゃん) on Google

くるみそば(冷)と肉ねぎそば(温)を食べました おそば美味しいです! くるみそばはコシもあり美味しいですね 水はセルフサービスなので、店員さんに声をかけると セルフでお願いしますと言われます(汗) それとお会計も個別の支払いはダメで、 まとめて会計してくださいと言われるので 注意が必要です(笑)
I ate walnut soba (cold) and meat onion soba (warm) Soba is delicious! Walnut soba is delicious and delicious Water is self-service, so if you call a clerk I'm told to ask for myself (sweat) Also, individual payments for accounting are not allowed, I was asked to do the billing together, so Be careful (laughs)
D 5 on Google

Admission was restricted due to corona measures, and infection measures were taken. The tatami room and chair seats are half and half. It's a place with poor access, but it was lined up at lunch. Tempura soba is a satisfying taste. I recommend it.
Satya. India on Google

蕎麦湯好きとしては、ここのが1番です! すご〜い濃いのが出てきます! もールチンいっぱい健康になりそう。 蕎麦湯目当てでも行くたくなる!
If you like soba hot water, this is the best! A great dark one will come out! I'm going to be healthy with lots of ruchin. I want to go even if I'm looking for soba hot water!
Nishino Yoshiyuki on Google

I visited again and it was delicious soba with thin noodles and chewy. The tempura was also freshly fried and crispy ?
中小路朋明 on Google

万座温泉から麓へ降りて昼食場所を探し放浪していたところ偶然見つけたこちらのお店。 国道144号から軽井沢方面へ続く県道235号を南下するとあたりにはのどかな畑が続きます。 この牧歌的なエリアにこちらのお蕎麦屋さんがございます 昼時に訪れましたが駐車場は県外ナンバーで混み合っておりました。 カウンター、テーブル席、座席とありますがそれほど箱は大きくはありません。店舗様としても混雑時は事前予約を推奨している模様。 今回はくるみそば(900円)をいただきました。 本場信州で口にしたあの味と遜色のないくるみダレの味に悶絶。 これで1,000円もしないのは素晴らしいの一言。 寒さの増す冬は暖かい蕎麦に食指が伸びそうになりますがやはり蕎麦はざるがおススメです。 ご馳走様でした♪♪
When I went down from Manza Onsen to the foot of the mountain and was wandering around looking for a place to have lunch, I found this shop by chance. If you go south on Prefectural Road 235, which continues from National Road 144 toward Karuizawa, you will see idyllic fields. There is this soba shop in this idyllic area I visited at noon, but the parking lot was crowded with numbers outside the prefecture. There are counters, table seats, and seats, but the boxes are not that big. It seems that the store recommends advance reservations when it is crowded. This time I got walnut soba (900 yen). I faint in agony with the taste of walnut sauce that is comparable to the taste I had in Shinshu. It's a wonderful word that it doesn't cost 1,000 yen. In winter when it gets colder, the index finger seems to grow on warm soba, but soba is recommended. It was a treat ♪♪

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