Arthentia Osaka - Osaka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Arthentia Osaka

住所 :

1 Chome-5-13 Edobori, Nishi Ward, Osaka, 550-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 550-0002
Webサイト :

1 Chome-5-13 Edobori, Nishi Ward, Osaka, 550-0002, Japan
Mike D. on Google

A wedding hall with a feeling of openness in the middle of the city. It was just right.
we will on Google

予算のかけかたにもよるんでしょうが、全体的な印象としては普通、といった感じでした。 そして一番気になったのが、チャペルのスピーカーが音割れしてた件。 その日たまたま、だったのかもしれませんが、せっかくの感動的な雰囲気が..と思いました。
It depends on how you spend your budget, but the overall impression was normal. And the most worrisome thing was that the chapel speaker was cracked. It may have happened that day, but I thought it was a moving atmosphere ..
dc ac on Google

カメラマンに対して。 警察に道路の占有を指導いただくレベルで 歩道にパソコンからコードが繋がりカメラまで。 目の前の狭い歩道の半分を占拠してまで玄関口で 撮影をしたいのであれば往来の激しくない 早朝にやるべきでは。 上下関係なく歩行者、自転車と行き交う中、 確かにすぐに撮影を終えたいのは人として当然、 わかります。 でもその状況を作ったのはこの式場ですね。 本来歓待の精神、おもてなしの最上であるべき 迎賓という立ち位置の入り口、 窓口で完全に人を待たせ、魅せる部分のみカットした 写真をページやSNSに載せるんだろうな、 と思うとこの人たちには見え方しか気にせず、 実際を見た人の気持ちを考えられない、 サービスの人間としてはかなりの程度の低さ、 この状況を良しとしているマネージメント側の 指導レベルの低さを感じます。 色んな状況があり、その状況を作り出し 感動の琴線にふれることもあれば 避けられないことが人の逆鱗に ふれることもあるとは思いますが、 クレームが文字に残り、 ましてや時間をかけて選ばれる性質の場所。 精進ください。 かなり迷惑でしたよ。
Against the photographer. At a level where the police guide the occupation of the road From the computer to the sidewalk, the cord is connected to the camera. Occupying half of the narrow sidewalk in front of you If you want to shoot, the traffic isn't intense Should be done early in the morning. While going up and down with pedestrians and bicycles, Of course, as a person who wants to finish shooting right away, I understand. But it was this ceremony that created the situation. The spirit of hospitality should be the best of hospitality The entrance of the standing position called the reception, I made people wait completely at the window and cut only the attractive parts. I wonder if my photos will be posted on pages or SNS. I think that these people only care how they look, I can't think of the feelings of people who actually saw it, As a service person, quite low, On the management side, this situation is good I feel a low level of instruction. There are various situations, Sometimes you can touch the moving chords What is inevitable is the reverse scale of people I think that you may touch, The claim remains in the letter, A place of nature chosen over time. Please do your best. It was quite annoying.
OGI HIRO on Google

アクセスは最高の立地 少し庭が狭いかな… でも使いやすそうな結婚式場です(^^)
Great location for access I wonder if the garden is a little small ... But it's a wedding hall that seems to be easy to use (^^)
Yoshikazu on Google

部下の披露宴に参列 部下の挙式・披露宴に参列致しました。 メニューは ・燻製サーモンと柑橘 根菜マリネを添えて ・旬の野菜を使った 食べるスープ仕立て ・旬魚とやさいの蒸し焼き 春菊ソース ・鴨胸肉のローストと南蛮 ・蕎麦の実入りパスタと鴨コンソメ ・ウェディングケーキとデザート 鴨以外の料理は、火の通り具合、ソース・スープと野菜の絡みともに良くて美味しくいただけました。
Attend a subordinate's reception I attended a wedding and reception for my subordinates. The menu is ・ Smoked salmon and citrus with root marinade ・ Taste soup using seasonal vegetables ・ Steamed grilled seasonal fish and sashimi Shunchiku sauce ・ Roasted duck breast and Nanban ・ Soba noodle pasta and duck consomme ・ Wedding cake and dessert The dishes other than the duck were good and tasty, as was the condition of the fire, the sauce and soup and the vegetables.
mom on Google

I definitely don't like this place if I have a ceremony. Are they all part-time workers? They don't make the guide fragile, they don't say anything when they bump into the ceremonial hall, and they don't come for drinks. In the end, I was surprised that I couldn't clean the toilet. There is no amiability on a happy day. 80% of the staff were like that. It was helpful in choosing a wedding hall.
木綿のハンカチーフください on Google

3月27日結婚式をこちらで挙げました。 さすがtg!打ち合わせから挙式まで対応が素晴らしく、不安な点は全くなかったです。 ゲストからは、料理や演出はもちろん、スタッフさんを沢山褒めていただけて、凄く嬉しかったです。 ドリンクが空になると直ぐに次のドリンクを聞いてくれていたそうです。 特にプランナーさんには大変お世話になりました。 会えなくなるのは寂しいですが、また1人、大好きな人が増えました。 こんなに綺麗で素敵な式場を、貸切で挙式できて大満足です! 書出せばキリがないくらい大好きな式場です。 当日お世話になった全てのスタッフさんに感謝しております。
We had a wedding on March 27th here. As expected tg! The correspondence from the meeting to the wedding was excellent, and there were no concerns. I was very happy that the guests praised the staff as well as the food and direction. As soon as the drink was empty, he asked for the next drink. Especially, I am very grateful to the planner. It's lonely that I can't meet, but one more person I love has increased. I am very happy to be able to charter a wedding ceremony at such a beautiful and wonderful ceremony! It's a wedding hall that I love so much that I can write it out. We are grateful to all the staff who took care of us on the day.
Jane Madry on Google

I was here for my sister celebrated wedding, but I thought it was not good. Here location is very good, and beautiful build and, many beautiful art! but,, they service was bud,, some staff can't speak English so much and no smile... this is celebrate...

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