アートヘアー マー(art hair MaR)

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アートヘアー マー(art hair MaR)

住所 :

Kikutamachi, Koriyama, 〒963-0551 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : http://xn--ccka7isc5a7ndb.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Fukushima

Kikutamachi, Koriyama, 〒963-0551 Fukushima,Japan
shanti 999 on Google

あかるいあした on Google

Even though I think it's ?, I'd like to go there three times and ❤ I don't think it's the hairstyle I want, but I wonder if it will look good. Well, I got compliments from the people around me. I just wanted to restore my hair so I was looking forward to it when I found it. It is good to explain the restoration solution, show it as "this", or tell the process time and statement time.
このみ on Google

I go there once a month in a homely atmosphere. ✂︎ I was impressed when I had a silky beauty treatment salon. I want to do it again because it has a lot of volume and the curly hair is smooth and straight hair. Not only hair coloring and cutting techniques, but also talking is fun and recommended.
けい on Google

月1でお世話になってます。 ここに来る度に、どんどん髪が良くなる✨ カラーをするたびに、まとまりもツヤも良くていつも周りからも高評価で感激して帰ってます。(白髪も綺麗にそまります!) 全てお任せで可愛く&キレイにしてくれます。 お店の雰囲気や店長やそこで働く人達が良い方ばかりで癒されて、髪も心も元気になれるステキな場所です?
I am indebted on January 1. Every time I come here, my hair gets better and better Every time I do a color, I feel good and come back with a high rating from the surroundings, always with good quality and gloss. (White hair is also beautiful!) It leaves everything pretty and beautiful. It is a wonderful place where the atmosphere of the shop and the store manager and the people who work there are all healed and the hair and mind are fine.
大谷彩夏 on Google

This time I became indebted with cutting and color. Cut can advise you with precision as you can advise adequately every time while consulting troubles of hairstyle during child rearing. The color is supposed to be in color but gloss comes out before the treatment, it becomes smooth and hair is repaired and impressed every time you color. And it is a beauty salon with a homely atmosphere that willingly accommodate our children.
rママ on Google

毎月お世話になってます♬ カラーもパーマもする度に髪がツヤツヤサラサラになって、いつもお友達に褒められます✨ カットも私の好みやスタイルをわかってくれているので、安心してお任せしてます。 アットホームで大好きなお店です! これからもよろしくお願いします?
I am indebted to you every month ♬ Every time I color and perm my hair becomes shiny and smooth, and my friends always praise me ✨ The cut also understands my taste and style, so I'll leave it to you with confidence. It's a homely and favorite shop! Thank you for your continued support ?
Mameに育つ on Google

通わせていただいてます! キャリア20年の店長さんの技術に驚きです。こちらの悩みを、言ってないのに理解し解決してくれます!!お聴きしたら「年齢ー5歳のカット」を心がけてくださっているそうで、感動しました。 また、美髪修復士の方のシャンプーがスゴい! ツボを刺激しながらなので、リフトアップまでしてくれます。美容室に行った翌日夫に「整形した?」っと聞かれたほど効果ありです(実話) 正直、家からはちょっと遠いのですが、他にはない美容室なので通いたいと思います。
I will let you go! I am surprised at the skill of the store manager who has 20 years of career. It understands and solves this problem even though I haven't said it! !! When I listened to it, I heard that he was trying to cut "age-5 years old", and I was impressed. Also, the shampoo for hair restorers is amazing! Since it stimulates the acupoints, it even lifts up. The day after I went to the beauty salon, it was so effective that my husband asked me, "Did you have plastic surgery?" (True story) To be honest, it's a little far from home, but I would like to go there because it's a unique beauty shop.
渡辺美歩 on Google

アートヘアーマーに通うようになってから 髪質が良くなりました。 スタイリストの方たちも明るく親切で 居心地がいいです。 何よりも炭酸泉ソーダスパが最高です。 頭皮がスッキリ爽快。
Since I started attending art hair mer Hair quality has improved. The stylists are also cheerful and kind It's cozy. Above all, the carbonated spring soda spa is the best. The scalp is refreshing and refreshing.

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