4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Fushimicho, Fukuyama, 〒720-0062 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト :
街 : Hiroshima
Description : Utilitarian dorms & minimalist rooms in a contemporary hostel featuring a cafe/bar.

Fushimicho, Fukuyama, 〒720-0062 Hiroshima,Japan
ごうちゅーぶ on Google

福山駅前と立地が良い 接客は丁寧⭐️2人で泊まって11000円 安価 最上階を選ぶと何故か2万になった 高くて景観もないので そこを借りる意味はないかなと。 (泊まってないので分からないけど) 駐車場が遠い、受付から部屋までが遠い 階段で上まで上がるのが不便 洗面スペースにタオル掛けがない 部屋でする事はなく お出かけがメインになると思う?
Good location in front of Fukuyama station Customer service is polite ⭐️ 11000 yen for 2 people staying Cheap When I chose the top floor, it became 20,000 for some reason Because it is expensive and there is no landscape I wonder if there is any point in renting it. (I don't know because I haven't stayed) The parking lot is far, the reception is far from the room It is inconvenient to go up the stairs There is no towel rack in the washroom Nothing to do in the room I think going out will be the main ?
A W on Google

福山駅すぐの、飲食店も充実するエリアに位置する、まち全体をひとつの「宿」と見立てた「まちやど」。(日本まちやど協会にも加盟) レセプションを兼ねるカフェは、コワーキングとも一体化しており、1杯飲みながら仕事するにも最適。 スタッフの方も優しく柔軟で、街のコンシェルジュ的にお店を色々教えてくれる。(すぐ近くの広島風お好み焼きのはっせいさんのテイクアウトも美味しかった!) 客室は4階個室だったが、とても広い。 暖房が効きづらい感があったが、外が寒すぎたのかも。 ゲストハウスの共用スペースとか楽しめる人には、宿泊利用以外でも、カフェはオススメなので、是非。
"Machiyado" is located in an area with plenty of restaurants, right next to Fukuyama Station, and the entire town is regarded as an "inn". (Joined the Japan Machiyado Association) The cafe, which doubles as a reception, is also integrated with coworking, making it ideal for working while drinking a glass. The staff are also kind and flexible, and they will teach you various shops like a concierge in the city. (The takeout of the nearby Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki Hassei-san was also delicious!) The guest room was a private room on the 4th floor, but it is very large. I felt that the heating did not work well, but maybe it was too cold outside. For those who can enjoy the common space of the guesthouse, we recommend the cafe, even if you are not staying at the hotel.
林田大幸 on Google

ホテル側の確認不足により、こちらの意図とは異なる予約がされた。 それが当日、現地に到着してから発覚。 ホテル側の落ち度であるにも関わらず受け付けてもらえず、キャンセル扱いにすると。 しかしその後もキャンセルはされず、料金は取られたまま。 今まで泊まってきた中で、最悪のホテルです。
Due to lack of confirmation on the part of the hotel, the reservation was made differently from our intention. It was discovered after arriving at the site on the day. Even though it was a fault on the hotel side, it was not accepted and it was treated as a cancellation. However, it was not canceled after that, and the fee was still taken. This is the worst hotel I have ever stayed at.
花岡優子 on Google

When purchasing a ticket, the previous customer was struggling to issue a ticket in a long line, but no staff member was available. Parking tickets are only available for one hour. I don't feel like going anymore ⤵️
CHIBA深香 on Google

フロントでもある場所は、おしゃれなカフェ空間。気さくで優しいスタッフの皆さん。何より、こだわりのメニューは、何を飲んでも食べても美味しい! 駅すぐの場所で、おしゃれにリノベーションされたお部屋で宿泊もできて、充実のワークスペースもあるなんて、最高です!!コロナが収束したらまた伺います★
The place that is also the front desk is a fashionable cafe space. Friendly and friendly staff. Above all, the special menu is delicious no matter what you drink or eat! It's great that you can stay in a stylishly renovated room right next to the station and have a fulfilling workspace! !! I will come back when the corona converges ★
29 KYOHEI on Google

【良かった点】 ・受付の女性の接客が良かった ・ベッドがおそらくシモンズで寝心地が良い ・伏見町のアンダーグラウンドな空気感が部屋に再現されていたような気がする ・県民割で予約したら下の池口精肉店でお弁当がもらえた ・ソープ類がイソップ ・トイレが最新 【良くなかった(改善した方がよい)点】 ・お風呂の排水溝に前の人の髪の毛が詰まっていた。コーキング部分にカビが生えている。 ・トイレットペーパーが残り少なかった ・ベランダのスリッパが汚かった ・お風呂の換気扇にホコリが溜まっている ・館内案内がシワシワになっている ・屋上に上がる階段は閉鎖しとかないと足を滑らせて落下してしまう危険性が高そう。万が一お酒に酔ってる人などもいることを考えて封鎖した方が良いかも?5階から地上まで落ちたら大怪我では済まないかも… →改善点はすぐにでも直せそうなことばかりなので致命的なものはないように感じました! 県民割を利用して全体的に6000円くらいだと満足なお部屋でした! 受付で丁寧に案内してくださったスタッフさん、ありがとうございました!
【It was good point】 ・ The female customer service at the reception was good. ・ The bed is probably Simmons and comfortable to sleep in ・ I feel that the underground atmosphere of Fushimi-cho was reproduced in the room. ・ If I made a reservation with the prefectural discount, I got a lunch box at the Ikeguchi Meat Shop below. ・ Soaps are isop ・ The latest toilet [Not good (it should be improved)] ・ The drainage ditch of the bath was clogged with the hair of the previous person. Mold grows on the caulking part. ・ There was not enough toilet paper left ・ The slippers on the balcony were dirty ・ Dust has accumulated in the ventilation fan of the bath. ・ The information in the hall is wrinkled. ・ If you do not close the stairs that go up to the roof, there is a high risk that you will slip and fall. Maybe it's better to block it in case some people get drunk. If you fall from the 5th floor to the ground, you may not be seriously injured ... → I felt that there was nothing fatal because all the improvements could be fixed immediately! It was a satisfying room when it was about 6000 yen overall using the prefectural discount! Thank you to the staff who kindly guided us at the reception!
菊地永史 on Google

エリアインに1泊 ここが出来る前からここの場所は知っていたのですが地元なので中々泊まる機会もなかったのですが今回やっといけました。 部屋は広く建物の古さの割には外の音も殆ど気にならず、コロナ禍の緊急事態出てる中街にダイブはせずのんびりと部屋で過ごすのも悪くないなと感じた場所です。 味気のない狭いビジネスホテルだと出たくて仕方ないのですが照明や家具、建具などがゆったり出来る気分を作ってくれてます。 近場で非日常を味わえるのはとてもいい環境です^^
1 night at Area Inn I knew the place here before I could do it, but I didn't have a chance to stay there because I was a local, but I finally got it this time. The room is large and the sound of the outside is hardly noticeable for the age of the building, and it is a place where I felt that it is not bad to spend a leisurely time in the room without diving in the middle town where the emergency situation of Corona is coming out. .. I can't help but want to go out in a small business hotel with no taste, but it makes me feel like I can relax with lighting, furniture, fittings, etc. It is a very nice environment to be able to experience extraordinary things in the vicinity ^ ^
Satoko Nisikawa on Google

5Fの部屋に娘と2人で宿泊。階段なので足はフラフラ(笑)なんかイカゲームを連想してしまう扉にちょっとドキドキ。 部屋に入るとBlue好きの娘のテンション上がりました。お洒落でカッコイイ! でも打ちっぱなしの部屋、シャワーのみなので冬場は少し寒いかも。とはいえ暖房や加湿器もあり、清潔な寝具で快適に睡眠できました。 朝にはカフェバーでキッシュと珈琲をいただきましたが、とても美味しかったです! キッシュのパイはサクサク、ほうれん草たっぷりでヘルシー且つボリューミーでした。珈琲はサイフォンでいれてくださり、最高に美味しかったです。 壇上さんの爽やかで優しい接客に安心して過ごせました。ありがとうございました。
We stayed in the room on the 5th floor with our daughter. Because it's a staircase, my legs are fluttering (laughs) I'm a little nervous at the door that reminds me of a squid game. When I entered the room, my daughter who loved Blue got excited. Fashionable and cool! However, it may be a little cold in winter because it is a room that is left untouched and only a shower. However, there was a heater and a humidifier, and I was able to sleep comfortably with clean bedding. I had quiche and coffee at the cafe bar in the morning and it was very delicious! The quiche pie was crispy, full of spinach, healthy and voluminous. The coffee was siphoned and it was the best. I was able to spend my time with peace of mind with the refreshing and gentle customer service of Mr. Danjo. Thank you very much.

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