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Contact 千丸台接骨院

住所 :

Araicho, Hodogaya Ward, Yokohama, 〒240-0053 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.senmarudai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Araicho, Hodogaya Ward, Yokohama, 〒240-0053 Kanagawa,Japan
mayumi miura on Google

足の痛みで通院して、院長先生と相談しながら、 早く治るプランをたててもらい、今ではスッカリ、 治りました。 今では、今まで、悩み続けていた肩凝りも相談して 和らげる為、良いプランをたててもらい、治療中‼️ 肩凝りもより良くなっているのを実感しています♬
While going to the hospital due to pain in the foot, consulting with the director, I had a plan to get better soon, now I am Sukari, It cured. Today, I also consulted stiff shoulders that had been troubling until now In order to relieve me, I have a good plan and I am under treatment! A I feel that shoulder stiffness is also getting better ♬
kato hiromi on Google

ひどい肩凝りや生活習慣から来る体全体の不調を、問診から的確な施術をしてくださるので、毎回とても助かっています。 筋膜調整を中心にその日の不調を改善していただけるので、明日からの仕事にも前向きになれます。
I am doing the exact treatment from inquiries from the bad shape of stiff shoulders and lifestyle injuries, so I am saved very much every time. Since we can improve disorder of the day mainly focusing on fascia adjustment, we can be positive to work from tomorrow as well.
立沢美和子 on Google

最初は腰と足が痛くて通院してましたが、とても親身になって施術していただいたお陰で今は痛みはなくなったのですが、メンテナンスのためにずっとお世話になってます。 年齢的にあちこち痛くなったりしても、すぐに治療してもらえて自分でメンテナンスする方法とかも教えてもらえるのでいつでも調子が良いです。 スタッフの方も皆さんフレンドリーで楽しく通ってます。 これからもお世話になります。
At first I was hospitalized with waist and legs hurting, but now I have got no pain because of my very kindness, but I have been indebted to maintenance for the sake of maintenance. Even if it hurts around age, I will be able to treat you right away and teach me how to maintain by myself so I am always in good shape. Everyone of the staff is friendly and fun to go. I am indebted for your help from now on.
大森早苗 on Google

毎日立ち仕事で、肩、首、腰がつらく今日も腰の痛さでみていただきました。 まず、うつ伏せになり診てもらうと先生から足の長さが全然違うと… 数十分の施術で、写真を見せてもらうと先ほど長さの違かった足の長さがきっちりと揃っていました∑(゚Д゚) その後全身施術していただき全身のダルさ痛みがスッキリととれました!
Everyday in standing work, my shoulder, neck and waist are painful today Today I saw it with my back pain. First of all, if you get stared late and you have a look, the length of your feet is totally different from your teacher ... With dozens of minutes of treatment, when I showed pictures, the lengths of legs with different lengths were exactly aligned Σ (゚ Д ゚) After that I underwent whole body treatment, I could feel the pain of the whole body refreshed!
kyou k on Google

腰痛でかかりました。丁寧に施術してくれて、帰る時は身体が楽になります。もちろん腰痛も軽減します。仕事柄、腰痛はいつも隣り合わせなので、今は筋膜調整を受け、身体を整えてもらいながら仕事できてます。 迷っている方は、是非、先生にご相談してみるといいかもです。
I had a backache. Careful care is given and your body will be easier when you return. Of course it also relieves back pain. Work pattern, low back pain is always side by side, so now I am able to work while receiving physical adjustment and getting my body adjusted. If you are in doubt, you may want to consult your teacher.
山口幸子 on Google

私は、腰痛持ちで、先生の所に来た時は、歩くのも辛い、立っているのも辛い、座っていられない辛くて…と、仕事も何もできない最悪な状態でした。私は介護福祉士です。今の仕事を続けるのは難しいのかな?と思っていました。でも、先生に治療をして頂き、とても楽になりました。今も介護の仕事を元気に続けています。メンテナンスで先生の所にも通わせて頂いています。これからも先生にお世話になりたいと思います。 先生、よろしくお願いします!
I had low back pain, and when I came to the teacher, it was painful to walk, it was painful to be standing, it was painful not to sit ... that was the worst state I could not do any work. I'm a care worker. I wonder if difficult to continue the current job is? I thought that. But, will the treatment to the teacher, became very easy. Also continued vitality of the work of nursing now. Let me also attend to the place of the teacher in the maintenance. I would like to take care of my teacher from now on. Teacher, thank you!
吉見久留美 on Google

50代の介護福祉士です。足の指を怪我して数年ぶりに来院して以来、定期的に通院しています。 院長先生の筋膜調整は自分の身体のメンテナンスに欠かせない施術ですので安心して日々の現場仕事がこなせているので心から感謝でいっぱいです。 身体に痛みが生じるとすぐに対処して頂けて元気で頑張ってます!
It is a care worker in his 50's. I have been hospitalized regularly since I came in the hospital for the first time in several years after injured my fingers. Because the fascia adjustment of the director's teacher is an indispensable procedure for the maintenance of my body, I am full of gratitude from the bottom of my heart since I can do work on daily worksite with confidence. As soon as pain in the body arises you can deal with it and I am working hard fine!
石川浩久 on Google

Because I had a stiff shoulder, I was relieved after being asked to perform fascial adjustment. Now I am living a painless life with maintenance every one and a half months. The teacher understands my constitution, so I can be relieved. Besides, you can tell me how to control pain with SNS. Wherever you go, I recommend that you have treatment once if you can not get pain.

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