AQUA Daizawaten Coin Laundry - Setagaya City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact AQUA Daizawaten Coin Laundry

住所 :

4 Chome-46-8 Daizawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 155-0032, Japan

Postal code : 155-0032
Webサイト :

4 Chome-46-8 Daizawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 155-0032, Japan

他の方も書かれているように 管理人の方のクセが凄いです。 いない時を狙っていくのですが7割ぐらいいるので自分は運がついてないと思ってます。
As others have written The habit of the manager is amazing. I'm aiming for when I'm not there, but I think I'm out of luck because it's about 70%.
木村友香 on Google

正直星一つもつけたくありません。 管理人さんなのかおばあさんが感じ悪すぎです。 近くのコインランドリーを探していて、Wi-Fiがあるけど遠くのところを使っていました。 ここの方が近いので色々みていたら、おばあさん(店主なのか管理人なのか知りませんが)に話しかけられて高圧的な態度にびっくりしました。きいただけなのにすごく怒られ意味がわかりません。一度も使用していませんが二度といきません。
To be honest, I don't want to get a single star. The grandmother feels too bad whether she is a caretaker. I was looking for a coin-operated laundry nearby, and I had Wi-Fi but used it far away. I'm closer to this place, so when I was looking around, I was surprised at the high-pressure attitude when the grandmother (I don't know if I'm the owner or the manager) talked to me. I was just angry but I got angry and I didn't understand the meaning. I have never used it, but I will never go again.
中村辰郎 on Google

上に住んでるオーナーのばぁさんが一々うるさかったです。最初は気にならなかったのでが、段々と。 初めのほうは世間話程度で、私も特に嫌いではないので、無難に会話していたのですが、こちらが気を許したら段々と調子に乗ってきたんですかね。長居するなとか、本読むなとか、飲み物は外で飲めとか。最初から指定してれば良いのに、後だしで言われても、と腹に据えかねましたが何も言いませんでした。 挙句の果てに、洗濯終わって、車出そうと思って五分位ナビ設定してたら、『エンジン音がうるさい』と。 自分で用意している駐車場なのに車停めるな、って事ですかね? 二度と行きません。
The owner's grandmother who lives above was noisy one by one. I didn't care at first, but gradually. At the beginning, it was just a small talk, and I didn't particularly dislike it, so I had a safe conversation, but if I was willing to accept it, I think I was getting better and better. Don't stay long, read books, drink outside. I could have specified it from the beginning, but I couldn't get angry if I was told later, but I didn't say anything. After all, when I finished washing and set the quintile navigation to get out of the car, I said, "The engine noise is noisy." Does that mean you shouldn't park your car even though it's your own parking lot? I will never go again.
Lan Kid on Google

とりあえず管理人みたいな婆さんが酷い。 口の聞き方もわかってないというか失礼で高圧的で不愉快でしかない。 少なくとも私は2度といきません。
For the time being, an old woman like a caretaker is terrible. I don't even know how to hear it, it's rude, high-pressure, and unpleasant. At least I won't go again.
wasi sasuga on Google

ここのおばぁ、管理人というか正確には監視人。 異物混入避けるため、客一人一人に禁止洗濯物を伝えるのはいいが、 何度もしつこい。 1度目の利用時はそれほどウザく感じなかったが、 2度目の利用しようかと、3台駐車スペースに私のクルマ1台停めて 訪ねると、空くまで少し待ち状態。 そこで待とうか思案してると、待たれて駐車スペース使われることを 嫌い、まだ2台分空いてるのにも関わらず、さっさと他店へ行け、 と言わんばかりの言動をしたおばぁ。 このおばぁにとって、客は客ではなくカネであり、回転最優先、 実に失礼千万な接客態度である。 2度と利用することはない。 よって正確には☆はゼロです。
The aunt here, the caretaker, or to be exact, the watcher. It is good to tell each customer the prohibited laundry to avoid foreign matter, Persistent many times. I didn't feel so annoyed when using it for the first time, I parked one of my cars in the parking space for three cars to use it for the second time. When I visited, I waited for a while until it became available. When I was thinking about waiting there, I thought that I would be waiting and the parking space would be used. I hate it, even though there are still two cars available, I can go to another store quickly An aunt who just said and acted. For this aunt, the customer is not the customer, but the money, and the rotation is the highest priority. It is a very rude customer service attitude. I will never use it again. Therefore, to be exact, ☆ is zero.
tomo o on Google

スニーカー洗濯目的で利用。 平日夕方に行って、普通の洗濯機の稼働台数は3台くらい。 スニーカー(1台のみ)は空いてた。 大人4足入れられて20分200円。乾燥は20分100円。安い! 小綺麗だし安いし、利用状況がサイトでリアルタイムで見れるのが良かったです。 ほかのクチコミにあるようなおばあさんは見当たりませんでした。 WiFiはなく、2人がけベンチが1脚。両替機あり。
Used for washing sneakers. I go to the evening on weekdays and the number of normal washing machines in operation is about three. The sneakers (only one) were empty. 200 yen for 20 minutes for 4 adults. Drying is 100 yen for 20 minutes. cheap! It was nice and cheap, and it was good that the usage status could be seen on the site in real time. I couldn't find an old woman like in other reviews. There is no WiFi and one bench for two people. There is a money changer.
Tetsu on Google

A little expensive. I recommnd to wash at home amd come to dry.
Adrien Carpentier on Google

I'm glad to see here that I'm not the only one who have been annoyed by the famous Aqua Coin Laundry old lady. She kept shouting at me in Japanese that I did something wrong, but as my Japanese language abilities understanding old ladies are limited, to say the least, I couldn't get what I did wrong. Nevertheless, she kept shouting that I could perfectly understand what she was saying - which is, in a way, the best compliment I ever received about my Japanese speaking abilities. Well, if only I did. This was indeed rude, but this is nothing compared to the fact that I now have to face the unanswered question of what I did wrong, which will remain one of the biggest mystery of my meaningless existence.

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