aQua 浪打店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact aQua 浪打店

住所 :

Namiuchi, 〒030-0961 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–7PM
Sunday 8:30AM–7PM
Monday 8:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–7PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–7PM
Thursday 8:30AM–7PM
Friday 8:30AM–7PM
街 : Aomori

Namiuchi, 〒030-0961 Aomori,Japan
佐藤康平 on Google

The barber will respond with a gentle tone. There is a stamp card.
小笠原崇美 on Google

The beautician was a very nice person, and I was glad I wanted to go forever ?
熊谷悟 on Google

2021/3/14 散髪しました。長年、床屋に行ってますが一番、雑に扱われた。60歳ぐらいの店員。値上げして雑。もう二度と行かない。星ゼロ0ですね。 プラージュがいい。
2021/3/14 I had a haircut. I've been to a barber shop for many years, but it was the most sloppy. A clerk about 60 years old. Raise the price and miscellaneous. I will never go again. It's zero stars. Plage is good.
お米 on Google

夕方17時頃伺いましたが、混んでおらず、スムーズに入れました 子どもをカットしていただきましたが、くすぐったくて動いてしまい、終始ご迷惑をおかけしましたが、優しく、いい感じにしていただきました 安いのに、ほんとに助かります!
I visited around 17:00 in the evening, but it wasn't crowded and I put it in smoothly. I had my child cut, but it tickled and moved, and I apologize for the inconvenience from beginning to end, but it was kind and nice. It's cheap, but it really helps!
にゃあ on Google

美容師さん変わっててびっくりしたけど、仕方ないのかなぁ。 前に居た人は、初めてでも、髪質を理解して、的確にアドバイスしてくれたけど、この前行った時違う人になってて、なんかわからないけど、やる気無い感じで、うーんって、思った。 安いから仕方ないんだろうけど。
I was surprised that the hairdresser changed, but I wonder if it can be helped. The person who was in front of me understood the hair quality and gave me accurate advice even for the first time, but when I went there the other day, I didn't know what it was, but I felt unmotivated, hmm. ,thought. I think it can't be helped because it's cheap.
ぽこぽこ on Google

I went to some barber shops like this, but this one is very polite, good and smart, and I have no complaints!
青森の変人701 on Google

The clerk was also friendly, very easy to talk to and reasonably priced, so it is highly evaluated.
N S on Google

It is the use of a beauty salon. Since the staff was alone, I think it will take some time to wait even if it is not crowded. The customer service was polite.

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