Apaman Shop - Tenri

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Apaman Shop

住所 :

788番地 Kawaharajocho, Tenri, Nara 632-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 632-0016
Webサイト : https://maruwa-realestate.com/

788番地 Kawaharajocho, Tenri, Nara 632-0016, Japan
hiroki fukui on Google

The person in charge answered the question in an easy-to-understand manner, and the customer service was good and I was able to find a house in a good mood.
そーし on Google

駅前で便利な場所でした。店内は広く綺麗で、わかりやすく親切にお話ししていただけました。 ラインなども使われていて、便利でした。
It was a convenient place in front of the station. The inside of the store was large and clean, and I was able to talk in an easy-to-understand and kind manner. Lines were also used and it was convenient.
千刃 on Google

He answered my trivial questions with a polite response, and kindly consulted with me. Thanks to that, I was able to select a satisfactory property.
堀口真理子 on Google

森心太朗 on Google

ぽん on Google

初めての利用でしたが電話・メール・LINEなど連絡手段が選べて、私はLINEで連絡を取っていましたが便利でした。 対応もみなさん親切丁寧でした!
It was my first time to use it, but I could choose the contact method such as telephone, email, and LINE, and I was in contact with LINE, but it was convenient. The correspondence was also kind and polite!
綾井諒一 on Google

親切な対応で話しやすく、とても良い印象でした。 また、店舗自体も綺麗でよかったです。
It was a very good impression because it was kind and easy to talk to. Also, it was good that the store itself was beautiful.
西田恵子 on Google

丁寧にまた、こちらの急ぎの要望にも素早く対応いただきました。 どの担当者の方もとても親切でした。 ありがとうございました。
We were polite and responded quickly to this urgent request. All the people in charge were very kind. Thank you very much.

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