蕎麦と酒 碧(AO)

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 蕎麦と酒 碧(AO)

住所 :

Futamatagawa, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0821 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Futamatagawa, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0821 Kanagawa,Japan
バス男 on Google

神奈川県横浜市旭区二俣川一丁目の蕎麦居酒屋。 相鉄線の二俣川駅から徒歩で約3分の場所にある。 なお、本蕎麦居酒屋はヒトサラ加盟店である。 また、入口にアルコール消毒液が設置されている。
A soba izakaya in Futamatagawa 1-chome, Asahi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa. It is about a 3-minute walk from Futamatagawa Station on the Sotetsu Line. This soba izakaya is a member of Hitosara. In addition, an alcohol disinfectant is installed at the entrance.
ぺこりん on Google

I visited for lunch. I thought it would be cheap because it was lunch, but it was around 1000 to 1300 yen per person. The taste was delicious! The atmosphere of the shop was also fashionable and beautiful. There are several dishes other than buckwheat noodles. It may be good to go to 〆 after drinking.
Yoshinori Saito on Google

免許証書き換えで運転免許センターへ。途中のお蕎麦屋さんで昼食。店内清潔でよし。山かけ丼も蕎麦も美味しかった。薬味のワサビよし。 瓶ビール頼んだら小瓶しかなくてチョット残念。
Rewrite your license to the driver's license center. Lunch at a soba restaurant on the way. The inside of the store is clean and good. Both the Yamakake-don and the soba were delicious. Condiment wasabi is good. When I ordered a bottle of beer, I was sorry that there was only a small bottle.
セナ on Google

正確には3.5点くらいかな!? 天婦羅が食べたくなって、蕎麦屋=天婦羅が美味しいという個人的な見解で入店。 中は広くオシャレな創りで、出来たばかりと言う事で綺麗です。 天婦羅しか食べてませんが、味的には一般的な感じでした。 ただお客様は3組程度しかおらず、そこの料理は提供されてるのに、私の料理が出てくるまで20分以上かかりました。 しかも、アツアツホクホクではなかったのが残念。 岩塩と少し温めたカツオ出汁がついてきますが… 大根おろし、その他薬味など、一切ありませんでした。 岩塩はオシャレな小瓶に入って見た目は良いですが、ただただ使いずらい。 料理の置き方も写真の通り… 海老の尻尾が私側を向いて出てきたのは、初めてな気がします。 ビールやお手拭きの向きも私が写真用に修整しましたし、そう言う「こだわり」は、あまり無いように感じました。 さすがに蕎麦を食べる気にはなれず… コスパもかなり高めに感じたのでお店を出ました。 生(エビス)、小瓶(ドライ)、写真の内容の天ぷら盛りのみで、税込み約3100円は…って気がします。
To be precise, about 3.5! ? Tempura wants to eat, so I entered the shop with my personal opinion that soba shop = tempura is delicious. The inside is wide and stylish, and it is beautiful because it is just made. I ate only Tempura, but it tasted general. However, there were only about three sets of customers, and it took more than 20 minutes for my food to come out even though the food there was provided. Moreover, I am sorry that it was not hot. It comes with rock salt and a little warm bonito soup ... There was no radish or other condiments. The rock salt looks good in a stylish small bottle, but it is just hard to use. The way to put the dishes is as shown in the picture ... It's the first time that the shrimp's tail has turned to my side. I also modified the orientation of beer and towels for photography, and I felt that there wasn't much of that "stick". As expected, I didn't want to eat soba ... I left the store because the cospa felt quite high. It is only raw (ebisu), small bottle (dry), tempura of the contents of the photo, about 3100 yen including tax ... I feel like.
Kark Kark on Google

しっかり 手をかけた料理を 提供してくれます。 ちょっとしたところにも 仕事をしてくれている 心遣いがあります。 お値段も リーズナブルだと・・ お店の雰囲気も 良いと思います。 新しく、まだキレイなお店なので、女性客も けっこういますよ。 (開店当時は 客を通すことも ままならなかったのですが・・・ この質を これからも保っていただきたいです~)
They will serve you well-crafted dishes. There is also the kindness of doing the work in a little place. The price is also reasonable ... I think the atmosphere of the shop is also good. It's a new and still beautiful shop, so there are quite a few female customers. (At the time of opening, we couldn't let customers through, but I hope you will continue to maintain this quality.)
Lt. Col. Ursa on Google

【2021年10月追記】 週末ランチタイムに初訪店しました。蕎麦は香り高く、食感・喉越し良くおいしく頂きました。ユメカサゴの天ぷらは揚げ具合が素晴らしく、これもまた大変美味しかったです。濃いめのつゆに蕎麦の先をちょこっと浸けて食べるスタイルを考えてでしょうか、つけつゆの量が若干少なかったです。 店内雰囲気はオシャレで、満足な昼食となりました。次は夜に"酒と肴、〆に蕎麦"で堪能したいです。 【2020年9月記載、11月追記】 水曜12時(9/16)に訪れたところシャッターが閉まっていて休みでした。「しばらくは木曜日のランチは休みます」との貼り紙はありましたが、他の曜日も当面は要チェックですね。 追記: 当初は不定休(主に月曜休み)で開業したはずですが、いつの間にか水曜定休になっていたようです。改めて機会見つけて訪れてみようと思います。
[Updated in October 2021] I visited the store for the first time at lunch time on the weekend. The soba has a high aroma and is delicious with a good texture and throat. The fried helicolenus tempura was excellent and it was also very delicious. Perhaps you're thinking of a style of dipping the tip of soba in a thick soup and eating it, the amount of soba was a little small. The atmosphere inside the store was fashionable and it was a satisfying lunch. Next time, I would like to enjoy "Sake and side dishes, soba noodles" at night. [September 2020, November postscript] When I visited at 12:00 (9/16) on Wednesday, the shutter was closed and it was a holiday. There was a post saying "Lunch on Thursday will be closed for a while", but check it out on other days for the time being. Postscript: Initially, it should have opened on irregular holidays (mainly on Mondays), but it seems that it was closed on Wednesdays before I knew it. I will try to find another opportunity and visit.
daichi kawagoe on Google

冷たいざる蕎麦大盛りを注文。 通では無いのだけど素人的にも 喉越し、歯触り、蕎麦の風味、海苔の香りが良くて美味しかった。食べ終わりに提供いただいた蕎麦湯も濃厚で残った汁に入れても、入れなくても美味しいのだ。 お冷の代わりに出されたそば茶も美味しい。
I ordered a large serving of cold colander soba. I'm not a connoisseur, but even as an amateur It was delicious with a good throat, texture, soba flavor, and nori aroma. The soba hot water provided at the end of the meal is delicious with or without the rich soup. Buckwheat tea served instead of cold is also delicious.
小林修 on Google

It's so late that I can't think of it as a soba restaurant. It took 40 minutes from ordering to the soba coming out. The essential taste is also very normal. Instead of making soba in the store, it seems to be ordered and does not have the aroma of soba. The atmosphere of the restaurant is excellent and the price is too high for the taste. In addition, it was too bad to see the owner-like person talking to the regulars in the kitchen without wearing a mask. I will never go again.

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