Anytime Fitness - Ichinomiya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Anytime Fitness

住所 :

4 Chome-1-2 Ryogocho, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 491-0022
Webサイト :

4 Chome-1-2 Ryogocho, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0022, Japan
ベンベン on Google

Thank you for being open at any time. I'm not sure how to use the muscle training machine, so I'm using it by imitating it. I'd like to ask the staff once, but I couldn't talk to them ...
mk m on Google

It is very free during weekday daytime. Free weight corners are also substantial (1 Smith machine, 3 power racks (1 for squat and deadlift)). I felt that the number of muscle training machines was a little small. The staff are kind to everyone, and they will tell you how to use the machine. The shower room is also very beautiful, and it is saved with shampoo, conditioner and body soap. It is good because it is not a shampoo that can be used for business purposes.
Yuki S on Google

新しいほうのジムだと思いますので、設備はなかなかきれいで器具の種類も多いです。 トイレがいつも匂うのでもうちょっと掃除頻度を上げてもらえると嬉しいです。 あと最近合トレと称して大騒ぎしている集団が多くてもう少しジム全体としてのマナー喚起必要かと。 トレーニングの合間に話すことは悪いことではありませんが、声量やその器具を使いたくて待っている人がいるかもということは常に頭に入れておくべきだと思います。 店舗インスタに関しても、お客さんからの差し入れのデザート写真なんて関係ないもの載せているくらいならどこの器具を何人使っているかの報告の頻度上げたほうがよほど有益だと思います。頻度が逆だと思います。
I think that it is a new gym, so the facilities are pretty clean and there are many types of equipment. The toilet always smells so it would be nice to have the cleaning frequency increased a little. Also, there are many groups that have recently made a fuss about Gotore, and it is necessary to raise the manners of the gym as a whole. Speaking between training sessions is not a bad thing, but I think you should always keep in mind that there are people who are waiting because they want to use their equipment. As for store instagrams, I think it would be more useful to increase the frequency of reporting on what utensils are used and how many utensils are used, as long as they have unrelated dessert photos from customers. I think the frequency is the opposite.
rolly winkler on Google

広くてマシンも充実しているが、客のマナーが悪すぎる。 店員も最悪。女のコにばかり声掛けするナンパ店員。
It is spacious and has a lot of machines, but the manners of the customers are too bad. The clerk is also the worst. A pick-up clerk who only talks to girls.
Shuhei Takeuchi on Google

近くの一宮大和店と比較すると以下が異なる。 1.マシーンにタイムウォッチが自動計測してくれるのでインターバルが測定しやすい。 2.シャワー室は狭い
Compared to the nearby Ichinomiya Yamato store, the following are different. 1. Since the time watch automatically measures the machine, it is easy to measure the interval. 2. The shower room is small
山岸真 on Google

とにかく客と店員のマナーが悪い。 店員は入会手続き以外何もしない。 除菌シートが切れてるのに、点検せずに帰る。 トイレの石鹸容器が壊れていてまともに出てこない。 店員は手の消毒をしない。 夜間トレーニングしているここの店員は、ロッカーを使わない。その代わり荷物はソファに置くから一席埋まる。そして触ったところを拭かない。
Anyway, the manners of customers and clerk are bad. The clerk does nothing but the enrollment procedure. Even though the disinfection sheet has run out, I go home without checking. The soap container in the toilet is broken and does not come out properly. The clerk does not disinfect his hands. The clerk here training at night does not use lockers. Instead, the luggage is placed on the sofa, so one seat is filled. And don't wipe where you touch it.
にんにく馬刺し on Google

昼間は絶対行きたくない。スタッフが利用者を選り好みするから。 自分もだし、外国人利用者がマシン使用時に少々音を出したり、声を出しただけで注意しに来るくせに、仲の良い?若い常連が大声で談笑するのは止めない、なんなら一緒に混ざって笑ってる。気分悪すぎて集中できず、以来スタッフがいない時間にしか行かない。 あと若い女にやたら声かけるスタッフがいる、これも見てて気持ち悪い。 夜中はたまにガシャガシャうるさい利用者がいるが、おおむね平和でみんな黙々とトレーニングしてるので、これは良い。 ダンベルが40kgまでしかないのが難点。50kgまであればかなり良いのだが。
I definitely don't want to go during the day. Because the staff chooses the user. Are you on good terms, even though foreign users come to pay attention just by making a little noise or making a voice when using the machine? I can't stop young regulars chatting loudly, if anything, they mix and laugh together. I feel so sick that I can't concentrate, and since then I only go when there are no staff. There is also a staff member who talks to young women, which is also unpleasant to see. Occasionally there are noisy users in the middle of the night, but this is good because it's mostly peaceful and everyone is training silently. The drawback is that the dumbbells weigh only up to 40 kg. It's pretty good if it's up to 50kg.

To date, I've trained at 15 “Anytime” gyms. But, this gym is complete, and haveing apparatus and accessories to train the muscles And there is a room with a punching bag (サンドバック) but to wear it you must bring a pair of gloves. Even i showing a video that I was training without gloves in a punching bag (サンドバック), Staff did not allow me to train as it would be dangerous. The advantage is that you can train at “Anytime” affiliate. For people who travel a lot, or are always changing address due to employment, I recommend ... (╹◡╹)

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