4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


Angyoryonegishi, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0834 Saitama,Japan
石塚ひろみ on Google

Sigoto is fast and the owner is cool (* ^^ *)
Shinyo Yamamoto on Google

GL1800のことならここ! 都内から少しあるが知識も豊富!
Here is the GL1800! There is a little knowledge from Tokyo!
せきもりのパンダッシュ on Google

素晴らC〜〜〜FACTORY TOMBOY! 居心地抜群!!〜FACTORY TOMBOY!! 癒しを補Q〜〜FACTORY TOMBOY!!! 裏切ら無い〜〜FACTORY TOMBOY!!!! だから〜パンダッシュが、ここに来る!! ※もしかしたら〜パンダッシュに遭遇するかも…
Wonderful C ~~~ FACTORY TOMBOY! Outstanding comfort !! ~ FACTORY TOMBOY !! Healing Q ~~ FACTORY TOMBOY !!! There is no betray ~ ~ FACTORY TOMBOY !!!! That's why Pan Dash is here! ※ Maybe you will encounter a pan dash…
はむもこのママ on Google

My husband is indebted to him. Sometimes I was kind and touched by various things and sometimes my bike had a roof ... \ (^^) /
MIW on Google

売ったバイク以外はお断りってショップの言い分も分かりますが 廃業や引っ越しで行けなくなる事もあります。ここはそういった ショップ難民の受け皿になってくれました。個人店なので 何でもすぐとは行かないかも知れませんが、親切な店主さんでした。
I can understand what the shop says, except for the bikes I sold. You may not be able to go due to business closure or moving. Here is such It served as a saucer for shop refugees. Because it is a private store Everything may not go right away, but he was a kind shopkeeper.
R Y on Google

There is a kind and knowledgeable shopkeeper. I listened to the impossible and was saved. This is the recommended store
ねこまる on Google

There are many bike shops who dislike it as a trike, but they are kind to me without a disgusting face!
加藤実 on Google

急なビッグスクーター後輪のパンク故障で閉店過ぎても引き取って修理して頂きました。 その節は本当に助かり修理も早くて親切丁寧にやってもらって有難う御座いました。 私は現在43歳ですが22歳の頃からお世話になっております。 安心出来るお店なのでオススメします。
Even if the store was closed too much due to a sudden puncture failure on the rear wheel of the big scooter, it was picked up and repaired. Thank you very much for the kindness and politeness of the section, which was really helpful and the repairs were quick. I am 43 years old now, but I have been indebted since I was 22 years old. I recommend it because it is a shop where you can rest assured.

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