夕日ヶ浦温泉 旅館 静花扇

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 夕日ヶ浦温泉 旅館 静花扇

住所 :

Aminocho Hamazume, Kyōtango, 〒629-3245 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : http://www.hanaogi.jp/
街 : Kyoto
Description : Understated quarters in an elegant hot spring hotel offering sea views, bathing & dining.

Aminocho Hamazume, Kyōtango, 〒629-3245 Kyoto,Japan
植村誠治 on Google

I went to work. There is a parking lot on the side. The location is the best view.
阪神虎子 on Google

こぢんまりとした感じの旅館で眺望素晴らしくお部屋は綺麗だった。露天風呂は趣向を凝らした感じで清掃の行き届いた清潔感溢れる印象。ただ料理は鮮魚大皿盛と書いてたのに細長い皿に薄く切った小さなイサキと鰹とイカ、サザエがほんの少しずつ。黒毛和牛ミニステーキもミニミニミニサイズ3きれ。他の創作料理は美味しかったもののタイトルのメイン料理はもっとデラックスなものにして欲しかったなと思う。 刺身を期待して予約したのに大きいのは皿だけでがっかり!! 大皿盛と言えるものでは全くない! まるで誇大広告? 朝食の味噌汁は自分で鍋から入れるのが手間で沸騰し過ぎてしまった。器は全て素晴らしいが朝食はこれといったものがなく残念。 コロナの影響かお風呂にはシャンプー類のみで洗顔石鹸やコットン、ブラシ、ドライヤーもなしでとても不便だった。 フロントや年配の中居さんがめんどくさそうに話すのが気になった。 キャンペーンが始まったので喜んで予約に至ったけどまだまだ旅館には歓迎ムードが感じられず、接客という点では以前の口コミ評価程の点数は全く感じられなく残念だった。
The room was beautiful and the view was wonderful at a small inn. The open-air bath has an elaborate and well-cleaned impression. However, the dish was written as a large plate of fresh fish, but a thin plate of thin grits, bonito, squid, and turban shells were just a little bit. Japanese black beef mini steak is also mini mini mini size 3. I think other original dishes were delicious, but I wanted the title main dish to be more deluxe. I booked in anticipation of sashimi, but the only big thing was the dish, so I was disappointed! ! It is not something that can be said to be a large plate! It's like a hype ? I had to put the miso soup for breakfast in the pan by myself and it boiled too much. All the dishes are wonderful, but the breakfast is unbelievable. It was very inconvenient because I had to use shampoo only in the bath due to the effects of corona and without soap, cotton, brushes and hair dryers. I was worried that the front desk and Mr. Nakai, who was elderly, would feel uncomfortable talking. Since the campaign started, I was happy to make a reservation, but I could not feel the welcome mood at the ryokan yet, and I was disappointed that I could not feel the score of the previous word-of-mouth evaluation at all in terms of customer service.
幸栄長井 on Google

This is an inn where you can relax, enjoy delicious meals, and enjoy the view of the Sea of ​​Japan.
あゆみ on Google

かにをお腹いっぱい食べられました。 ゆでがには食べ切れず持ち帰りました。 箱代500円がかかります。 お手軽かにコースでしたがお料理はどれも美味しくいただきました。温泉は少し小さめですが、のんびり過ごさせていただきました。コロナ対策もしっかりされていて安心して泊まることができました。 スタッフの方もみなさんとても温かく迎えてくださりよい旅行になりました。駐車場が分かラズ通り過ぎてしまいましたが、旅館と同じ並びのすぐ横にあります。 お風呂は夜と朝で男女入れ替えでした。 女性はゆかたが選べます。 朝食のサラダバーは、個別に盛り付けてくださっていました。 夕食は部屋食ではありませんでしたが、十分な距離がとられてテーブルが配置されていました。 民宿が多い中数少ないホテル感覚の旅館だと思います。しかし、ホテルほどの設備サービスではないので民宿でないところでかにが食べたい方にオススメです。お部屋のグレードにもよりますが、海側純和室大浴場のすぐ上のお部屋にはトイレ、洗面がついていますが、ユニットバスはありません。 大浴場でのみお風呂に入れます。とくに問題なかったですが情報提供として記入しておきます。 お風呂に金庫的なものはありません。 お部屋には、ありました。 受付のところに小さな売店があります。 お土産が少し買えます。 入口で靴を抜き館内はスリッパです。 マッサージやアロマのサービスを頼むことができるようです。 水は水道水が飲めるみたいです。 お茶のセットがありますが、急須はありませんので、ティーバッグで入れる感じでした。 いろいろなお茶が揃えてあったので楽しめました。 緑茶、玄米茶、しいたけ茶、梅昆布茶など。 エアコンはよくきいていたので全然寒くはなかったです。 チェックアウトのときにコーヒーがいただけました。ちょっと嬉しいサービスでした。 チェックアウト前朝食時に布団をそのままにしてもらえるサービスがありました。これも嬉しかったです。のんびりしました。
I was full of crabs. I couldn't eat all the boiled food and took it home. A box fee of 500 yen will be charged. The course was easy, but all the dishes were delicious. The hot springs are a little small, but I spent a leisurely time. Corona measures were also solid and I was able to stay with peace of mind. The staff were all very warm and welcoming, and it was a good trip. The parking lot has passed Raz for a minute, but it is right next to the same line as the inn. The bath was switched between men and women at night and in the morning. Women can choose yukata. The breakfast salad bar was served individually. Dinner wasn't a room meal, but there was plenty of distance between the tables. I think it's a hotel-like inn with a lot of guest houses. However, it is not as good as a hotel, so it is recommended for those who want to eat crabs in places other than guest houses. Depending on the grade of the room, the room just above the seaside pure Japanese-style public bath has a toilet and washbasin, but there is no unit bath. You can take a bath only in the public bath. There was no particular problem, but I will fill it in as information provision. There is nothing like a safe in the bath. There was in the room. There is a small shop at the reception. You can buy some souvenirs. Pull out your shoes at the entrance and slippers inside the building. It seems that you can ask for massage and aroma services. It seems that you can drink tap water. There is a tea set, but there is no kyusu, so it was like putting it in a tea bag. I enjoyed it because I had a variety of teas. Green tea, genmaicha, shiitake tea, plum kelp tea, etc. The air conditioner was working well so it wasn't cold at all. I had coffee at check-out. It was a nice service. There was a service where you could leave your futon as it was at breakfast before check-out. This was also nice. I was laid back.
源hitosi on Google

I used it for one night in the sea bathing. Immediately to the sea. It was very easy to spend time using the inn's umbrellas. The room, food, staff, amenities and service were also very good. Thank you for your concern even before check-in. I wish the large communal bath was a little wider. It was a good two days. I would like to use it again.
あかさたな on Google

毎年お世話になっております。 こどもの名前も覚えてくださっていて、スタッフのみなさんの丁寧なご対応がいつも心地よいです。 またカニのシーズンに伺いたいなあと話しています。 女将さんにお会いできるのをたのしみにしています。
I am indebted to you every year. He remembers the names of the children, and the polite response of the staff is always comfortable. I'm talking about wanting to visit the crab season again. I am looking forward to seeing the landlady.
ぶーー on Google

先日別館の1番奥のお部屋に泊まりました 終始人の暖かみの感じれる接客に満足度も増し、チェックアウトの際もナビ設定等で駐車場から出るのが遅く最後に出てお店の前を通りかかった時ずっと待って頂いて最後まで暖かかったです。 部屋、料理、設備共に不満もなく 良い休日になりました またいつか必ず足を運ぶと思います ありがとうございました
The other day I stayed in the back room of the annex Satisfaction with the customer service that feels the warmth of people from beginning to end has increased, and even at checkout, it is late to get out of the parking lot due to navigation settings etc. It was. No complaints about room, food and facilities It's been a good holiday I'm sure I'll come back someday thank you
ぴかりんぴか on Google

I visited the store once during the crab season and liked it so I came to the store seven years ago. The crabs are delicious and very satisfying, but I was disappointed that it was such an inconvenient inn. The phone in the room couldn't be used at all, and the moment I turned on the humidifier, there was a strange odor in the room. A lot of hair was floating in the bath. It's too disappointing because the food is delicious.

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