Amanogawa Hospital - Kishiwada

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Amanogawa Hospital

住所 :

8-4 Harukidaikokucho, Kishiwada, Osaka 596-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 596-0026
Webサイト :

8-4 Harukidaikokucho, Kishiwada, Osaka 596-0026, Japan
浜本剛 on Google

中島 恵子 on Google

Teachers and other staff are very friendly
川﨑真澄 on Google

When I went to visit this year, I found myself messing around and sieving.
野下しげる on Google

Facilities are old, but there is almost no smell and is cleaned neatly. Paper diapers were free.
浜本剛 on Google

父親が長年にわたり心臓疾患を患っており、それまでは地域の総合病院で診察を受けており、足のむくみ、心臓の痛みなどが改善せずに何度も救急搬送を経験しておりましたが、天の川病院さんで、柿原隼先生の下に心臓リハビリテーションを行うようになり、水分摂取量のカウンセリングや、きめ細かな診察、毎月の血液検査などを行ってもらうようになり、最近ではそれまで必ず歩行に使用していた’杖’を使わずに歩けるようになり、BNP値?とか云う心臓を無理やり動かすホルモンのデータ(?)も以前よりかなり低くなったと、とても喜んでおります。 父親は、もっと早くに天の川病院に来て心臓リハビリテーションを行っていたら良かったのになあ、と言っております。 ありがとうございます。
My father has been suffering from heart disease for many years, and until then he had been examined at a general hospital in the area, and had experienced many emergency transports without improving his leg swelling and heart pain. However, at Tenkawa Hospital, I started to perform cardiac rehabilitation under Dr. Hayashi Kakihara, and I started to have counseling on water intake, detailed examinations, monthly blood tests, etc. You can now walk without using the'cane'that you used to walk, and the BNP value? I am very pleased that the data (?) Of hormones that force the heart to move is also much lower than before. My father wishes he had come to Tenkawa Hospital earlier and had a heart rehabilitation. Thank you very much.
木澤光章 on Google

事故後の2度目の転院で、一ヶ月程入院してお世話になりましたが、大変良い病院でした。 私は脊髄損傷の後遺症で、下半身不随状態での転院でしたが、退院の当日まで、担当の先生だけでなく、リハビリの先生、看護師さん、ヘルパーさんまでの全ての方々が、それぞれのミーティングで全力で私にどう力添えすれば私にとって一番かを打ち合わせしてくれており、さらに私に何をして欲しい?と真っ直ぐに聞いてくれていました。 入院中の治療やリハビリ行為といったことだけではなく、退院後のことまで心配していただき、色々と手配いただき本当に助かっております。 本当にありがとうございました。
It was my second transfer after the accident, and I was hospitalized for about a month and was taken care of, but it was a very good hospital. I was transferred to another hospital with a spinal cord injury and was incapacitated, but until the day of discharge, not only the teacher in charge but also the rehabilitation teachers, nurses, and helpers all had their own meetings. He talked about how to help me with all my strength, and what do you want me to do? He asked me straight. Not only the treatment and rehabilitation during hospitalization, but also the concern after discharge, and I am really grateful for the various arrangements. I'm really thankful to you.
KWGS YSD (チキンナゲット信者) on Google

駅からかなり遠いので、電車での見舞いは大変です。 建物は古いですが、こまめに掃除されているので内部は清潔感があります。 消毒薬等の匂いがきつく感じる事はありましたが、寝たきりさんの病室でも糞尿等の不快な匂いに困る事はありませんでした。 看護師さん達の優しい声掛け等、患者さんに接する態度はとてもすばらしかったです。 一人だけめちゃくちゃ爪切りが下手な方がいらっしゃるようで、深爪で出血させられてた事が何度かあります。 お見舞いの際は爪先のチェックをオススメします。
It's quite far from the station, so it's hard to visit by train. The building is old, but the interior is clean because it is cleaned frequently. Although I sometimes felt the smell of disinfectants was strong, I did not have any problems with unpleasant smells such as excrement even in the bedridden hospital room. The attitude of dealing with patients, such as the gentle voices of the nurses, was very wonderful. It seems that there is only one person who is not good at nail clippers, and I have been bleeding with deep nails several times. We recommend checking your toes when you visit us.
木澤光章 on Google

前回のケガでの入院で看護師さんも先生も良かったので、半年ほどしてから別の相談で通うようになったが、看護師さん達が覚えていてくれていて、みんなで私の顔を見に来てくれて本当に嬉しく思いました。 その後、検査入院もしましたが、本当に安心して検査に行けました。 これからも色んな患者さんが安心して通える病院にしていてくださいね
The nurses and teachers were good at the last hospitalization due to injury, so after about half a year I started going to another consultation, but the nurses remembered me and everyone was my face. I was really happy to come to see you. After that, I was hospitalized for the test, but I was really relieved to go to the test. Please continue to make the hospital a place where various patients can go with peace of mind.

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