Aloha Farm

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aloha Farm

住所 :

Kotobuki, Abiko, 〒270-1152 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kotobuki, Abiko, 〒270-1152 Chiba,Japan
太田原幸枝 on Google

2度目のおじゃまで 名前を覚えてくれた 明るいママさん!ハワイに居るような雰囲気で、地元飲みの楽しみが増えました✌️ ハワイ柄のマスク、ありますよ✨
Bright mom who remembered the name until the second time! Enjoying local drinks has increased with the atmosphere of being in Hawaii ✌️ There is a Hawaiian mask ✨
堀次郎 on Google

まさか地元で本格的なハワイアンフードを堪能できるとは思いませんでした。 おすすめのガーリックシュリンプや、ガパオライスは ほんとに絶品です!!
I never thought I could enjoy authentic Hawaiian food locally. Recommended garlic shrimp and gapao rice It's really excellent! !
Makiko Ando on Google

When you go with your mom and children, this shop is decided. I was told by my acquaintance's mom, but it became a big favorite. I am very satisfied with the volume of Hawaiian food. Children also like the food at this restaurant.
まつりね(ござる) on Google

あまりに酷かったので書きます。 ランチのスープは薄め忘れ?原液?なのか、飲めないほどしょっぱかった。 水は出てこないし、頼んだものも間違うし、なんど言っても子供の頼んだものは持ってこないし、しまいにはお詫び持っていきます!こちらが悪かったので待ってていただけますか?というから待ってたのにそれも無かったことになり、最後の会計で来てないものまで請求されました。 もちろん来てないものは払いませんでしたが終始他人事でちゃんと謝るわけでもないし、最悪でした。 雰囲気よいのに残念です。
I wrote it because it was too bad. Did you forget to dilute the soup for lunch? Undiluted solution? It was so salty that I couldn't drink it. The water doesn't come out, the one I asked for was wrong, and no matter what I said, I didn't bring what the child asked for, and in the end I'll take an apology! This was bad so could you wait? So I was waiting, but I didn't have it either, and I was billed for what I didn't come to in the final accounting. Of course, I didn't pay for things that hadn't come, but I didn't apologize from other people's affairs from start to finish, which was the worst. I am sorry that the atmosphere is good.
たぬきのぽん on Google

Aloha shop. The mochiko chicken for the lunch set was very delicious. The clerk also feels very good. There was also a stage as it seemed to be possible for live performances.
Chloe K on Google

カフェラテはコーヒー風味の水かな?という感じでとても残念。カフェのクオリティーを期待しては駄目でした。 店員さんによって説明が違い、店員同士で言い合ってたことも残念。。。 お店の雰囲気はとても良いですが、コロナ対策は全く行っていない模様。
Is the cafe latte coffee-flavored water? I am very disappointed with that feeling. It was useless to expect the quality of the cafe. It's a shame that the explanations differed depending on the clerk, and the clerk was talking to each other. .. .. The atmosphere of the shop is very good, but it seems that no corona measures have been taken.
M N on Google

手頃な価格でハワイアンプレートを楽しめて、我孫子でありながらにして、かなりハワイ本国に近い雰囲気を味わえる場所です。スタッフの方々も皆さん感じが良くとても居心地が良いカフェです。プレートはボリュームがありますが、味付けがしっかりしていてメリハリも効いているのでトータルでコスパがいいです。お気に入りは米粉を使ったフライドチキン。 ただ、車がないとアクセスしにくい点が残念。それ以外はとても素敵なカフェです。
It is a place where you can enjoy the Hawaiian plate at an affordable price, and while you are Abiko, you can enjoy the atmosphere that is quite close to Hawaii's home country. It is a very cozy cafe where the staff feel good. Although the plate has a large volume, the cospa is good as a whole because it is well seasoned and sharp. My favorite is fried chicken using rice flour. Unfortunately, it is difficult to access without a car. Everything else is very nice.
mayu A on Google

パンケーキのボリュームにビックリ‼️ シェアがおすすめです マカデミアナッツパンケーキは中にヨーグルトソースが入っていて、サッパリした感じで美味しかったです HANAプレートもスパムスも美味しかった?
I was surprised at the volume of pancakes! ️ Share is recommended The macadamia nut pancakes had yogurt sauce inside and it was refreshing and delicious. Both HANA plate and Spams were delicious ?

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