Alice Baby ! Ion Style Himonyaten Studio - Meguro City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Alice Baby ! Ion Style Himonyaten Studio

住所 :

イオン碑文谷店 6F 4 Chome-1-1 Himonya, Meguro City, Tokyo 152-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 152-0003
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

イオン碑文谷店 6F 4 Chome-1-1 Himonya, Meguro City, Tokyo 152-0003, Japan
Mt Fuji on Google

Since it is for babies, it is not applicable to Shichigosan.
R. IKEDA on Google

Although it may be crowded at weekends and other times, it is a place where newborns can go with peace of mind, such as the clerk's detailed support and equipment.
あかさたなは on Google

When you are free, you can take a lot of time to watch baby's mood! Even if it is crowded, it will wait until it stops crying?
nekoda nya on Google

他店舗のスタジオアリスで赤ちゃんにはいいかもと紹介され、説明を聞きに行ったのですが、他店舗では駐車券を頂けたのですが、こちらでは若い店員の方が年配の店員の方に相談して、苦笑いされて駐車券は頂けませんでした。 感じが悪かったので写真は他店舗の方で撮影して頂きました。
At Studio Alice in another store, I was introduced to a baby and went to hear an explanation, but I got a parking ticket at another store, but here the younger clerk is the older clerk. After consulting, I was laughed bitterly and couldn't get a parking ticket. I didn't feel well, so I had the photo taken by another store.
pinkykgirl on Google

スタッフの方が優しく、対応が素晴らしい。子供の写真もどれも可愛く撮れていて満足です!! おむつ替え台、授乳室有り。当日いきなりでも電話で確認したら対応してくれました。
The staff is kind and the response is great. I'm happy to be able to take cute pictures of all children! There are diaper changing stations and nursing rooms. He / she responded when we confirmed on the phone suddenly on the day.
とaさ on Google

Clean, clean and well cleaned. Good at handling babies.
N-CAT on Google

衣装は可愛いです。 スタッフの方は親切ですが忙しい感じがひしひし伝わりました。 嫌な場所では全くないですが、使う値段を考えると、二子玉川のスタジオマリオの方がクオリティが高く満足です
The costume is cute. The staff are kind, but I can feel the busyness. It's not an unpleasant place at all, but considering the price to use, Studio Mario in Futakotamagawa has higher quality and is more satisfying.
米真(咲良八) on Google

大満足です。 子供の対応も丁寧で可愛い写真をたくさん撮って丁寧に選ばせてくれます。 イオンに入っているため、食事や飽きてしまった子供も遊べてグーです。
I am very satisfied. The children are also polite and take a lot of cute pictures and let me choose carefully. Because it is in Aeon, it is a good place to eat and play with children who are tired of it.

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