Akitashirakami Station - Yamamoto District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akitashirakami Station

住所 :

Goshonodai Hachimori, Happo, Yamamoto District, Akita 018-2617, Japan

Postal code : 018-2617

Goshonodai Hachimori, Happo, Yamamoto District, Akita 018-2617, Japan
mac noritetsu on Google

It is directly connected to Hatahatakan. In the case of Resort Shirakami, there is a welcome from the tourist stationmaster
大村正樹 on Google

The hot springs and product stores in front of the station were more friendly. The feeling of hospitality along the Gono Line is wonderful.
I K on Google

駅横の緑地等管理中央センター 内に駅スタンプが有りました。 受付の (素敵なお姉さん) が 親切でした。
Central management center for green spaces next to the station There was a station stamp inside. The receptionist (nice sister) It was kind.
neco cat on Google

Nearest station to Akita Shirakami Experience Center and Isaribi Hatahata Museum.
ロードシルク on Google

清楚な女性駅長さんがお見送りしてくれます! 入浴施設あり?♨️?
A neat female stationmaster will see you off! There is a bathing facility ?♨️?
Ubic from tokyo on Google

JR東日本のリゾートしらかみの紹介ページではえきねっと受け取りが可能と書かれていますが、実際にはクレジットカードを使用した切符の受け取りは出来ません。(2021/2/18) かつて無人駅に端末が設置されていた形跡がありますが、撤去されているようです。この駅を管理していた能代駅が委託駅になってしまった事が関係あるようです。
The introduction page of JR East Resort Shirakami says that you can pick up Ekinet, but you cannot actually pick up your ticket using a credit card. (2021/2/18) There is evidence that the terminal was once installed at an unmanned station, but it seems that it has been removed. It seems that it is related to the fact that Noshiro Station, which managed this station, has become a consignment station.
桃奈々 on Google

素敵な駅員さんが、電車が来る時だけどこからともなく現れます!(^^)! ウェスパ椿山駅からタンデム自転車でサイクリング、車を取りにあきた白神駅から電車で戻りました。 五能線からの景色も良かったです。 景気の良い所で減速してくれます。
A nice station employee will appear from nowhere only when the train comes! (^^)! I took a tandem bicycle from Wespa Tsubakiyama station and returned by train from Shirakami station where I had to pick up my car. The view from the Gono line was also good. It slows down in good economic times.
maru choko on Google

While driving on Route 101 on 4/16, I found a beautiful roadside with rows of cherry blossom trees. When I entered the facility that seems to be a roadside station, I found that there was an elevated passage that straddled the road, leading to "Akitashirakami Station". The cherry blossoms from the aisle were spectacular and I was able to enjoy them for a while. I thought the composition photo of the Gono Line train running parallel to the road was the best, so I tried to stick for about 5 minutes, but it was a miss. However, looking at the place where there is a tripod that is aiming for a photo opportunity, it may be a standard spot for Mr. Taketetsu.

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