東京靴流通センター 山形西バイパス店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東京靴流通センター 山形西バイパス店

住所 :

Akanegaoka, 〒990-2481 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.chiyodagrp.co.jp/map/shop_detail.php%3Fm%3Ddtl%26sn%3D11687
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10AM–7:30PM
Monday 10AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10AM–7:30PM
Friday 10AM–7:30PM
街 : Yamagata

Akanegaoka, 〒990-2481 Yamagata,Japan
アキノリ“にーなたんご”イシムラ on Google

Because it is affiliated with Shoe Plaza, when I go looking for shoes, there are many small children's shoes, which is a little-known spot.
kaori “penguin49” m on Google

品揃え豊富。 デザインや耐久性よりは安さが売りなので、数ヶ月もったらいいかな、くらいです。靴の下取りがあるので、もう履かない靴があれば持ち込んで割引券にするのがベター。
A wide selection of products. It's cheaper than design and durability, so I'd like to spend months. Since there is a trade-in for shoes, it is better to bring in shoes that you can no longer wear and make a discount ticket.
qoo K (くー) on Google

The clerk's response is good. There are also wide 4E shoes.
Googleユーザー on Google

お高い靴を買おうと思ってこちらに来る人はそれほどいないと思いますが、お得な靴を求める人にはいい店だと思います。 冬用の靴を買った際は元値が安い商品がさらに半額になって二度見する安さでした。 おっ!と思える商品が他にもあるかも ただ、靴の下取りもついでにしたのですが、貰った割引券の使用には5000円以上の商品等の制限があり結局使えずじまいに…
I don't think many people come here to buy expensive shoes, but I think it's a good shop for those who want cheap shoes. When I bought winter shoes, it was cheaper to see twice the price of low-priced products and half the price. Oh! There may be other products you think However, I did trade in shoes as well, but the use of the discount coupon I received was limited to 5000 yen or more items etc. I could not use it eventually ...
Massive KURO on Google

cheap. During the sale, if the price is 2000 yen or more excluding tax, you can use 2 tickets (equivalent to 200 yen per ticket) that you got as a trade-in. I thought "this!" And brought the shoes for 2980 yen to the cash register, and when the clerk read the barcode ... "I haven't replaced the price tag, but 1980 yen" (; ・ ∀ ・) No, it's better than using a ticket ... I wasn't happy when I thought about the 30 minutes I was worried about.
A S on Google

家族の靴を買いに行きましたが、サイズが売り場に無く、在庫有りますか?と尋ねたら若い女性の店員が敬語を使わずタメ口! こっちはお客!貴方の友達や家族では有りません!接客業するなら言葉の使い方を学んでから売り場に出ましょうね。
I went to buy my family's shoes, but the size is not in the store and is it in stock? When asked, a young female clerk does not use honorifics and talks! This is a customer! Not your friends or family! If you are in the customer service business, learn how to use words before going to the sales floor.
K2 on Google

The shoes are such fun.
Sutirtha Das on Google

Good plays to buy snow shoes to prevent the inevitable injury from slipping on ice in winter.

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