
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 赤羽のけむり

住所 :

Akabane, Kita City, 〒115-0045 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://www.kemurigroup.com/other
街 : Tokyo

Akabane, Kita City, 〒115-0045 Tokyo,Japan
nora noraneko on Google

傍から見ると、少し入りずらい雰囲気だけど、入ったら明るい感じで、女の人が一人で食べるのにも適していると思います。 焼き方も絶妙なので、提供されたら、余熱で火が通り切る前に直ぐに食べた方がいいかもしれません。 お通しがキャベツなのは残念だと思いますが、付いてくる味噌が美味しいのでプラマイゼロです。
From the side, the atmosphere is a little difficult to enter, but it feels bright when entering, and I think it is suitable for women to eat alone. The way it's baked is exquisite, so if it's served, you might want to eat it immediately before it's cooked due to excess heat. I think it's a pity that the cabbage is broth, but the miso that comes with it is delicious, so it's Pramai Zero.
caw 921 on Google

レバー嫌いでもここのなら食べられる!お肉も炭火で焼くからしっとりジューシー 居心地も◎
Even if you hate liver, you can eat it here! The meat is also grilled over charcoal, so it's moist and juicy. Comfortable ◎
成彰岩瀬 on Google

A store that opened at the end of Heisei after Akabane suddenly changed into a bar that featured "Fake Showa". It's for ignorant children who misunderstand this and say, "Akabane is deep! Showa remains!", So don't hesitate.
YOKO on Google

赤羽駅の一番街の商店街付近にあるこちらのお店 総じてレベルの高い焼鳥をリーズナブルにいただけるので オススメのお店です♡ 最近評価が上がってきたようですが、 それにも納得です! 串は1本120円~200円程でいただけます。 そしてどれも絶妙な火入れで丁度良いレア加減! 塩は炭火の香ばしさがとても美味しいですし、 タレは濃厚なタレがたっぷりかかっていて美味しいです♡ ・もつ(レバー) ・もも(ねぎま) ・ハツ(心臓) ・ぼんじり(しり) ・かわ ・つくね ・さび焼き ・エリンギ ・うずら ・ポテトサラダ をオーダー! これだけでお腹いっぱいになってしまいました。 タレか塩かはお任せになります。 レバー、ハツはレア状態でとても美味しいです♡ うずらは黄身が半熟でたまらないです♡ 今回頼み忘れてしまったのですが、 ササミもオススメです! お通しのキャベツはお代わり無料、 食後のウーロン茶もサービスでいただけます こういった漢気溢れるサービスが嬉しいですね♡ 席数が少ないので、フラッと立ち寄って入れないこともありますが 赤羽界隈では満足度の高いお店ですので、 赤羽に来た際には是非チェックしてほしいお店です♡
This shop in the vicinity of the first shopping street in Akabane Station As you can reasonably afford high-level grilled chickens in general It is recommended shop 店 It seems that the rating has recently risen, I'm convinced that! One bowl of rice is available for around 120 yen to 200 yen. And all the rare additions that are just good with exquisite burning! Salt is very delicious with the aroma of charcoal, The sauce is rich in rich sauce and delicious ・ Has (lever) ・ Momo (Negima) · Heart (heart) ・ Shonri ·River ·Tsukune ・ Sabiyaki ・ Eringhi ・ Quail ·potato salad Order! I've been hungry for this alone. I will leave the sauce or salt. Liver, heart is very delicious in rare condition 状態 The quail has a solid yellowtail and is insane I forgot to ask this time, It is also recommended! Your regular cabbage is free of charge, A post-meal oolong tea is also available at the service I'm glad such a full-fledged service Because there are few seats, it may not be possible to stop by at a glance. As it is a shop with high satisfaction in Akabane area, It is a shop I want you to check by all means when you come to Akabane ♡
Yutaka Iwasaki on Google

赤羽飲み歩き2件目に赤羽のけむりさんへ。 焼き鳥が旨いという事で、砂肝、ハツ、ハラミなどを注文。どれも丁寧に焼き上げていて最高に美味しかったです。 コロナ禍という事もあってなのか、お客さんがおらず寂しい感じ。こういう良いお店はしっかり残って欲しいですね。 焼酎も結構マニアックなものも用意はあるようなので、お酒のおつまみに焼き鳥を食べたい場合はけむりさんに行けば間違いありません。 また、赤羽来たら行きたいお店筆頭になりました。
To Mr. Kemuri Akabane for the second time to walk around Akabane. I ordered gizzards, hearts, and harami because the yakitori was delicious. Everything was carefully baked and it was the best. I feel lonely because there are no customers, probably because of the corona. I hope that such a good store will remain firmly. It seems that shochu is also quite enthusiastic, so if you want to eat yakitori as a snack for sake, you can definitely go to Kemuri-san. Also, when I came to Akabane, I became the first shop I wanted to go to.
hito n on Google

2020/11/16 20:00頃来店 現在の星3.44 ほとんど満席に近かったけど 2席ほど空いていた 寡黙な若いお兄さん二人で 切り回し ドリンクは間髪入れずに 焼き物もちょうど良い待ち時間 というか 待ち時間少なめ あまり飲めない自分にとっては良い時間ふり 少し小ぶりだけど 味よく値段よくで好感 最後の焼き鳥丼 少しタレ濃過ぎかな スープがないのは残念 今回はタレ塩お任せでしたが 次は塩メインで食べたいですね 烏龍茶 キャベツはサービスだそうで
2020/11/16 Visited around 20:00 Current star 3.44 It was almost full About 2 seats were vacant Two quiet young brothers Turn around Drink without a break Just the right waiting time for grilled food I mean Less waiting time Pretending to be a good time for me who can't drink much It's a little small Good taste and good price The last yakitori bowl Is it a little too thick? I'm sorry I don't have soup This time I left it to the sauce salt Next time I want to eat with salt main Oolong tea cabbage seems to be a service
吉田陸 on Google

Get off at the east exit of Akabane, go to the first street, walk along ok Yokocho a little and turn left. Convenient because it is open until morning. The menu is mainly skewered and there are about 15 other snacks. The snacks other than skewers are an umpire lineup that is neither good nor bad. There are about 10 seats at the counter and a table seat in the back, which can seat 6-8 people. It ’s always crowded so we recommend that you make a reservation when you go. The counter seat is quite tight because the distance to the next customer is so close. You may hate people who don't like tobacco. Skewer is my favorite with the liver and the meatballs. It is baked on charcoal fire and goes well with a thick sauce. The liquor was also delicious. It is a 2-hour system.
二代目こうめ on Google

今回はボッチ呑み(一人ぼっちの飲み会)のお話。。。 実は私、大勢でわいわい呑むより一人でしんみりと呑むのが好きでつ。 周りから暗いと言われようが一向に構いません。 特に仕事や人間関係などで疲れて誰とも話したくない時は、ちょっと寂れた酒場のカウンターに座り、あれこれ考えながら呑むと少し気が楽になります。 そして、こういう時は決して行きつけのお店には行きません。 どうしても顔見知りと話すことになりますからね。 で、この日は久しぶりに「赤羽のけむり」で一杯呑んで帰る事にしました。 お店の場所はJR赤羽駅東口から3分程のところですよ。 この日は午後5時3分に到着。。。 ここは炭火で焼く美味しい焼鳥屋さん。。。 ただ、隣はこれまた有名な焼鳥屋さん「とり市」なんですよねぇ。 歴史的には断然「とり市」の方が古いわけですが、なんでわざわざ隣にお店を出したのでしょうか!? お店は30代と思しきお兄さんが2人で切り盛りしているようでつ。 店内は木を基調とした造りで、落ち着いたイキフン(雰囲気ねww)が持ち味。 席はカウンター席とテーブル席を合わせて16席とこじんまりしております。 ◆今回いただいた物 ・『レモンサワー(400円)』 ジョッキで出て来るのが嬉しい。 最近、洒落た店に行くと、底がキュッと狭まったグラスで出て来たりしますが、あれはダメですよ。 やはり、酎ハイ、レモンサワー、ホッピーはジョッキでなきゃね。 ・『お通し』 お通しはただのキャベツ。。。 しかし、侮ってはいけません!! 何気なく添えられた味噌とマヨネーズを一緒に付けて食べると、死ぬほど美味しいんですよ。 しかも、おかわり自由ですからね。 ・『もつ(レバー)150円』 味はお任せになります。 レバーはミディアムに焼かれ、ちょうど良い火の通り加減。 ・『もも(ねぎま)190円』 とってもジューシー。炭の香りが堪りません。 どちらもタレですが、甘過ぎることもなく、バランスの取れたタレだと思います。 ・『ハツ(心臓) 120円』 こちらも絶妙な焼き加減。 焼き過ぎるとパサパサになり易い部位ですからね。 こちらは塩焼きですが、薄味仕上げになっています。 ・『手羽先(210円)』 こちらの手羽先は丸のまんまですね。 特に皮の部分がパリッと焼かれていて美味しいぃ~♪ これはもちろん塩味。 ・『ホッピー黒セット(400円)』 今時セットで400円は嬉しい価格!! この1本で3杯取れます。 ・『つくね(230円)』 外側はカリッと焼かれ、中はしっとりふんわり。 ナンコツ入りで生姜が利いています。 これはタレ焼きなのですが、できればもう少しタレをかけて欲しかったなぁ~ ・『かわ(190円)』 余計な脂が落ちて美味しい所だけ残ってる。。。 こちらはやや塩が強めでいい塩梅ですよ。 ・『うずら(100円)』 実は私、ここのスペシャリテはこのうずらだと思っています。 中を割ると、なんと、半熟なんですよぉ~♪  O(≧▽≦)O また、塩ではなく、タレ焼きなのでとっても香ばしいでつ。 なかなかうずらを半熟で出すお店は少ないと思いますよ。 ・『厚揚焼き(350円)』 ねぎとカツオ節ががたっぷり!! そして、炭火で焼かれているのでカリッカリでつ。 おまけに丸々一丁あるので、食べ応えも満点という訳ですわww やはり、ボッチ呑みは楽しいなぁ~(笑)
This time we will talk about drinking bocce (drinking party alone). .. .. Actually, I prefer to drink alone rather than swallowing a lot of people. It doesn't matter if people around you say it's dark. Especially when you're tired of work or relationships and don't want to talk to anyone, it's a little easier to sit at the bar counter and swallow while thinking about it. And at times like this, I never go to my favorite store. You will definitely talk to your acquaintance. So, on this day, I decided to go home with a drink of "Akabane no Kemuri" for the first time in a while. The location of the shop is about 3 minutes from the east exit of JR Akabane Station. Arrived at 5:03 pm on that day. .. .. This is a delicious yakitori restaurant that grills over charcoal. .. .. However, next door is another famous yakitori restaurant, Toriichi. Historically, "Toriichi" is by far the oldest, but why did you bother to open a store next door? ?? The shop seems to be run by two older brothers who seem to be in their thirties. The interior of the store is based on wood and has a calm Ikifun (atmosphere ww). There are 16 seats, including counter seats and table seats. ◆ What I received this time ・ "Lemon sour (400 yen)" I'm glad to come out with a mug. Recently, when I go to a fashionable shop, I come out with a glass with a narrow bottom, but that is not good. After all, chuhai, lemon sour, and hoppy must be mugs. ・ "Through" The izakaya is just cabbage. .. .. But don't underestimate! !! If you eat it with miso and mayonnaise, it's delicious enough to die. Moreover, you are free to refill. ・ "Offal (lever) 150 yen" I'll leave the taste to you. The liver is medium-baked, and the fire is just right. ・ "Momo (Negima) 190 yen" Very juicy. The scent of charcoal is unbearable. Both are sauces, but I think they are well-balanced without being too sweet. ・ "Hatsu (heart) 120 yen" This is also exquisitely baked. It's a part that tends to become dry if overcooked. This is grilled with salt, but it has a light finish. ・ "Chicken wings (210 yen)" The chicken wings here are round. Especially the skin is crispy and delicious! This is of course salty. ・ "Hoppy black set (400 yen)" 400 yen is a nice price for this set! !! You can get 3 cups with this one. ・ "Tsukune (230 yen)" The outside is crispy and the inside is moist and fluffy. Ginger is good with nankotsu. This is a sauce-grilled dish, but I wanted it to be a little more sauce if possible. ・ "Kawa (190 yen)" The excess fat has been removed and only the delicious parts remain. .. .. This is a good salt plum with a little strong salt. ・ "Quail (100 yen)" Actually, I think the specialty here is this quail. When you break the inside, it's half-boiled! ♪ O (≧ ▽ ≦) O Also, it's not salt but sauce-grilled, so it's very fragrant. I don't think there are many shops that serve quail in a soft-boiled egg. ・ "Atsuage-yaki (350 yen)" Plenty of green onions and dried bonito flakes! !! And since it is grilled over charcoal, it is crispy. In addition, there is a whole one, so the response to eating is also perfect ww After all, drinking bocce is fun ~ (laughs)

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