くいどころ 里味 白根店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くいどころ 里味 白根店

住所 :

Ajigata, Minami Ward, 〒950-1227 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://www.sato-mi.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : Niigata

Ajigata, Minami Ward, 〒950-1227 Niigata,Japan
星雄幸 on Google

The customer service was bad. I can't think of being brewed with tea, being cold, getting cold, not responding, or not listening.
笹崎和芳 on Google

This is Hisabi Sato. This time I took out the bonito bowl, the tempura bowl, and the dashi roll. We had the delicious rice with Amago Paku-Taku Sakukatsu cut into pieces.
秋栽培 on Google

The soba was crunchy, and the bowl was sweet and salty.
岡部直樹 on Google

お昼時に行っても割とスムーズに入れます。 真向かいのサンポウは割と混んでますが(;^ω^)
Even if you go at noon, you can put it in relatively smoothly. The sampou directly opposite is rather crowded (; ^ ω ^)
しゅん on Google

It is better to move to the Harashin parking lot. It's hard to enter.
ナマハジNAMAHAJI on Google

親子丼単品(¥900)を注文。味噌汁漬物生野菜なくてもいいから700円で食べたい。 味は非常にレベル高いと思います。
I ordered a single Oyakodon (¥ 900). Miso soup pickles I don't need raw vegetables, so I want to eat it for 700 yen. I think the taste is very high.
丸山純子 on Google

久しぶりの里見の布海苔蕎麦喉ごしがよく とても 美味しかったよです
A long time ago Satomi's Fuumi Soba throat sore well It was very delicious
ta rou on Google

味はほんとに良いんですが ホールの方、あんまりだと思います。 1番ベテランの雰囲気のスタッフな気がしました 混んできたのもありますが ・忙しい雰囲気醸し出されタメ口 ・会計の際まだ小銭出そうとしてるのに、もういいか?と言わんばかりの態度 ・ご馳走様でした!と聞こえていたはずがろくな挨拶もなしに次へ行く 普段接客してくださる若い層の方々の方がよっぽど丁寧だと感じました。 ・ここは学生寮の食堂か!?と言わんばかりのタメ口的な態度 我々エサを食べにきてるわけではない、ここでの食事をどれだけ楽しみにしてきたことか 味も美味しく気持ちよく帰ろうとした矢先最悪な心持ちです
The taste is really good I think there are not many people in the hall. I felt like the staff with the most veteran atmosphere It's getting crowded, ・ A busy atmosphere is created ・ I'm still trying to make a change at the time of accounting, is that okay? Attitude ・ It was a treat! I should have heard that, but I went to the next without a fragile greeting I felt that the young people who usually serve customers were more polite. ・ Is this the cafeteria in the student dormitory? ?? Tame mouthful attitude We're not coming to eat, how much we've been looking forward to eating here The taste is delicious and I have the worst feelings when I try to go home comfortably.

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