
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 桐生市民広場

住所 :

Aioicho, Kiryu, 〒376-0011 Gunma,Japan

街 : Gunma

Aioicho, Kiryu, 〒376-0011 Gunma,Japan
ノブ on Google

子供連れのファミリー?‍?‍?‍?には良い所☺️ 奥のグランドはソフトボール(少年野球)⚾️専用で使用、芝生の所は年配?の人がグランドゴルフで使用していると入れないので注意!!
Good place for families with children The back of the grand is used exclusively for softball (boy baseball), and the place of the lawn is careful because it can not be inserted if the elderly person uses it for grand golf! !
征子毒島 on Google

人も少なく遊具もあり広々と遊ぶには 余り密になることも無いのでこどもを遊ばせるには良いと思います。トイレが気になります。
There are few people and there are playground equipment, so it is not too dense to play spaciously, so I think it is good for children to play. I'm worried about the toilet.
きんと on Google

It is also a discharge place for the Ryomo Fisheries Cooperative, and there are parking spaces on the riverbank and in the park in front of it, making it a suitable place for playing in the river. However, unfortunately, in recent years, the morale has declined significantly, and the convenient riverbanks are lined with barbecue prohibition signs. The Aioi district of Kiryu was a quiet residential area, but it's a shame that it was destroyed before I knew it.
オーキド博士 on Google

Don't play golf on the baseball field with uncle and aunt! Put a banned sticker on it and laugh
木公藻と南王喜 on Google

公共の場です。大変川とふれあえる場所ですが、近年バーベキューや焚き火など、マナーが乱雑な人や、また釣り券無しの密漁者もでているので、マナーは守ってもらいたいと思います。 釣りをするのに釣り券軽く思っている人、残念です。 漁業管理をしている両毛漁協でお求めください。
It's a public place. It is a place where you can interact with the river very much, but in recent years there are people with messy manners such as barbecues and bonfires, and poachers without fishing tickets, so I would like you to follow the manners. It's a pity for those who think that fishing tickets are light for fishing. Please purchase at the Ryomo Fisheries Cooperative, which manages the fishery.
松下毅(ぽん) on Google

子どもと遊ぶのにサイコーです 広場、遊具、川にも歩いて行けます
It ’s great to play with children. You can walk to the square, playset and river
Take on Google

The day I visited was calm and sunny and it was pleasant. Families with small children were spending time leisurely. It is a pleasant square.
S Gotoh on Google

昔ながらのアスレチックのある公園。 芝生とあるので家族でボール遊びなども 出来るのでおすすめですね☆
A park with old-fashioned athletics. Since there is a lawn, you can play ball with your family I recommend it because you can do it ☆

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