Agu hair feliz郡山コスモス通り

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Agu hair feliz郡山コスモス通り

住所 :

Gozenminami, Koriyama, 〒963-0209 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Fukushima

Gozenminami, Koriyama, 〒963-0209 Fukushima,Japan
。。 on Google

何度か利用させてもらっていて、その時の担当してくれた方はいい人だったのですが、今回の担当さんは最悪でした。 当日予約で行きましたが、あからさまにだるそうなめんどくさそうな表情で対応。 希望を伝えたら即答で断られ、要望に添えるよう考えようともしない。 前回行った他店の美容室では同じ伝え方をしても親身になって考えてくれたが上に、即答で言われたのにはイラつきましたね。まるで早く終わらせたいから無理だと言ったような感じがして。 しかも口調はタメ口。お客様らしく扱えってわけじゃありませんが、人と接する仕事をしているのに敬語を使えないのどうなのでしょう? 私はあなたの知り合いじゃないんですから(^^) いい歳してお客に対する接客態度が身についていないようで驚きました。 他のサイトでも口コミを拝見しましたが、同じ担当の名前で評価は星1つ「上から目線」という言葉が多く見られて、ああやっぱりなと思いました。私も上から目線というのはすごく納得できました。多くの方から言われているのに今も直せていないようで。こんな不愉快な気持ちのまま納得のいかない施術を受けてお金を払うのも嫌だったのでキャンセルを伝えましたが、その時の返答も最悪でしたね(^^) しかもサイトをみてみたら店長らしいですが、他のスタッフはいい人なのに店長が最悪なだけにお店全体がイメージダウンですね。 どうして店長でいられるのか不思議です、、 本当はその場で接客態度について言ってやりたかったですが、すぐにでもお店から、担当の人から離れたかったのでこの場で意見させてもらいました。 もう一生行くことはありませんね\(^^)/
I had been using it several times and the person in charge at that time was a good person, but this time the person in charge was the worst. I went by reservation on the day, but I responded with an expression that seems to be tedious and overwhelming. If you give them your hope, you will be refused an immediate answer and will not even think of trying to meet your wishes. At the beauty salon at another store where I went last time, they thought about it in the same way even if I told them the same way, and I was annoyed by the immediate answer. It feels like it's impossible because I want to finish it early. Moreover, the tone is bad. I can't treat you like a customer, but why don't you use honorifics when you work with people? I'm not your acquaintance (^^) I was surprised that I was so old that I didn't seem to be able to serve customers. I also read reviews on other sites, but I found that the same name in charge was often used to evaluate the word "stars from above" with a star rating, so I thought it was a good idea. I was very convinced that I was looking from above. Many people have told me that I still can't fix it. I didn't want to pay for the uncomfortable treatment with such an unpleasant feeling, so I told the cancellation, but the reply at that time was also the worst (^ ^) Moreover, when I look at the site, it looks like the store manager, but the other store staff are good people, but the store manager is the worst, so the image of the whole store is down. I wonder why I can be the manager... To tell the truth, I wanted to talk about the customer service attitude on the spot, but I wanted to leave the shop and the person in charge immediately, so I gave an opinion here. I won't go there again \(^^)/
まほ on Google

When I showed the photo of the desired hair color, it was said that it would be difficult to get the color in this state, so I changed the menu and bleached, but the color unevenness was noticeable and the color was completely different. The store manager who was in charge responded to the apparently annoying odor with a rather throwing feeling, and at the end of the story, I was surprised from the top ... The treatment and customer service attitude were terrible ...
橋本芽生 on Google

店長さんに縮毛矯正とカットをして頂きました。 素敵な仕上がりにして頂けて、何より喋りやすくてよかったです(*´-`)ノ いっぱいお話するのが苦手で美容室は怖い印象があったのですが、さっぱりと気さくな感じがわたしには好印象でした!
I had the manager straighten and cut my hair. I'm glad that you got a nice finish and it was easier to talk than anything else (* ´-`) ノ I was not good at talking a lot and the beauty salon had a scary impression, but the refreshing and friendly feeling was a good impression for me!
nana ba on Google

きれいな色に仕上げていただきましたが、最初に相談無しにグレイカラーでプラス料金されてるのに、さらにまた料金上げる交渉をされると気持ちが萎えます。 他店舗ではわざわざグレイカラーにしなくても濃い色ならしっかり染められると低価格で施術してくれる良心的なスタッフさんもいたので残念です。
I had you finish it in a beautiful color, but even though I was charged a plus fee in gray color without first consulting, I feel disappointed when I negotiate to raise the fee again. It's a pity that there were some conscientious staff at other stores who would treat me at a low price if I could dye a dark color well without having to bother to make it a gray color.
Yui K on Google

昨年利用時、店長が最悪でした。 人を見下してるような、上から目線で態度が悪い。面倒臭そうに無言で雑に髪を切る。さらにカットが下手。 ただただお金と時間の無駄。 美容室でこんなに不快な思いをしたのは初めてです。思い出しただけでも不快な気持ちになります。 常連らしき女性の方には笑顔で楽しそうに対応していたので、新規の自分にだけ態度が悪いのかと思いました。 しかし、ここのレビューを見ると同じような思いをした方が沢山いて共感しまくりです。私が利用したのは1年以上前ですが、今も何も変わっていないようですね! 店長以外の方は丁寧で優しそうに思えましたがもう二度と行きません。
When I used it last year, the store manager was the worst. He has a bad attitude from above, as if he is looking down on people. She cuts her hair silently and sloppyly. Furthermore, he is not good at cutting. It's just a waste of money and time. It's the first time I've had such an unpleasant feeling at a beauty salon. Just remembering it makes me feel uncomfortable. I smiled and happily responded to women who seemed to be regulars, so I wondered if my attitude was bad only for my new self. However, looking at the reviews here, there are many people who have similar feelings and I sympathize with them. I used it over a year ago, but it looks like nothing has changed! People other than the store manager seemed polite and kind, but I will never go again.
Masa M on Google

初めて行きましたm(*_ _)m 初めはかなり緊張しましたが気さくな方担当で趣味など話も盛り上がり楽しい時間でした!! 数年ぶりの美容室! とても感動しました!
I went for the first time m (* _ _) m At first I was quite nervous, but I was in charge of a friendly person and talked about my hobbies and it was a fun time! !! Beauty salon for the first time in several years! I was very impressed!
on Google

何回か利用していて、この前初めて店長の佐々木さんが担当でした。ラベンダーグレージュにしたいですと言ったのにピンク系が好きなんですか?と聞かれて、ん?って思いましたがはいと答えたら、ピンクの色を入れられ、スロウカラーで入れましたが、2日くらいで色落ちしました。それから店長の佐々木さんが担当は避けたかったので、ホットペッパーのシフト表をみて、休みの日を狙って予約をしてました。 他の女性の方が担当になった時は丁寧に接してくれて、説明も分かりやすく、したい髪型、髪色にしてくれました。 また日がたち、店長の佐々木さんがいない日に予約をいれました。ですが、その日は出勤していて、まさかの担当になりました。 クチコミにたくさんある通り、上から目線で、デリカシーがなく、色ムラもありました。 私には一部分に白髪があり、いつも染める際は目立たないようにして下さいとお願いしていました。その事を伝えると、そんな気になりますー?や、なんか肌荒れてますけど大丈夫ですかー?と軽い感じで言われ、とても嫌な気持ちになりました。 あとドライヤー2台持ちで乾かしてますが、とてもとても熱くて頭皮が焼けそうでした。あれやめた方がいいと思います。 髪型は写真をみせて、髪をおろした時にひろがるので、すいてくださいといました。髪を伸ばしている事も伝えると、伸ばすならすかないほうがいいですと言われ、小さい毛が出てくるのでと言われました。そんな事今まで美容室行ってて初めて言われましたし、だったらいい塩梅になるようにすけばいいだけの話ですよね。 結局写真を見せても全然それ通りにはならないし、色ムラもヤバくてやり直ししてもらいましたが、全く悪びれることもなく、面倒くさそうでした。 もう今回の事があり、もう2度とここには行かないと決めました。 他の女性スタッフの方などはすごく丁寧で良かったのに残念です。
I have used it several times, and the store manager, Mr. Sasaki, was in charge for the first time the other day. You said you want to make it lavender greige, but do you like pink? I was asked, huh? I thought, but when I answered yes, I put in a pink color and put it in a slow color, but the color faded in about two days. Then the store manager, Mr. Sasaki, wanted to avoid being in charge, so I looked at the hot pepper shift table and made a reservation aiming for a day off. When another woman was in charge, she treated me politely, the explanation was easy to understand, and she gave me the hairstyle and hair color I wanted. As the days went by, I made a reservation on a day when the store manager, Mr. Sasaki, wasn't there. However, I was at work that day, and I was in charge of it. As there are many reviews, looking from the top, there was no delicacy and there was uneven color. I have some white hair and always asked me to keep it inconspicuous when dyeing. When I tell you that, do you feel like that? I have some rough skin, but is that okay? I felt very unpleasant when I was told with a light feeling. I also have two hair dryers to dry, but it was so hot that my scalp seemed to burn. I think you should stop doing that. I showed you the photo of my hairstyle, and when I pulled down my hair, it spreads out, so I asked him to remove it. When I told him that I was growing my hair, I was told that I shouldn't do it if I wanted to grow it, and that small hair would come out. I've never been told such a thing for the first time since I went to a beauty salon, so it's just a matter of trying to make it a good salt plum. In the end, even if I showed the photo, it didn't look like that at all, and the color unevenness was so dangerous that I asked him to try again, but it didn't seem to be awkward at all and it seemed to be troublesome. This time around, I decided not to go here again. It's a pity that the other female staff members were very polite and nice.
ピーナッツ on Google

I nominated a man and asked for a shortcut. The treatment counseling was very polite, and the result was better than I had expected! This was my first visit to the store, but I look forward to working with you again! The nomination fee was 500 yen, but I felt that it could be higher.

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