Acos - Kobe

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Acos

住所 :

3 Chome-2-6 Tachibanadori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 650-0016
Webサイト :

3 Chome-2-6 Tachibanadori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0016, Japan
hukurou on Google

営業日が少ないので、確認してから訪れてください。 イートインスペースもあって良い雰囲気のお菓子屋さんです。お味は結構家庭的。安心するお味です。
Since there are few business days, please check before visiting. There is also an eat-in space and it has a good atmosphere. The taste is quite homely. It is a reassuring taste.
sugs on Google

Maybe Akos likes the baked goods best. I love our children♪
越田さくら on Google

We only operate gifts and sundries at stores, but we also have eat-in and settle down at cute shops. Delicious baked snacks and cheesecake ♥
藤本智幸 on Google

Entered at around 14:30. After all there was no NY cheesecake and hall. Buy a cut, then buy a little tart. The price is reasonable and I buy a lot because it's small.
立花律央 on Google

味わい深い焼き菓子と絶品キッシュのお店です。ちょっと大きめの丸い形のキッシュは、焼き菓子の中に紛れて陳列されてるのが可愛い。切り分けておくんですが、あまりに美味しくて、あっという間になくなります。そんなキッシュは人気のお品みたいなので、見かけたら是非!おすすめです。 店頭、そして店内にメダカが泳いでるのも可愛らしく、店員さんはとてもフレンドリーで素敵な方です。 店内飲食は2021.2月末現在はお休み。お支払いにはPayPayも使えます。
It is a shop of delicious baked sweets and exquisite quiche. The slightly larger round quiche is cute because it is displayed in the baked confectionery. I'll cut it up, but it's so delicious that it disappears in no time. Such a quiche seems to be a popular item, so if you see it, come on! it's recommended. It is cute that killifish are swimming in the store and in the store, and the clerk is very friendly and nice. Eating and drinking in the store is closed as of the end of 2021.2. You can also use PayPay for payment.
Nori bebe on Google

A small lovely baked goods shop. There is also an eat-in, where you can get baked goods that appear in the store. There are holes and small cuts so you can eat various kinds of things. I got it at the shop, but it was a bit ... but it was delicious with a gentle taste. Recommended caramel chiffon cake ☆
さゆり on Google

焼き菓子専門店です。 お店も可愛らしく手土産にも好評です。 店内にイートインスペースもあるので好きな物を食べれます。
It is a store specializing in baked goods. The shop is cute and popular as a souvenir. There is also an eat-in space inside the store so you can eat what you like.
もふもふにゃんこ on Google

ここの焼き菓子はどれも本当に美味しい〜。 クグロフやタルトも甘すぎず素材の味がしっかり出ています。 カフェオレは自分でミルクの量を調整できるのがすごく嬉しい! 飲み物はクッキー付きでした。 イートインスペースの利用はワンドリンク制になってます。 営業日が少ないのが残念ですが行く価値あり(*≧∀≦*)
All the baked goods here are really delicious. Kuglov and tart are also not too sweet, and the taste of the ingredients is firm. I'm so happy that cafe au lait can adjust the amount of milk on its own! The drink was with cookies. Use of the eat-in space is a one-drink system. It is unfortunate that there are few business days, but it is worth going (* ≧ ∀ ≦ *)

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