中国料理 大新

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

中国料理 大新 - 創業36年の本格中華 -

天王寺・阿倍野エリアの創業36年の本格中華、中国料理 大新のオフィシャルページです。お店の基本情報やおすすめの「黒醋の酢豚」「麻婆豆腐」「鶏肉の豆鼓醤炒め」をはじめとしたメニュー情報などをご紹介しています。

Contact 中国料理 大新

住所 :

Abenosuji, Abeno Ward, 〒545-0052 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Abenosuji, Abeno Ward, 〒545-0052 Osaka,Japan
You Tube on Google

There is a counter and two table seats. Lunch is reasonable. We made a large new lunch box that you can taste variously. According to the table pop, draft beer seems to be delicious.
suki suki on Google

美味しい! 店の雰囲気もいいし店員さんもいい人でした。
delicious! The atmosphere of the store was good and the clerk was also a nice person.
NON on Google

昼の日替わり定食から。 ボリュームは少なめですが、味は悪くないです。
From the daily set meal at noon. The volume is small, but the taste is not bad.
Moto Caz on Google

A gentle taste that is not slightly Chinese. The general is an insidious older brother, and this is not like Chinese again. The food is carefully prepared, so COSPA is subtle.
めぐちゃん on Google

I had Surah hot noodles, it was a little sour and spicy, but the soup I drank was not so much anywhere else. It's warmed up.
ホームセレクト喜連瓜破駅前 on Google

I used to visit a lot in the past. The place is a store along Abenosuji. I haven't visited at all for the past few years, but I have visited for the first time in a long time. There were several customers despite the early hours. There are quite a few menus in addition to the daily set meal. I had a vegetable sprout today. Yakimeshi with crispy lettuce. Moist type Yakimeshi. The seasoning was quite dark and delicious. The owners are also amiable and clean. I would like to go to another menu as well.
鈴木由美 on Google

お店も清潔で、何を頼んでも美味しく頂けました、 種類も沢山あって、ミニサイズもあり、お試しにもピッタリです 週に1度は通っても、また食べたくなる町中華屋さんです
The shop was clean and delicious no matter what I asked for. There are many types, and there are also mini sizes, which are perfect for trials. It's a town Chinese restaurant that makes you want to eat again even if you go there once a week.
naki 1945 on Google

清潔な店内 ほどよい人と人の距離感 メニュー品数の多さ! 麻婆飯(麻婆丼)を頼みました 豆腐が繊細な麻婆豆腐でした 山椒?花椒?かなり麻を感じる 汗かく美味しさでした
Clean interior A sense of distance between people Many menu items! I ordered Mapo rice (Mapo bowl) The tofu was delicate mapo tofu Sansho? Sichuan pepper? I feel a lot of hemp It was sweaty and delicious

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