ABCクッキング ラクエ四条烏丸スタジオ

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ABCクッキング ラクエ四条烏丸スタジオ

住所 :

Kankobokocho, Shimogyo Ward, 〒600-8009 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト :
街 : Kyoto

Kankobokocho, Shimogyo Ward, 〒600-8009 Kyoto,Japan
Sungdan Zhang on Google

HISAE on Google

いつも通わせてもらってます! 丸テーブルのレッスン教室はここだけかな? すごく雰囲気がいーです!!
I always go there! Is this the only lesson class for round tables? The atmosphere is really good !!
のっひー on Google

6月9日に体験でケーキを作ったのに、保冷剤がついていなくて、自宅に着いたらケーキが溶けてぐちゃぐちゃでした。 入会しなかったら保冷剤はつかないんでしょうか? ほんとに気分悪いです。 もう二度と友達を体験にはつれていきません。 サービスもできなかったら、誰も入会しないと思いますよ?
I made a cake on June 9th, but it didn't come with a cold pack, and when I got home, the cake melted and was messy. If I don't join, will I not get a cold pack? I'm really sick. I will never experience a friend again. If you can't do the service, don't you think that no one will join?
エッグTamago on Google

The cake tastes good, but the cooking experience isn't. I would recommend to try going to the studio at 五条 (Gojo). They have teachers who communicate with foreigners better. At least they will see you normal even if you stutter in your Japanese. ケーキはとても美味しかったですが、スタッフの対応は良いくないです。スタッフは外国人に向けた「おもてなし」を知れは、パーフェクトなぁ! 担任の先生は多分外国人に対応をすることが苦手で、レッスン中の態度は日本人の基準と思っら、顧客に対しておもてなしを足りないです。「これはダメ、あれもダメ」のよんなネガティブのコメントは多いでした。もちろんネイティブ日本人と同じく会話力が上手い人がいますけど、まま話す力が普通が、聴取能力がいい人もいます。私はこのタイプの外国人です。 7時ごろの時間はレッスンも遅かったかもしれませんが、体験じゃないくて、先生は自分でケーキを作ることを見学すると感じる。二時間の中に、私と友たちはたいたい材料を混ぜたり、料理道具を洗うばかりだ。ケーキを作る、いろいろな料理や道具を使うことの楽しさが見えませんでした。 それ後、外国人なので、コースの案内時間も、お茶を出しませんでした。お皿の乾燥する時も、キレイなタオルの置く場所も教えてもらえないかった。一番悪いと思ったら、やはり帰る時、先生は私たちに勝手な料理メニューを渡さなかった。質問したら、先生からの返事は: 「メニューは日本語だけでは大丈夫ですか?」 もし入会から、特別に仕事終わりの趣味に対して、そんな経験は誰でもいいやでしょうか? This is my first time to have a cooking class in Kyoto which is ended in disappointment. The teacher seemed to have a lack of understanding about how to get along with second language speakers in Japanese. We may not be a totally natively fluent speaker in all the vocabulary, yet our cognitive ability does work well. The teacher rushed her cooking steps by doing most of the tasks, from measuring, pouring, baking to cutting the cake out from the cooking tray. What my friend and I were left to do was just to do mixing, washing, and decorating the cake. Honestly speaking, this is then much easier than my high school cooking class. I totally understand that drinking water and the kitchen towels are supposed to be self-served. However, I would greatly appreciate if the teacher did tell me where I can get access to them, instead of making me be the rude guests on the day to venture around to reach them. As far as it is concerned, a menu will be provided after the lesson. However, the teacher decided on her own not to give us the recipe. We could only receive it after leaving the place and coming back with the request(as we thought it is in the cake box). Upon the request, she commented, "The menu is in full Japanese, is that okay for you?" I strongly hope that she could have acknowledged the followings: (1) We did use Japanese as a medium of language for instruction in the lesson. It may be simple Japanese to her, yet we understood. (2) My friend's husband is a native Japanese. He called the studio for the appointment. This obviously shows that someone can possibly or even surely translate the menu for her. (3) Some people may be weak in their speaking ability, while competent in their reading skills. (4) Above all, we have Google (or to be exact Google Translate), aren't we? I like cooking. However, watching people cook with poor hospitality aren't what I look for. And, don't forget this is the Miyako Kyoto. Or I hope the teacher may probably be just too tired after a day of work.
The cake tastes good, but the cooking experience isn't. I would recommend to try going to the studio at Gojo. They have teachers who communicate with foreigners better. At least they will see you normal even if you stutter in your Japanese. The cake was very good, but the staff are not very helpful. It's perfect for the staff to know "hospitality" for foreigners! My homeroom teacher is probably not good at dealing with foreigners, and I think that the attitude during the lesson is the standard of Japanese people, so I don't have enough hospitality for customers. There were many negative comments such as "This is no good, that is no good". Of course, there are people who are as good at speaking as native Japanese, but there are also people who have normal speaking ability but good listening ability. I am a foreigner of this type. The lesson may have been late at around 7 o'clock, but it's not an experience and I feel that the teacher will observe making cakes by himself. In two hours, my friends and I just mix the ingredients and wash the cooking utensils. I didn't see the joy of making cakes and using various dishes and utensils. After that, I was a foreigner, so I didn't serve tea during the course guidance time. He didn't tell me where to put the clean towels when the dishes were drying. When I thought it was the worst, when I got home, the teacher didn't give us a selfish menu. If you ask a question, the teacher's reply is: "Is the menu all right in Japanese?" Is it okay for anyone to have such an experience, especially for hobbies after work after joining? This is my first time to have a cooking class in Kyoto which is ended in disappointment. The teacher seemed to have a lack of understanding about how to get along with second language speakers in Japanese. We may not be a totally natively fluent speaker in all the vocabulary, yet our cognitive ability does work well. The teacher rushed her cooking steps by doing most of the tasks, from measuring, pouring, baking to cutting the cake out from the cooking tray. What my friend and I were left to do was just to do mixing, washing, and decorating the cake . Honestly speaking, this is then much easier than my high school cooking class. I totally understand that drinking water and the kitchen towels are supposed to be self-served. However, I would greatly appreciate if the teacher did tell me where I can get access to them, instead of making me be the rude guests on the day to Venture around to reach them. As far as it is concerned, a menu will be provided after the lesson. However, the teacher decided on her own not to give us the recipe. We could only receive it after leaving the place and coming back with The request (as we thought it is in the cake box). Upon the request, she commented, "The menu is in full Japanese, is that okay for you?" I strongly hope that she could have acknowledged the followings: (1) We did use Japanese as a medium of language for instruction in the lesson. It may be simple Japanese to her, yet we understood. (2) My friend's husband is a native Japanese. He called the studio for the appointment. This obviously shows that someone can possibly or even surely translate the menu for her. (3) Some people may be weak in their speaking ability, while competent in their reading skills. (4) Above all, we have Google (or to be exact Google Translate), aren't we? I like cooking. However, watching people cook with poor hospitality aren't what I look for. And, don't forget this is the Miyako Kyoto. Or I hope the teacher may probably be just too tired after a day of work.
mikkie mikkie on Google

広くてきれいです。 限定ワンデイレッスンに参加しました。
It's wide and clean. I participated in a limited one-day lesson.
中川清美 on Google

It ’s great to learn and eat delicious food.
名古屋魂中日ドラゴンズ(昇竜復活 青ゴジラ) on Google

I go once a month. This time I made Korean food on the C menu. I'll come back later
M M on Google

A great cooking facility. The instructors here are nice and make everything look and do easy. It has free introductry sessions for promoting their certificate courses with also a big price tag.

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