テンピュール アウトレット 神戸三田店 - Kobe

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About テンピュール アウトレット 神戸三田店


The Certified Space Technology trademark is used under license. All Rights Reserved.

Contact テンピュール アウトレット 神戸三田店

住所 :

7 Chome−3, Kozudai, Kita Ward, Kobe, 〒651-1515 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87898
Postal code : 651-1515
Webサイト : https://jp.tempur.com/
街 : Hyogo

7 Chome−3, Kozudai, Kita Ward, Kobe, 〒651-1515 Hyogo,Japan
masa n on Google

I want to sleep with such bedding
加藤啓介 on Google

You can experience it and buy it!
リンYuuki on Google

店晡で試せるので 実体経験がすごく役に立ちました。
The actual experience was very useful because I could try it at the store.
多田浩司 on Google

30%OFFでマットレス売ってたので衝動買いしてさまった! マットの硬さでめちゃくちゃ迷った
I sold the mattress at 30% off, so I bought it impulsively! I was confused by the hardness of the mat
Kocchan H on Google

「ボリュームを持たせた波形の形状が、頭部から首筋に沿うようにやさしくフィットしてしっかりサポートし、理想的な安眠スタイルを生み出す絶妙のバランス」と謳うネックピローのスタンダードデザインを購入しました。 アウトレット価格というほどでもなく、イオンなど、他店でも扱っているようでそれほど価格的には大差は無いようです。 が、この店舗では購入する際に丁寧にサイズを合わせてくださるので安心する事ができました。 ただ残念だったのは、購入手続きを終了した後に、「冬季は硬くなる」という説明を受けたこと(×_×) 実際、寒い時期は枕は硬くなるので慣れるまで違和感は感じます(>_<)
I purchased the standard design of the neck pillow, which says, "The voluminous corrugated shape fits gently from the head to the neck and supports it firmly, creating an ideal sleep style." It's not so much an outlet price, but it seems that other stores such as Aeon also sell it, so there seems to be no big difference in price. However, I was relieved that the size of this store was carefully adjusted when I purchased it. However, it was a pity that I received an explanation that "it will be hard in winter" after completing the purchase procedure (× _ ×). In fact, the pillows get harder in cold weather, so it feels strange until you get used to it (> _ <).
kuro shiba on Google

店員がわかりやすく売る気がない。 適正なサイズを訊ねても、「首が真っ直ぐになれば良い」というだけで、試すのを勧めるわけでもなければ測るわけでもない。 こんなとこで買っても失敗するだけだしと思い店を出た。
The clerk is easy to understand and does not want to sell. Asking for the right size doesn't mean that you should try it or measure it, just because you just want your neck to be straight. I left the store thinking that buying at such a place would only fail.
高田雅也 on Google

I think it's good because you can experience it and buy it, but it's still expensive
ちゃんまゆ on Google

It is the only Tempur outlet store that has received official certification from NASA as a mattress brand due to its high quality. It is a bargain if you are not particular about the latest model. There are various types, so it's better not to decide according to your taste, but to choose the bedding that suits your body shape and worries while receiving the staff's advice at the store.

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