新潟市西区の松田歯科医院 - Niigata

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新潟市西区の松田歯科医院

住所 :

7 Chome-5-13 Kobari, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 950-2022
Webサイト : https://www.matsudadent-whitening.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–1PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–1PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–1PM
Thursday 9:30AM–1PM
Friday 9:30AM–1PM

7 Chome-5-13 Kobari, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2022, Japan
山村健介 on Google

The director and other staff members are very polite, and they will explain the condition of your mouth and the condition of the part where you have symptoms, even if you show me a photo or an X-ray. In addition, the treatment time is sufficient and there is no hesitation. It is a reliable dental clinic.
Tomikichi on Google

歯周病が進み始め、通い始めました。月に1回のペースでメンテナンスに通い、早いものでお世話になり7年目になります。おかげさまで悪化し始めた歯周病も進行せず、歯の調子がとても良いです。日頃からの歯磨きの大切さと、歯科医院での定期メンテナンスの大切さを実感しています。 院長や衛生士さんはとても優しく、歯に関することなら何でも相談に乗ってくれます。お手入れのアドバイスがもらえ、大変助かっています。歯磨きグッズなどお手入れ用品の販売も充実しており、医院の雰囲気も明るく、気持ちよく治療に通っております。これからも通い続けるつもりです。
Periodontal disease began to progress and I started going to school. I go to maintenance once a month, and it's been 7 years since I was taken care of at the earliest. Thanks to you, periodontal disease, which has begun to worsen, has not progressed, and my teeth are in very good condition. I realize the importance of brushing my teeth on a daily basis and the importance of regular maintenance at the dental clinic. The director and hygienist are very kind and will be happy to help you with anything related to your teeth. I am very grateful for the advice on how to care for it. We also sell a lot of care products such as toothpaste goods, and the atmosphere of the clinic is bright, so we are comfortable with treatment. I will continue to attend.
川岸直子 on Google

先生、衛生士さん、受付の方、皆さんとても親切です。3ヶ月毎にクリーニングしてもらっています。こちらに通院して、歯をメンテナンスすること、予防の大切さがわかりました。 先生は歯を残して下さいますし、どんな些細なこともレントゲン写真などを見ながら、丁寧に答えて下さいます。誠実な先生です。
The teachers, hygienists, and receptionists are all very kind. I have them cleaned every 3 months. I went to the hospital and learned the importance of tooth maintenance and prevention. The teacher will leave your teeth and answer any trivial matter politely while looking at X-rays. A sincere teacher.
man center on Google

親不知が腫れたので受診しました。こちらの医院では下の親不知の抜歯ができないということで新潟医療センター宛に紹介状を書いていただき、予約して行きました。再度レントゲンを取り口内診察を受けた後で抜歯の予約をしようと思うと、土日休みは知っていましたが休日の前日は抜歯ができなかったり予約が詰まってたりでとても土日休みのサラリーマンが通院できる環境ではありませんでした。結局かかりつけの松田歯科医院で再度別の医院を紹介してもらってくださいと言われて診察代を払い松田歯科医院で事情を説明するとバカにしたように笑いながらこちらの詳しくない専門用語を並べて特に紹介してもらえず。結局仕事の合間に来た限りある時間の中で別の医院を探して電話し直し診察日を予約しました。お金も余計にかかったのでせめて松田歯科医院で撮影したレントゲンをもらうようにお願いしたらあっさり断られ、新潟医療センターにお願いして郵送してもらうことにしました。病院あるあるで初診の対応が雑というのはあると思いますが、せめて紹介状まで書いた患者に対しては責任を持って欲しいものです。他の口コミでは評判がいいようですが、私個人の感想としては最低のお医者様でした。 追記 ご回答いただきありがとうございます。今回の件は私の認識不足もありますし、全てそちらの医院に不備があったとは全く思っておりません。しかし一般感覚として紹介した場合はレントゲンを共有するなど、歯科業界として患者の負担が減るように勤めるのが理想かと思います。それについての問題点などは把握しておりませんが、今回親不知の治療をするのに3件まわって3回レントゲンを含む診察費を支払ったのは社会としてあまりに生活しづらいものだと感じたので投稿しました。このような不要な医療費負担が社会的に減ることを願います。
I had a medical examination because my ignorance was swollen. At this clinic, I had to write a letter of introduction to the Niigata Medical Center because I couldn't extract the teeth of my parents, and I made a reservation. When I tried to make an appointment for tooth extraction after taking an X-ray again and having an oral examination, I knew that it was a weekend holiday, but the day before the holiday, I couldn't extract the tooth or the appointment was clogged, so a salaryman on weekends went to the hospital. It was not an environment where I could do it. After all, I was asked to introduce another clinic again at my family's Matsuda Dental Clinic, and when I explained the situation at Matsuda Dental Clinic, I laughed as if I was stupid and introduced these unfamiliar technical terms side by side. I couldn't get it. After all, during the limited time I came between work, I searched for another clinic, called back, and booked a consultation day. It cost me extra money, so I asked him to get an X-ray taken at Matsuda Dental Clinic, but he refused it, so I asked the Niigata Medical Center to mail it. I think that there is a hospital and the handling of the first visit is complicated, but I would like you to take responsibility for the patient who wrote the letter of introduction at least. It seems to have a good reputation in other reviews, but in my personal opinion, it was the worst doctor. postscript Thank you for your response. There is a lack of awareness of this case, and I don't think there was anything wrong with that clinic. However, if I introduce it as a general sense, I think that it is ideal for the dental industry to work to reduce the burden on patients, such as sharing X-rays. I don't know the problems about it, but I felt that it was too difficult for society to live in the medical examination fee including X-rays three times for the treatment of Oyashirazu. So I posted it. We hope that such unnecessary medical expenses will be reduced socially.
chi hira on Google

娘が小学2年生の時から定期的に 歯を診てもらっていて4年になります。 最初にお口の環境を だ液検査などで調べてもらって 虫歯のリスクを減らすための 提案をして頂きました。 娘は検査が大好きで毎回楽しみにしています。 娘にとって歯医者さんは嫌いな場所 じゃなくて楽しい場所になっています。 松田歯科医院さんの 居心地の良い雰囲気もあると思います♪ これからもお世話になります。
Regularly since my daughter was in the second grade of elementary school It's been four years since I had my teeth examined. First, the oral environment Have them checked by a liquid test etc. To reduce the risk of tooth decay I had a suggestion. My daughter loves inspections and is looking forward to it every time. A place my daughter doesn't like dentists Instead, it's a fun place. Matsuda Dental Clinic's I think there is also a cozy atmosphere ♪ Thank you for your continued support.
鎌田祈子 on Google

歯科矯正のための抜歯をして頂きました。 計3本抜いていただきましたが、その後は特に異常なく過ごしています。リラックスした雰囲気の中で安心した環境で治療していただきました。また機会があればぜひお願いしたいです。
I had my teeth extracted for orthodontics. I had you pull out a total of three, but after that I have been spending time without any problems. I was treated in a relaxed atmosphere and in a safe environment. If you have another chance, I would love to hear from you.
Yukari Amano on Google

Matsuda After I started attending dentistry, I realized that it was important to perform regular maintenance. Until then, I went to the dentist after I had cavities, but I felt that I couldn't keep the teeth I had to use for the rest of my life. It is recommended because it can be carefully maintained! ️
mami on Google

まるでエステです。空間も勿論、素敵でゆったりリラックスでき、スタッフの皆さんの雰囲気も、病院に来てるというのを忘れてしまう程、心地がいいです。 こんな歯医者さんばかりなら、歯医者嫌いの人は居なくなると思いました。 今までは、歯に不調があって仕方なく嫌々歯医者に行くというスタイルだったのですが、こちらの医院を訪れてから、不調がなくても、不調を起こさないように歯のメンテナンスをしたいという風に意識が変わり、積極的に定期受診をするようになりました。 特に歯のクリーニング(歯石除去など)は、最新機器?で、本当にエステに通っているような気持ちになるくらい、気持ちの良い贅沢な時間です。 院長先生はマスクをしていても、目から笑顔が溢れているのがわかるくらい、チャーミングな方で、スタッフの方々の技術も丁寧で素晴らしいです。過剰な検査や治療もなく、親身になってその時に必要な治療を的確に無駄なくやってくださることも、非常に好感が持てました。 予約が取れなくなるのが心配で評価するのを躊躇しましたが、是非おすすめしたい歯科医院です。 これからも、お世話になります(人•ᴗ•♡)
It's like an esthetic salon. The space is nice and relaxing, and the atmosphere of the staff is so comfortable that you forget that you are in the hospital. I thought that if there were only such dentists, there would be no one who dislikes dentists. Until now, I had a style of going to a dentist because I had a tooth problem, but after visiting this clinic, I wanted to maintain my teeth so that I wouldn't have any problems. My consciousness changed to the wind, and I began to actively receive regular medical examinations. Especially for cleaning teeth (tartar removal, etc.), is it the latest equipment? It's a luxurious time that makes you feel like you're really going to an esthetic salon. Even if the director is wearing a mask, he is so charming that he can see a smile on his eyes, and the skills of the staff are polite and wonderful. I was very impressed with the fact that there was no excessive examination or treatment, and that he was kind enough to provide the necessary treatment accurately and without waste. I hesitated to evaluate it because I was worried that I would not be able to make a reservation, but I definitely recommend this dental clinic. Thank you for your continued support (People • ᴗ • ♡)

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