千貫松島 - 260千貫松島

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 千貫松島

住所 :

〒681-0074 鳥取県岩美郡岩美町Ajiro,Japan

Postal code : 681-0074
街 : 鳥取県岩美郡岩美町Ajiro

〒681-0074 鳥取県岩美郡岩美町Ajiro,Japan
只見東斉 on Google

If you walk along the coastline from the Amiyo side, you can see Sennuki Matsubara up close and feel more powerful than you can see from the sightseeing spot.
N zeek on Google

It is best to park your car at the back of the fishing port, enter the China Kinki Nature Trail and look at it from the top of the hill.
ちのちゃん on Google

近くに車停めれる場所が見当たらず、少し離れた来客用になんとか駐めて、山道へ。 浦安海岸沿いとは違って、一気に坂を登っていく感じ。 しんどかったけど、見れた感動はすごかった! 蚊に10ヶ所も噛まれて、そのあとは大変でした…笑 民家の間に一本道があったから、そっちから行くのもあり! 近くまできたなら、ぜひ見てほしい景色!
I couldn't find a place to park the car nearby, so I managed to park for a visitor a little further away and headed for the mountain road. Unlike along the Urayasu coast, it feels like climbing a hill at once. It was tough, but it was amazing to see it! After 10 bites were bitten by mosquitoes, it was tough after that...lol There is a straight road between the private houses, so you may go there! If you come close, you should definitely see the scenery!
なoみ on Google

高いところから千貫松島を見ることができてとてもキレイ。 展望台や神社の方にも道が繋がっているので、歩きやすい格好でぜひ楽しんで欲しいところです! どこを歩いても山道を抜けると絶景がひろがるので 大自然に癒されます。 車は網代港の公園の駐車場や遊歩道の入口近くに停めます。
It is very beautiful to see Sennuki Matsushima from a high place. The road is connected to the observatory and the shrine, so I would like you to enjoy it in an easy-to-walk style! No matter where you walk, if you go through the mountain road, you will get a magnificent view. You will be healed by nature. Cars park near the parking lot of Ajiro Port Park and the entrance of the promenade.
J L on Google

simply beautiful
Peter Broster on Google

We collected loads of blue pottery pieces on the beach and enjoyed the stunning scenery.
Liz Zee on Google

Beautiful hikes. Excellent kayaking
Olivia Chan on Google

It would be a nice walk to the observatory if the weather is fine. Need to pass through houses and narrow lanes before you reach the coast. Need to take a flight of stairs down to get a better view of the lone pine. Unluckily I went on a gusty and rainy day and was worried about being blown over the railing while taking photos.

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