
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 文蔵神明社

住所 :

4 Chome−25, Buzo, Minami Ward, 〒336-0025 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

4 Chome−25, Buzo, Minami Ward, 〒336-0025 Saitama,Japan
西岡有 on Google

This is Ujigami. It's a quiet and calm place.
あきむし on Google

静かできれいな神社です。 ソーシャルディスタンスバッチリ 夏はマイナスイオンたっぷりです。
It is a quiet and beautiful shrine. Social distance perfect There are plenty of negative ions in summer.
Yasa Maru on Google

In addition to the main shrine, there are four precincts.
とみ on Google

Today, I happened to be walking along the waterside park and I met Bungei Shinmei. It was very quiet and calm atmosphere. Cleaning was perfect and I was able to visit pleasantly.
遊民 on Google

地元に根ざした良い社です。本日は夏の出し物が夕方よりはじまり、地元の小学生を中心とする子どもたちで賑わいます。翌日は町内ごとに分かれ子ども神輿が投入されます。神明社から全ての町内に向けてのスタート地点となります。 自治会の方々中心とした協力体制の元、実施されている良いお祭りであることがよくわかります。
It is a good company rooted in the local community. Today's summer show begins in the evening, and it is crowded with children, mainly from local elementary school students. On the next day, children's shrines are thrown in every town. It is a starting point for all towns from Kamimeisha. It is clearly understood that it is a good festival being conducted under a cooperative system centered on the residents' association.
みちゃりま on Google

A shrine for neighboring residents in a residential area. We are working together to keep it clean. Not limited to shrines, the area around this area is beautiful overall.
かんたろう on Google

2018/12/10参拝 御祭神の案内によると宗像三女神。天照大神を祀っていない神明社は初めて。
2018/12/10 worship According to the guidance of the deity, the Three Goddesses of Munakata. This is the first time for Shinmeisha to not enshrine Amaterasu Omikami.
windmind4 on Google

きれいに整えられた神社です。 狛犬と賽銭箱は見当たりません。 稲荷社、御嶽社、不動尊、白山神社などが合祀されています。 伊勢神宮参拝記念碑が多数ありました。
It is a beautifully arranged shrine. I can't find the guardian dog and the money box. Inari Shrine, Ontakesha Shrine, Fudoson, Hakusan Shrine, etc. are enshrined. There were many Ise Jingu worship monuments.

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