イオン八尾御坊前店 - Yao

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact イオン八尾御坊前店

4 Chome-2-4 Honmachi, Yao, Osaka 581-0003, Japan
あき on Google

When I went there a few years ago, I remember that it was easy to shop because of the product lineup, but I was surprised at the rattling of the products.
カッシーホワイト on Google

Because the store is small, there are few products, but it's not so crowded.
入江健次 on Google

実家に帰ったついでに、八尾育ちの僕は久しぶりに昔は「ジャスコ」今は「イオン」に昨日2021年1月3日に行きました。 ここは御坊通り商店街の中にあります。 毎月御逮夜市というイベントをしてましたが、今もしてるのかな? さて、お店はやはり旧いのは否めないです。 周りの商店もシャッター街になりつつあります。 だけど、ここのイオンは小さいなりに駐車場も3台しか停めれないけど? 頑張っています。 僕が幼稚園児だった頃にはすでにあったから、40年位はある。 それだけ、実績があります。 店内は広くは無いけど、探している物がわかりやすいです。 店員も明るく親切です。 昔は2階で衣類や寝具とかも買えたんですが今は研修の場に使ってるのかな? お惣菜やお弁当等買えるので、一人暮らしの方にもオススメです。 味も美味しい物あります。 時々お店の前でワゴンセールとかしています。 これが、破格の値段でそこそこの下着、靴下等いろんな物が買えるのは素直に楽しいし嬉しいです。 あ、産地の駅弁や特産品とかも定期的にしています。 私には非常に愛着があるイオンです。 巨大ショッピングモールには無い良さがたくさんあります。 近くにコインパーキングは何件かあるので気が向いたら寄ってみて、商店街をぶらつくのもたのしいかも。
After returning to my parents' house, I grew up in Yao and went to "JUSCO" and now "Aeon" yesterday on January 3, 2021 for the first time in a while. This is in the Gobo-dori shopping street. We had an event called Arrest Night Market every month, but are we still doing it? By the way, it is undeniable that the shop is old. The shops around it are also becoming a shutter town. However, Aeon here is small and only 3 parking lots can be parked ? I am working hard. It's been about 40 years since I was already in kindergarten. That's how much we have a track record. The inside of the store is not large, but it is easy to understand what you are looking for. The clerk is also cheerful and kind. In the past, I could buy clothes and bedding on the 2nd floor, but now I wonder if I'm using it for training? You can buy side dishes and bento boxes, so it is recommended for those who live alone. Some of them have a delicious taste. Sometimes I have a wagon sale in front of the store. It's fun and happy to be able to buy various things such as underwear and socks at an exceptional price. Oh, I also regularly make ekiben and special products from the production area. Aeon is very attached to me. There are many advantages that a huge shopping mall does not have. There are several coin parking lots nearby, so if you feel like it, it might be fun to stop by and wander around the shopping street.
岡本晃明 on Google

While there are many supermarkets that close early due to the recent corona disaster, it is helpful to be open until late.
captain funk on Google

犬の缶詰シーサー この近辺では一番安い ちなみにAmazonだと3030÷24=126円 箱で買うほどじゃない 色んな種類を試したい たまに買うって時に もちろん近辺のペットショップより安い
Canned dog shisa The cheapest in this area By the way, for Amazon, 3030 ÷ 24 = 126 yen Not as much as buying in a box I want to try various types Sometimes I buy it Of course cheaper than nearby pet stores
ran fuji on Google

食料品メインの普通のスーパーという感じ。衣料品とか文房具は、かなりメジャーものしかないです。 もともと2Fにも売場があり、閉鎖されてからも結構長く続いているので、地域にとって必要なスーパーみたいです。 ただ、レジがフル稼働してるのを見たことがないです。
It feels like an ordinary supermarket with a main grocery store. Clothing and stationery are quite major. Originally, there was a sales floor on the 2nd floor, and it has been going on for quite a long time since it was closed, so it looks like a supermarket that is necessary for the area. However, I have never seen the cash register in full operation.
よっちゃん on Google

商品の品揃えは良いけどー店員の対応が悪すぎるー 飲料の配置はもう少し考えてほしいのと、飲料出している女の従業員がすごくカート邪魔してすごく腹立つ!!!
The product lineup is good, but the clerk's response is too bad. I want you to think about the arrangement of drinks a little more, and the female employee who is serving drinks gets in the way of the cart and gets very angry! !! !!
tomi tomi on Google

食品綺麗し美味い。惣菜、肉も野菜も綺麗。パン、ジュース。ビールが安い これからちょくちょく利用しよう。買いやすいし。まだ店員わるいヤツには当たってないかな。
The food is beautiful and delicious. Side dishes, meat and vegetables are beautiful. Bread and juice. Beer is cheap. Let's use it from now on. Easy to buy. I wonder if the clerk hasn't hit the bad guy yet.

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