
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 成田屋醸造

住所 :

〒381-1231 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–6:30PM
Thursday 9AM–6:30PM
Friday 9AM–6:30PM
街 : Nagano

〒381-1231 Nagano,Japan
55レバンナ on Google

I love the soy sauce beans that I make here because they have good saltiness and sweetness.
Dog Kenda on Google

美味しいの一言に尽きる。良い意味でスーパーの味噌を買えなくなってしまった。 いつまでもこんな日本が世界に誇れる味を維持して下さい。
It's just a delicious word. In a good way, I can no longer buy supermarket miso. Please maintain the taste that Japan can be proud of in the world forever.
MST YSK on Google

This is the only miso we order from my home. If you give it to someone who has taken care of it, you will always be pleased. I definitely recommend it.
Ozaki Natsue on Google

醤油豆、最高! 野菜につけてもよし、ご飯に乗せてもよし。 この暑い食欲のない時期でもご飯がすすみます。
Shoyumame is the best! You can put it on vegetables or on rice. Rice goes well even in this hot season when you don't have an appetite.
遥彼方 on Google

Honey is cheap for some reason. A delicious miso shop.
M Akira on Google

こちらの味噌のみそ汁を飲むと他のは食べれなくなります。 そのくらいおいしい味噌です。 あと醤油豆と言う黒豆を麹と醤油に浸けた豆が売ってますが、これも本当においしいです。 冷奴にのせたり、卵かけご飯にまぜたり醤油の代わりのようにつかえますが、麹の効いてる分深い味わいがあり、お勧めです。 なくなると恋しくなり、定期的に買いにいくのですが遠いのでご主人に聞いたところ、上田市内のみすず飴で有名な飯島商店さんの本店に卸しており、そちらで購入できると聞き、飯島商店さんで購入したりします。 みそと醤油豆、ホントにお勧めです!
If you drink this miso soup, you will not be able to eat anything else. That's how delicious miso is. There are also soy sauce beans, which are black beans soaked in jiuqu and soy sauce, which are also really delicious. You can put it on a cold tofu, mix it with omelet rice, or use it as a substitute for soy sauce, but it is recommended because it has a deep taste due to the effect of the jiuqu. When I run out, I miss it and go to buy it regularly, but when I asked my husband, I heard that it was wholesaled to the main store of Iijima Shoten, which is famous for Misuzu candy in Ueda city, and Iijima can buy it there. I buy it at a store. Miso and soy sauce beans are really recommended!
hidetaro4710 on Google

お味噌が美味しいです。 お味噌汁を作るとき、具材から出る旨味に、こちらのお味噌を入れるだけでとっても美味しい味噌汁ができます。
Miso is delicious. When making miso soup, you can make very delicious miso soup just by adding this miso to the umami that comes out of the ingredients.
Y Shimoda on Google

少し分かりにくい場所にありますが、道を挟んで向かい側にも大きな駐車場がありました。 米麹のまろやか味噌、醤油豆、きざみ漬を購入。 お味噌は色々な種類があるようなので、使い切ったら別のものを試してみたいと思います。 スーパーの少しお高めな味噌に比べても、割高感は全く無く、何より美味しいのでコスパはとても良いと思います。
It's a bit confusing, but there was a big parking lot across the road. Purchased mellow miso of rice jiuqu, soy sauce beans, and chopped pickles. There seem to be various types of miso, so I would like to try another one when it is used up. Compared to the slightly expensive miso in the supermarket, it doesn't feel expensive at all, and above all, it's delicious, so I think the cost performance is very good.

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