長野西澤書店 長野県官報販売所

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 長野西澤書店 長野県官報販売所

住所 :

〒380-0841 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://nishizawa-book.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

〒380-0841 Nagano,Japan
Golden Cat on Google

長野市の北半分で、官報・教科書等も取り扱う、勢力の強い書店です。 私がひいきにしていたライバルの、萩原書店が閉店したことで、客足は増えたかも知れませんが、店の造りや雰囲気は、前者の方が上手でした。 友人との待ち合わせで、立ち読みさせて頂いたのですが、店内の造りが古く、段差等が多くて、居心地はそれほど良くなかったです。 善光寺最寄りの書店ということもあり、オリジナルの御朱印帳等も扱っています。 参考書のラインナップが多いのは、善光寺周りの学校に通う高校生には、重宝される存在でしょう。
In the northern half of Nagano City, it is a powerful bookstore that handles official gazettes and textbooks. The closure of Hagiwara Bookstore, a rival that I favored, may have increased the number of customers, but the former was better at building and the atmosphere. In a meeting with a friend, I browsed, but the interior of the store was old, there were many steps, and the comfort was not so good. It is also the nearest bookstore near Zenko-ji Temple, and it also sells original Goshu stamps. There are many lineups of reference books that high school students who go to schools around Zenkoji will find useful.
若松峰 on Google

The other day, I used this bookstore. The atmosphere inside the store and the polite response of the young female clerk were good. However, there is one thing I was interested in. That is, there was an employee who was talking to his wife and a suspected child during work. Perhaps you have a desire to show your family how you work and where you work. Even during the break, he seemed to spend a long time with a family-like person, forgetting that there were other guests. I thought I'd take a look around after finishing the accounting, but I felt very uncomfortable, so I went home immediately.
kuma kuma on Google

The truth is ☆ zero. I pass in front of the store almost every day. I thought it was funny to have a swallow's nest, but when I saw it yesterday, it was clean and tidy. It's a long-established store in front of Zenkoji, but it's ruthless. .. Actually, I want to make it minus 5. I doubt the way of thinking of working people. It's too cruel.
北村和子 on Google

I run a cram school. I wanted a textbook, but my leg was injured and I couldn't drive the car. When I called with the intention of sending it, I delivered it to my house. I am very glad that you have taken great care of your injuries. I heard that he was from outside the prefecture and recently came from Tokyo because he has no accent. I think it's nice that people who are not from Nagano work in historic shops. I would like to visit the store when my injury is healed.
スズヒロ on Google

教科書に関して様々な面で対応も仕事も雑過ぎる。他社に代わって欲しい 男性社員にしても女性社員にしても現任から変更してもらいたい
Correspondence and work are too complicated in various aspects regarding textbooks. I want you to take the place of another company I want both male and female employees to change from their current position
のら猫Stray cat on Google

Although the genre is a large bookstore, it is an ordinary bookstore. A complete collection of all six laws and other legal books and government publications.
小林子供 on Google

学校花子さんと全く同意見です。一体どうなっているか、ネットで調べたら案の定の始末。 この会社の本社は福島なのでしょうか。 そちらに連絡してみたいと思います。 電話口(ひそひそと横やりで指示する謎の男性社員?)だったら貴方が代わって対応しろと言いたい。 こういう上司あってのこの会社なのだと納得。
I totally agree with Hanako-san at school. I searched online to find out what was going on, and it was a good idea. Is the head office of this company in Fukushima? I would like to contact you. If it's a phone call (a mysterious male employee who gives instructions secretly and sideways?), I'd like to say that you should respond on your behalf. I am convinced that this company has such a boss.
学校花子 on Google

学校従事者です。この書店には教科書でお世話にはなっています。クレームに近いですが、学校に出入り・連絡をされる社員の方について。先ず知識がない、何故か余計なことでしつこい行為。こういう方を現場に関わらせないで欲しいというよりも、学校側に迷惑を掛けないで欲しいです。これはその社員の方が悪いのではなく、そういう方に仕事を任せている会社や上司の方に責任があります。昨年末より今年春にかけてだいぶ良くなったというか安心できる状態にありましたが、その方が辞職されたということで、ガッカリというより次が酷過ぎます。結局のところ、辞職された方もその方自身の責任(急に辞めたなど)にしている辺り、その方に許可を得てそういう説明を行っているとも思えませんし、そういう説明を行う行為自体、人としての神経を疑ってしまいます。そしてそれらは学校には全く関係がなく、それらを想定した会社の組織作りさえも出来ていないのでしょうか? 上記で述べさせて頂いた方に関わらず、経験者を復職させるなり大至急改善をしてください。 私一人の偏見かもと危惧し、同じく同書店に教科書でお世話になっている別学校の教員仲間に聞いてみたら、ほぼ同意見でした。
I'm a school worker. This bookstore is indebted to me with textbooks. It's close to a complaint, but about employees who go in and out of school and get in touch. First of all, I have no knowledge, and for some reason it is a persistent act. I don't want these people to be involved in the field, but rather to bother the school. This is not bad for the employee, but the responsibility of the company or boss who entrusts the work to them. From the end of last year to the spring of this year, I was in a state where I could feel relieved, but because that person resigned, the next one is too terrible rather than disappointing. After all, the person who resigned is also responsible for himself (such as suddenly quitting), so I do not think that he is giving such an explanation with permission, and the act of giving such an explanation In itself, I doubt my nerves as a person. And they have nothing to do with the school, and aren't they even able to create a company organization that envisions them? Regardless of the person mentioned above, please make an immediate improvement as soon as you return the experienced person to work. I was afraid that I might be prejudiced by myself, so when I asked a fellow teacher at another school who was also indebted to me in the textbook at the same bookstore, I almost agreed.

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