
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 第二つれたか丸

住所 :

3 Chome−11, Wadacho, Hitachinaka, 〒311-1214 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://tsuretakamaru.jp/
街 : Ibaraki

3 Chome−11, Wadacho, Hitachinaka, 〒311-1214 Ibaraki,Japan
YU on Google

Briefly, only facts. First, the captain was 15 minutes behind the meeting time. Do not write the boarding list. There are about 17 fishermen and the capacity is clearly over. Since there is no middle-riding rider, the fishermen are in a state of putting ducks together, and some cute people who just scoop human fish and can not fish. I heard in advance about the relay fishing of 〇〇 and ✕✕ over the phone, so when I checked the schedule on the day, she said, “I can't do it!” "Rather, I came for ✕✕, but ..." and said, "Now, get off!" The captain threw away the tobacco ash from the window while moving, and his fishing gear and cooler box were contaminated with the ash. Does the homepage of the fishing inn say "hospitality" or something like that?
S I on Google

マダコに乗船しました。他の船宿がどこもいっぱいでこの船にお世話になることにしました。 この船は当たりが無く釣れない状況が続き、お客さん達が飽きているにも関わらす、ポイントを探すなどの移動が少なく、船長はキャビン内でお喋りしていてるだけ。 釣果も、いつも他の船よりよい釣果報告しているが数、大きさ共、相当高い下駄をはかせている(笑)
I boarded a octopus. I decided to take care of this ship because there are many other ships. This ship has been hit and cannot be caught, and despite the fact that the customers are tired of it, there are few movements such as searching for points, and the captain is just talking in the cabin. I always report better fishing results than other boats, but I put on geta that are quite expensive in both number and size (laughs).
Kenichi Endo on Google

真鯛が釣りたく、初心者3名で某サイトから申し込み。当日まで何も連絡がなかった為、こちらから「初心者ですが、よろしくお願いします」と、ご挨拶と連絡をし待ち合わせ時間を確認。しかし、30分遅刻で登場。 こちらも悪かったのですが、釣竿はレンタル予定でいましたが勝手がわからず確認した結果「釣り竿も持っていないか!」と厳しく怒られ、家に取りに行くので更に30分。 予定時刻より1H遅れ。船内の設備の説明もなし。 釣りに関しては一応、簡単なレクチャを頂けましたが根がかりの際には「レンタル竿を壊したら弁償してもらうからな!」と激しく怒られました。 個人的には特別釣れなくてもいいとおもってました。日ごろの仕事のストレスを釣りというレジャーで世話になっている友人と過ごし、もてなせればいいと思ってましたが、なぜかお金を払い、船長の顔色をうかがいながら釣りをするという苦行でストレスをため込むことになりました。(釣果も全然でした。) また、エサ切れで、追加のエサを購入した際、値段は事前に確認していましたが、もれなく+\100の水増し請求。(気づいてましたが、友人がいた手前、もめるのも嫌で払いました。) 釣り船デビューがここだった為、今後の釣り船選びの基準となったことと、通常、レジャーで期待するサービスというのはこういった業界にはなかなかないということが勉強になりました。 そもそも某予約サイトは二度と利用しないと決めました。
I want to fish red sea bream, so 3 beginners apply from a certain site. I didn't get any contact until the day, so I said "I'm a beginner, thank you" and contacted me to confirm the meeting time. However, it appeared 30 minutes late. This was also bad, but I was planning to rent a fishing rod, but as a result of checking without knowing what to do, I was severely angry with "Do you have a fishing rod!" And went home for another 30 minutes. 1H behind the scheduled time. There is no explanation of the equipment on board. Regarding fishing, I received a simple lecture, but when I took root, I was very angry, saying, "If you break the rental rod, you will be compensated!" Personally, I thought I didn't have to catch anything special. I thought it would be nice to spend the stress of my daily work with a friend who is taken care of by the leisure of fishing, but for some reason I paid money and fished while looking at the captain's complexion. I have to accumulate stress. (The fishing results were also at all.) Also, when I was out of food and purchased additional food, I had confirmed the price in advance, but I was charged + \ 100 inflated without exception. (I noticed, but before I had a friend, I didn't want to mess with it.) Since my debut as a fishing boat was here, I learned that it became a criterion for choosing a fishing boat in the future, and that the services that I usually expect at leisure are hard to find in such an industry. In the first place, I decided not to use a certain reservation site again.
Kaito OMOTE on Google

船長はかなりテキトーな所があり、クセの強い人ですが、腕は確か。どの位置の客がどれくらいのサイズを上げたか逐一めっちゃ見ていて覚えてるし、アドバイスもしてくれる熱心な方です。流す場所も、割と頻繁に魚影を探して移動してくれる印象。 ただ、船釣り初心者の方や、気難しいおじさんが苦手な人にはお勧めしません(笑)
The captain is quite techie and has a strong habit, but his skill is certain. He is an enthusiastic person who can remember and give advice by looking at each customer in which position and how much size he has increased. The impression is that the place where the fish is shed is relatively frequent, looking for fish shadows. However, I do not recommend it to those who are new to boat fishing or those who are not good at difficult uncles (laugh)
小林幸治 on Google

8人電話で予約しました、寝てたのかかなり寝起きで❗予約したのですが空いてるか確認するので折り返し電話するとのこと‼️全然連絡が来ないまま?私は人数が多い事もあり❗ 別の船を予約しました‼️2日前に連絡があり予約が出来てたみたいで、全てのお客さんをキャンセルしたとのこと‼️(てかこっちは連絡待ってたんだよ?)つーか駄目だったら、2日前に8人予約出来る分け無いじゃん❗かなりテキトー過ぎる‼️空いてるか確認したら電話してこいや‼️釣果は船乗って無いので分かりません‼️腕があっても対応悪いと使いません‼️金払ってるんで!
I made a reservation on the phone for 8 people, I was asleep or I woke up quite a bit ❗ I made a reservation, but I will call back to check if it is vacant‼ ️I haven't heard from you at all ? I have a lot of people ❗ I booked another ship! ️ It seems that I was contacted two days ago and made a reservation, so I canceled all the customers! ️ (I was waiting for you to contact me ?) If it doesn't work, I can make a reservation for 8 people 2 days in advance ❗ It's too techto‼ ️Call me when you check if it's available! ️I don't know the fishing result because I'm not on board! ️ Even if you have an arm, you will not use it if you do not respond well! ️I'm paying!
takeshi kido on Google

The fishing results are inflated here. Even though there were 3 people fishing at that time, the fishing result information is 3 ~. There was no entry in the boarding list, and it was a ship inn that made the elderly captain feel uneasy about safety. The hull is also quite old, and it is a high-risk inn in terms of safety.
FIRE on Google

初めてマダコ釣りで使わせていただいて、個性的で楽しい船長さんにまず感謝です。 私は今まで東京湾ばかりでした。お客さんが釣れないと移動また移動の繰り返しで、釣ってる時間より移動が多すぎるのが嫌だなぁと思っていました。 その点第二つれたか丸の船長さんはじっくり取り組ませてくれるので、色々な手を試す時間をくれます。釣り手がどれだけ引出しを持っているか、いかに相手を食う気にさせるか、それが釣りです。 船長のおかげでいつもよりたくさんのアイデアを試すことができました。お土産もバッチリ釣れましたし。これからも愛用させていただきます。ありがとうございました♪
First of all, I am grateful to the captain who is unique and fun to use for octopus fishing for the first time. Until now, I was only in Tokyo Bay. If the customer couldn't catch it, he would move and move repeatedly, and I didn't want to move too much more than the time I was fishing. In that respect, the captain of the second Kamaru will take the time to work on it, so he will give us time to try various moves. Fishing is how much the angler has a drawer and how to make the opponent eat. Thanks to the captain, I was able to try more ideas than usual. I was able to catch souvenirs. I will continue to use it habitually. Thank you ♪
Toshikazu Fujita on Google

The fishing result is doubled from 30%. If you don't want to pay for it and increase stress, consider others. Regulars interrupt the four corners in groups. There was one baggage on the 艏, and three people came later, and the captain went to us, who was the second 艏 and set up to the pole. Because the ship is small, I and my companion were between the torso. There is no point in arriving early and there is a certain amount of priority given to regulars. Not limited to this inn, Ibaraki's ship inn has many regular firsts and many people have no morals, so those who are not good at this hand or beginners can reduce the feeling of dislike when going to Chiba. Half of the life jackets are not on this ship, and the captain does not mention that. The captain is always late for the meeting time, and I don't write it because I don't have the boarding list because I don't have time, and the fare varies depending on the person. It is better to watch the exchange of money between people before and after you. The amount will change depending on the captain's mood. On the way back, the captain parked the car next to the car in the parking lot, and the car that couldn't get out was told to wait, so park 3-4 cars on the left side of the car. Captain Kaku's carelessness stands out in the rabbit. The captain may not be looking around or doing maintenance because he is likely to hit another ship in the harbor or towed offshore due to engine trouble. I think that the reputation of boat fishing.jp is generally correct, so it is recommended to read it before making a reservation. If my acquaintance couldn't make a reservation for another ship, I would make a reservation for this ship, so I took it several times, but it was my worst one among the ships in the Kanto area. The fact that there is a person who does not intentionally or unnecessarily write the boarding list originally determined by law does not match the boarding fee, so isn't he not reporting tax?

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