嵐の湯 つくば店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 嵐の湯 つくば店

住所 :

3 Chome, Hitachinonishi, Ushiku, 〒300-1206 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Webサイト : http://arashinoyu.co.jp/tsukuba
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–3:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Ibaraki

3 Chome, Hitachinonishi, Ushiku, 〒300-1206 Ibaraki,Japan
いりぐちなおき on Google

嵐の湯 とは言うけど入浴施設では無く岩盤浴の専門店 一応湯船も有る ベランダみたいな休憩所は時期によっては良いかも
Arashi no Yu That said, it's not a bathing facility but a bedrock bath specialty store There is also a bathtub A resting place like a veranda may be good depending on the time
Yutaka Miyazaki on Google

If you think that a normal public bath has options, is it a bedrock bath? Was the main. It also included exclusive clothes and was free to drink mineral water. The clerk is also friendly and not bad.
こうやさいさいし on Google

タオルだけ持参すれば追加料金なしで過ごせる。湯浴み着と水、シャンプーリンス、ボディソープはあり。 岩盤浴専門のため、兎に角汗を出したい、すっきりさっぱりしたい人にオススメ。スーパー銭湯のようにゆっくり時間をかけて楽しむより、1、2時間でさっと出すもの出す感じ。 料金は高いものの、水は飲み放題だし、持ち物が少なくて良いので、助かる。
If you bring only a towel, you can spend it at no extra charge. There are bathing clothes, water, shampoo conditioner, and body soap. As it specializes in bedrock baths, it is recommended for people who want to sweat the rabbits and want to be refreshed. Rather than spending a lot of time enjoying it like a super public bath, it feels like putting out something quickly in an hour or two. Although the price is high, you can drink all-you-can-drink water and you don't have to bring much, which is helpful.
on Google

・浴室(薬石の部屋)がカビ臭い ・店員さんがマスクをしないで話しかけてくる(コロナにかかっても自力で治す自信があると話していました) ・2000円と、高価な割に設備がしょぼくあまりお金がかかっていなさそう など、気になる点は多々ありましたが薬石湯自体は汗がたくさん出て良いものでした。
・ The bathroom (medicine stone room) smells moldy ・ The clerk talks to me without wearing a mask (he said he was confident that he would heal himself even if he got corona). ・ It's 2000 yen, which is expensive, but the equipment doesn't seem to cost much. There were many points that I was worried about, but Yakuishi-to itself was good because it sweated a lot.
H-yoo on Google

It's a hot bedrock bath, but I sweat so much that I can see that waste products are coming out. Do you use the stones from Akita Tamagawa Onsen for the boulders you are laying? You will get tired, but the next day you will have a solid and refreshing body. I wish I felt comfortable ...
マオリ族 on Google

色んな嵐の湯に行ってますので厳しく評価します。入店した時にメンテナンスがあるって言えば 良いのに閉店時間前 1時間前に 急にメンテナンスがあるから21時までにはに部屋から出て行ってと言われた。 多分 従業員が早く上がりたいからだと思ってます。 他に客がいなかったから ギリギリ迄居たかったのに 急に言われて2度と行きたくないかな?
I'm going to various Arashi-no-yu, so I will evaluate it strictly. It should be said that there is maintenance when entering the store, but one hour before the closing time there is sudden maintenance, so I was told to leave the room by 21:00. I think this is probably because I want employees to get up faster. I didn't have any other customers, so I wanted to stay until the last minute, but suddenly I was told so I don't want to go again?
タカタカ on Google

気持ちよく汗がたっぷり出てデトックス! 薬石ミネラルの蒸気を皮膚から呼吸から身体にいれて元気になる!肌はツルツルピカピカ!
Detox with plenty of sweat! The vapor of medicinal minerals is put into the body from the skin through breathing to make the body healthy! The skin is smooth and shiny!
U P on Google

風紀が悪い。常連がうるさく「あの人みたことある?」「あの人すぐ帰ったけどなんで」などと他の客の陰口を言っている。スタッフとも仲良く下の名前で呼び合っている程。 ここの店舗に来たことのある私の知人らも、この内輪ノリのエグさは承知で、自然に通わなくなったとのこと。 店長らしき男性や若いスタッフは愛嬌あるが、態度が悪く店員としての自覚がないような中年女性スタッフがいる。嵐の湯に入ることを目的に働いているような雰囲気で、このスタッフも常連集団に混ざっていた。 嵐の湯の中でのお喋りは禁止だが、常連客と仕事上がりのスタッフが入ってくると数分はお喋りが止まらない。受付に言おうと思ったが、連れが呆れてもう帰るというので短い滞在時間だったが帰ることに。他のひとり客も迷惑そうで可哀想だった。 しかも料金は安くない、ここ数年何度も値上げしているようだし、レディースデー等も廃止。
Bad morals. The regulars are noisy, saying, "Have you seen that person?" "Why did he come back soon?" I get along well with the staff and call them by the name below. My acquaintances who have come to this store are aware of the excitement of this inner ring, and they can no longer go naturally. Men and young staff who seem to be store managers are charming, but there are middle-aged female staff who have a bad attitude and do not realize that they are store clerks. The atmosphere was like working for the purpose of entering Arashi no Yu, and this staff was also mixed in with the regular group. Talking in the stormy water is prohibited, but when regular customers and staff after work come in, they can't stop talking for a few minutes. I thought I'd tell the receptionist, but my companion was disappointed and I was going home, so I had a short stay, but I decided to go home. The other one customer seemed to be annoying and was sorry. Moreover, the price is not cheap, it seems that the price has been raised many times in the last few years, and ladies' day etc. are abolished.

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