パソコン修理24 立川店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パソコン修理24 立川店

住所 :

Shibasakicho, Tachikawa, 〒190-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト : https://www.smaphodock24.jp/shop/tachikawa.php
街 : Tokyo

Shibasakicho, Tachikawa, 〒190-0023 Tokyo,Japan
川島進 on Google

パソコンが起動しなくなりネットで調べパソコン修理24立川店に修理を依頼しました。 起動しない原因を詳細に説明していただき良かったです。 また、開店1周年キャンペーンで費用も安価で助かりました。
My computer stopped working and I searched online and asked the PC Repair 24 Tachikawa store to repair it. I'm glad you explained in detail the reason why it didn't start. In addition, the cost was low and it was saved by the campaign for the first anniversary of the opening of the store.
清水信博 on Google

子供に液晶とキーボードを破壊されましたが、¥26,000円で、直りました大満足です最高です! 皆このお店を利用した方が良いです!!! 接客も丁寧で分かりやすく、6歳と3歳の子どもを連れて行ったのですが、子供にも丁寧に対応して下さいました。
My child destroyed the LCD and keyboard, but for ¥ 26,000, it was fixed and I am very satisfied. Everyone should use this shop! !! !! The customer service was also polite and easy to understand, and I took children aged 6 and 3 with me, but they also responded politely to the children.
ろぐろぐあおいん on Google

vaio Fit 13Aのファン異音のため点検・修理(交換)依頼。半額キャンペーンと、クチコミ割引で、予想より安く済んだ。修理に出してから1週間で完了したので、こちらもほぼ予想通りで助かった。その後も快適に動作中。ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
Requested inspection / repair (replacement) due to abnormal noise from the fan of vaio Fit 13A. Half-price campaign and word-of-mouth discount made it cheaper than expected. It was completed in a week after I sent it for repair, so it was saved almost as expected. It is still operating comfortably. Thank you m (_ _) m
高橋俊二 on Google

Lenovo ideapad L340の液晶に物をぶつけてしまい、正しく表示されなくなってしまったので、修理をお願いしました。 金銭的に余裕がなかったので修理費用が心配でしたが、予想より安く済みました。 また、修理も数日で終わり、トータル1週間ほどでまた使える様になりました。
I hit an object on the LCD of the Lenovo ideapad L340 and it was not displayed correctly, so I asked for repair. I was worried about the repair cost because I couldn't afford it, but it was cheaper than expected. In addition, the repair was completed in a few days, and it was ready to use again in a total of about a week.
Pi Aka on Google

Surface Goという少し特殊な端末を修理に出させて頂きましたが、想像以上のスピード感で修理していただきました。 動作確認してみましたが特におかしな点はなく、大変助かりました。 持ち込み時やお電話での対応も非常に丁寧で、またいつか壊れてしまったときはお願いしようと思います。
I sent out a slightly special terminal called Surface Go for repair, but I repaired it at a speed faster than I imagined. I checked the operation, but there was nothing strange about it, which was very helpful. We are very polite when you bring it in or by phone, and if it breaks someday, I'd like to ask you.
mrn mrn (merino) on Google

パソコン液晶修理をお願いしました。 土曜日に依頼して、修理が終わって店舗に届くのが次の水〜木と聞いていたのですが、実際に届いたのは土曜の午後でした。 大急ぎだった訳では無いので問題はないのですが、本来なら毎日使っているものなので、 受け取り日時は最初からなるべく遅めに見積もっておいていただきたかったです。 (待たされた気がしてしまうため) あとクレジットでの支払いで、カード読み取り機の調子が悪いようで、治ったpcを受け取ってからお店を出るのにかなり時間がかかりました。 色々と待ち時間が長かったな〜という気持ちはありましたが、pcの液晶は元通り(体感としては今まで以上にキレイに)治っていたので満足しております。
I asked you to repair the LCD of your computer. I asked for it on Saturday and heard that the repairs would be completed and it would arrive at the store next Wednesday-Thursday, but it actually arrived on Saturday afternoon. It's not a hurry, so there's no problem, but since it's something I use every day, I wanted you to estimate the date and time of receipt as late as possible from the beginning. (Because I feel like I've been waiting) I also paid by credit card, and the card reader seemed to be out of order, so it took me a long time to leave the store after receiving the cured pc. I had a feeling that the waiting time was long, but I am satisfied because the LCD of the PC has healed as before (it feels more beautiful than ever).
chaco on Google

デスクトップPCが突然再起動を繰り返すので見てもらいました。忙しい時期だったのかもしれませんが見積もりを出しますと言ってから休日含まず一週間以上連絡をくれなくて、終始こちらから電話を掛けなければ進捗が分からないという状態でした。 そしてやっと戻ってきても直っておらず。三週間も待って諭吉も払ったんですが…。 他で診てもらったらマザボの電池切れだったようですぐ直りました。
The desktop PC suddenly restarted repeatedly, so I asked him to see it. It may have been a busy time, but since I said that I would give a quote, I didn't get in touch for more than a week, not including holidays, and I couldn't know the progress unless I called from here all the time. And even when I finally came back, it wasn't fixed. I waited for three weeks and paid Satoshi ... When I was examined elsewhere, it seemed that the battery of the motherboard was dead, and it was fixed immediately.
一般社団法人良縁親の会 on Google

Two days after the warranty expiration date for the HP notebook PC, the USB type C driver went wrong, and I had to recover without having to interact with HP for about 2 hours. After that, I tried recovery 6 times, but all of them. I failed and I couldn't wait for 2 weeks after depositing it on HP, so I brought it here. Even though it was crowded, I was really grateful that I finished it and returned to my hand after 3 days. After all, the cause was unknown, but the honesty that the response was polite from beginning to end, the fee was clear, and that I did not understand what I did not understand is the best personally. It's recommended.

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