201cafe - Shibuya City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 201cafe

住所 :

VIA原宿 201 1 Chome-15-1 Jingumae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan

Postal code : 150-0001
Webサイト : https://harajuku201cafe.com/

VIA原宿 201 1 Chome-15-1 Jingumae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan
vys v on Google

原宿竹下通りの新名所がオープン 住みたくなるような憧れの空間をカフェスペースとして提供しているお店です 大好きなteastandの紅茶王子監修だけあって紅茶とタピオカが美味しすぎるし居心地が良すぎて3日連続で行きました 紅茶のソフトクリームのシュークリームや選べる紅茶パウダーのポテトチップスなんかもあります オリジナルブランドの #スリープオーバー もオシャレでゲットしました 次回はTシャツも欲しい 竹下通りのセブンイレブンを目印に横路に入ってすぐの二階にあります 店舗は全面ガラス窓なのですぐわかります
New famous spot on Harajuku Takeshita Street opens It is a shop that offers a longing space that makes you want to live as a cafe space There was only the tea tea prince supervised by my favorite teastand, tea and tapioca were too delicious and too comfortable and went for 3 consecutive days There are also black tea soft cream puffs and selectable black tea potato chips The original brand #Sleepover was also fashionable I want a T-shirt next time It is on the second floor just after entering the side street with Take Eleven as a landmark. The store is fully glass windows so you can see it right away
Kyosuke on Google

原宿のど真ん中で人の家にいるような感覚を体験することができます。ソファやベッド席でゆっくりできるのが嬉しかったです。私はティーラテとケーキを頼みましたがどちらもおいしかったです。他のメニューも食べてみたいと思います。 また店員さんに電源を使いたい旨を伝えると快く了承してくれました。店員さんの雰囲気も良く居心地が良かったです^^
You can experience the feeling of being at a person's house in the middle of Harajuku. I was happy to be able to relax on the sofa and bed seats. I ordered tea latte and cake, both of which were delicious. I would like to try other menus as well. He also kindly agreed to tell the clerk that he wanted to use the power supply. The atmosphere of the clerk was also good and it was comfortable ^ ^
みえる on Google

オシャレなお友達の家に遊びに行ったような店内でとても素敵な雰囲気で落ち着くし、紅茶王子監修の紅茶がとても美味しかったです。 1杯だけのつもりでしたが、居心地がよすぎて2杯目と乙女のポテトチップスを注文! 紅茶だけじゃなく乙女のポテトチップスも最高に美味しかったです。 ポテトチップスに紅茶フレーバー?がかかっていて、追加でチョコレートもトッピングして食べたのですが、甘さの中に柑橘系の爽やかなお味で癖になります!オススメです!! フレーバーは5種類ぐらいありました! あとは店内にいる大きめの動物のぬいぐるみ?クッション?も可愛かったところも個人的にはお気に入りです! 原宿はガヤガヤしてるイメージですが、落ち着ける空間に美味しい紅茶!次回はタピオカのティーラテを頼みたいと思います♪
It was a very nice atmosphere in a shop where I went to a fashionable friend's house, and the tea supervised by Prince Ocha was very delicious. I intended only one cup, but I was too cozy and ordered the second cup and maiden potato chips! Not only tea but also maiden potato chips were the best. Potato chips and tea flavor? I took it with chocolate and topped it with chocolate, but it became a strawberry with a refreshing taste of citrus in the sweetness! Recommended! ! There were about 5 flavors! After that, a large stuffed animal in the store? cushion? The place that was cute is also a personal favorite! Harajuku is a bit of a bit of an image, but delicious tea in a relaxing space! Next time I would like to ask for tapioca tea latte ♪
LifeInTokyo on Google

原宿の竹下通りにある人気カフェ! 内装は東京での一人暮らしをイメージしてるとのことで店内にベットがあります!とても可愛いです。また窓は大きくとても明るいお店です。 味も美味しいです!紅茶の香りも良いです。大人も楽しめるカフェです。 They serve very special tea menu. Bubble Tea, Tea with strawberry, Tea beer and even tea ramen!! All menu taste amazing! If you want to find great cafe in the center of Harajuku, this cafe is worth to try!
A popular cafe on Takeshita Street in Harajuku! There is a bet inside the store because the interior is supposed to be an image of living alone in Tokyo! very cute. Also, the windows are large and very bright. The taste is also delicious! The scent of black tea is also good. It is a cafe that adults can enjoy. They serve very special tea menu. Bubble Tea, Tea with strawberry, Tea beer and even tea ramen !! All menu taste amazing! If you want to find great cafe in the center of Harajuku, this cafe is worth to try!
さくらい.まさゆき on Google

原宿に隠れ家的なカフェがあると聞いて行ってきました。これが駅から近いのに本当に静かで可愛くていい感じなんですよね。ハラジュク201cafeさんは原宿駅、明治神宮前駅から徒歩数分の距離にあるカフェです。 複合ビルの2階にお店があって靴を脱いで上がるシステムになっているんですよ。店内に入るとわかるのですが、こちらのカフェはおうちカフェ的な雰囲気なんですよね。 女の子のおうちに遊びに来たかのような気分にさせられるんですよ。インテリアも壁紙もオシャレだし、可愛いぬいぐるみも沢山置いてあるんです。絵になるスポットがいっぱいあるから写真が沢山撮りたくなるお店ですね。 提供している紅茶は紅茶王子が監修していますよ。紅茶の種類も多いのでいろいろ楽しめそうです。 ◆ シャインマスカットショートケーキ ¥680 スイーツはシャインマスカットが載ったシャインマスカットショートケーキにしてみました。これがミニサイズで可愛いケーキなんですよね。 紅茶王子が監修されているだけあってケーキにも紅茶が入っています。スポンジに紅茶シロップを染み込ませてあるので、全体的にさっぱりしたテイストに仕上がっていますよ。 この後はいちじくのケーキに変わったりと季節によってケーキのフルーツも変わるみたいですね。 ◆ ティーソーダ ¥620 ドリンクはティーソーダにしました。ティーソーダは紅茶を炭酸水で割ったソーダになります。甘みが入っているドリンクですが微糖という感じですかね。 これが紅茶の香りが良くて爽やかな風味なんですよね。だからゴクゴク飲めてしまいます。こちらのドリンクは紅茶王子の代名詞となるドリンクみたいですよ。 【2020.12.05訪問】 ◆ ティーヌードル ¥600 1日カフェを巡っていて甘いものばっかりだったので合間にしょっぱいものが食べたいなと思っていたときにヌードルの文字を見つけたんです。よく確認しておけば良かったのですが普通のラーメン的なものかなと思って頼んだら全く違ったんですよね。 これ名前にあるようにティーヌードルなんですよ。たぶん麺はチキンラーメンなのかな。でもスープは紅茶を使ったスープなんですよ。これが結構紅茶の味と香りがキツくて美味しいとは思えなかったですね。むしろ普通のスープの方が良かったなと思いました。
I heard that there is a hideaway cafe in Harajuku. It's close to the station, but it's really quiet and cute. Harajuku 201 cafe is a cafe located a few minutes' walk from Harajuku Station and Meiji Jingumae Station. There is a store on the 2nd floor of the complex building, and the system is such that you can take off your shoes and go up. As you can see when you enter the store, this cafe has an atmosphere like a home cafe. It makes me feel like I'm visiting a girl's house. The interior and wallpaper are fashionable, and there are many cute stuffed animals. It's a shop where you want to take a lot of pictures because there are many picturesque spots. The tea we provide is supervised by the tea prince. There are many types of black tea, so you can enjoy various things. ◆ Shine Muscat Shortcake ¥ 680 For sweets, I made Shine Muscat shortcake with Shine Muscat on it. This is a mini size and cute cake, isn't it? As the tea prince is supervised, the cake also contains black tea. The sponge is soaked with black tea syrup, so the overall taste is refreshing. After this, it seems that the fruit of the cake will change depending on the season, such as changing to fig cake. ◆ Tea soda ¥ 620 The drink was tea soda. Tea soda is made by dividing black tea with carbonated water. It's a sweet drink, but it's like fine sugar. This is the fragrant and refreshing flavor of black tea. That's why I can drink it. This drink seems to be synonymous with the tea prince. [Visit 2020.12.05] ◆ Tea noodles ¥ 600 I went around the cafe all day and found all the sweets, so I found the noodle character when I wanted to eat salty food in the meantime. I should have checked it carefully, but when I asked for it because it was like ordinary ramen, it was completely different. As the name suggests, it's tea noodles. Maybe the noodles are chicken ramen. But the soup is a soup that uses black tea. I didn't think this was delicious because the taste and aroma of black tea was quite strong. Rather, I thought that ordinary soup was better.
みみ on Google

可もなく不可もなく。 なんかアイドル好きなみなさんに人気なんでしょうか?よくわからず入店。 店内は可愛らしい内装で、女性客が多くドリンク空いても居座り続ける数組。 店員さんは愛想が悪いわけではないですが、声が小さく伝える気ゼロなのかな?と思いました。コロナ禍ということも分かりますが、、(笑) あと内装すごく可愛らしいのに、裏に見える段ボールの山。ケーキを食べた後のクズがボロボロ落ちたテーブル。 そんなにバタバタしているようには見えませんでしたが、忙しかったんでしょうか? インスタ映えのみを狙ったお店なのかなと思ってしまいました。 ケーキは割と大きめで、すぐにお腹いっぱいになりました。そして、可愛らしいデザインだったのでワクワクしました! 飲み物は味が薄くて、あんまり美味しくなかったです。
It's neither good nor bad. Is it popular with people who like idols? I entered the store without knowing it. The interior of the store is pretty, and there are several groups who continue to stay even if there are many female customers and drinks are available. The clerk isn't unfriendly, but I wonder if he has no intention of telling his voice quietly. I thought. You can see that it's a corona wreck, but (laughs) Also, the interior is very cute, but the pile of cardboard that you can see on the back. A table where the scraps after eating the cake fell apart. It didn't look like it was so fluttering, but was it busy? I wondered if it was a store that was aimed only at Instagram. The cake was rather large and I was soon full. And I was excited because it was a cute design! The drink was light in taste and not very tasty.
ゆっきーもーりー on Google

かわいいカフェないかなーってインスタで探して伺いました^_^ インテリアがキュートなので映える写真いっぱい撮れます。 かわいいスイーツをゆっくり頂きました。 入り口で靴をスリッパに履き替えてまず席を確保してかりカウンターに注文に行くシステムでした! あと、トイレは店内にはなく外にあるのでまたスリッパから靴に履き替えて外まで行かないといけませんのでご注意を!
I searched for a cute cafe on Instagram ^ _ ^ The interior is cute so you can take lots of brilliant photos. I had cute sweets slowly. It was a system to change shoes to slippers at the entrance, secure a seat first, and go to the counter to order! Also, please note that the toilet is not inside the store but outside, so you have to change from slippers to shoes and go outside!
Cami on Google

It makes for a cute picture…. But the drinks took close to an hour to come out ? in addition, there were giant ice cubes inside that prevented me from being able to drink. When I took them out and put them into an empty cup, the drink itself ended up being about three fingers worth volume wise. But it was tasty! The inside is small but the seating arrangements are cute. There is a nice bed and a couch!

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