ニムタ 南浦和2号店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ニムタ 南浦和2号店

住所 :

Negishi, Minami Ward, 〒336-0024 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888977
街 : Saitama

Negishi, Minami Ward, 〒336-0024 Saitama,Japan
Yasa Maru on Google

A shop near the co-op. It's small, but it's an Asian-style store, so I don't think you can find it. At lunch, the take-out lunch box was cheap, so I went to buy three meals for my child and wife. Daily curry (chicken and shimeji curry on this day) and naan are included for 500 yen. Nan is very big and if you have a normal appetite, I think that one piece is enough for men. You can choose sweet, normal, medium spicy, or large spicy, and if you buy more than one and think that you can distinguish between different spiciness, the container has chitin and number written on it, and normal is 2, medium. I understood that spicy is 3. In the case of rice, it is enough to think that even men may not be able to eat this much. I wonder why you can eat as much as you want at this price. There are only 10 table seats in the store, but there seems to be space on the second floor. I couldn't see it, but I guess it's a fairly large space because it's another pair with parents and children. The waiter who seems to be Indian and the staff who seems to be the store manager also feels good and I have a good impression. There is no problem with Japanese. I spoke in my native language with two Indian-like staff members in the kitchen. I want to use it again.
Aki Yamaguchi Kaseya on Google

美味しかったです^_^。 ナンとカボチャのチキンカレー共に満足。ナン食べ過ぎました。ごちそうさまでした。 居心地も良く、また伺います。
It was delicious ^ _ ^. Both Nan and pumpkin chicken curry are satisfied. I ate too much Nan. Thank you for the meal. I feel comfortable and ask again.
鼻でか太郎 on Google

テイクアウトも安くて良いが、店内で食べた方が圧倒的にコスパが良いです。とくにランチタイムは大変良いです。 配達も対応してくれて、本当に近くの家のみですが、嬉しいサービス。 駐車場はありません。
Takeout is cheap, but it is overwhelmingly better to eat in the store. Especially lunch time is very good. Delivery is also available, and it's only a really nearby house, but it's a nice service. There is no parking lot.
阿久津多実子 on Google

「有難うございます~」外国の方なのに 丁寧な電話応対。コーポの横にある小さなカレー店に初来店。 ちょっと入りづらい店構えでしたが 開店3年位で 今まで気付きませんでした。インド人が作るカレーですが レディースセット1000円を 注文。チキンとシーフードカレーを 辛さ普通を選択しましたが 全然辛さなし。甘口❗飲み物付きで ラッシーを頼み 共々甘口に(涙)。テーブル席4席のみ。お弁当の注文も 受付。店内 インドの音楽 インドの味付け インドの中へ~~~ナンで 久し振りにカレーを食べました。ご飯付きで 完食出来ず。美味しかったです。二号店?駅近くに 本店あり。そう言えば 東口のクマネコ印のカレー屋さんのお客様に 聞いたような…初めてなので☆3m(__)m 駐車場なし
"Thank you ~" For foreigners, polite telephone service. First visit to a small curry store next to the Corp. The store was a bit difficult to enter, but it hadn't been noticed until 3 years after opening. It is a curry made by Indians. I chose chicken and seafood curry for spicy ordinary but no spicy at all. Sweet ❗ With drink Ask for lassi Be sweet together (tears). Only 4 seats at the table Lunch order Reception In store Indian music Indian flavor へ I went to India with curry after a long absence. I could not eat it with rice. It was delicious. Second store? There is a main store near the station. Speaking of which, the customer of the curry shop with the mark of the east exit has heard it. It's my first time. ☆ 3m (__) m No parking
Catorce on Google

いつもランニングしているときに通りかかってて、やたらめったらいい匂いがするなぁと思って気になっていたお店。 あんなにいい匂いがする店でハズレはないだろうとテイクアウトでほうれん草ポークカレー、豆カレー、バターチキンカレー、サグカレーを注文。 寡黙な店員さんですが、店内には明らかなリピータのお客さんが数名いらっしゃって地域の人からも好かれているんだなというのがすぐ分かりました。 テイクアウトのメニューは大きなもっちりナンが付いてて普通サイズのカレーが800円だったかな。 いずれも美味しくて素晴らしいコスパ!! 都内とかだったら倍ぐらい取られてもおかしくないんじゃないかと思う。 またそのうち、とは思っていますが駐車場がなく、お隣のコープの買い物ついでにしか行けないのが残念。
I was always worried about the shop that I passed by when I was running and thought that it would smell good if I messed up. I ordered spinach pork curry, bean curry, butter chicken curry, and sag curry at takeout because there would be no loss at a store that smells so good. Although he is a quiet clerk, I quickly realized that there were several obvious repeater customers in the store, and that they were also liked by the local people. The take-out menu had a big chewy naan and the regular size curry was 800 yen. Both are delicious and wonderful cospa! !! I think it wouldn't be strange if it was taken twice as much in Tokyo. Also, I think it will happen, but it's a pity that there is no parking lot and I can only go shopping at the co-op next door.
香取貴子 on Google

My family loves Indian curry and I often go there because it's a neighborhood. The daily take-out curry of 500 yen will be saved. The seats on the 2nd floor are Japanese-style rooms with a table, so you can relax even if you have small children.
yamada naoko (やまだ) on Google

ランチはナン食べ放題! だけどいつも一枚しか食べれません… 安くて美味しいです!
All-you-can-eat naan for lunch! But I can only eat one at any time ... It's cheap and delicious!
小川優子 on Google

よくデリバリーで利用させていただいてます。カレーもナンも美味しい!チーズナンを先日初めてお願いしてハマってしまいました! チキンティッカ美味しいので大好きです!ビールのお供にするために頼んでしまいます。
I often use it for delivery. Both curry and naan are delicious! I was addicted to Cheese Nan for the first time the other day! I love chicken tikka because it's delicious! I will ask you to accompany the beer.

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