買取帝国 志木店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 買取帝国 志木店

住所 :

2-chōme−19, Tōhoku, Niiza, 〒352-0001 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88988
Webサイト : http://kaitori-teikoku.com/shop
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Saitama

2-chōme−19, Tōhoku, Niiza, 〒352-0001 Saitama,Japan
tomokazu 2 on Google

はやし on Google

ジモティーでトラブルがあったので、こちらでも報告。 欲しい品物があり買いたいと問い合わせをし、取り置きをしていたのに、品物を売られてしまった。 前金を払ってはいないので法律的には問題は無いが、謝罪が「申し訳ありません。 手違いで店舗で売れてしまいました。」のみで、私との約束はどうしたいのかも書いておらず、「察しろよ」という意思が透けて見える。 「そうですね、ならばキャンセルは仕方が無いですね」と提案するのも癪だったので、「何か代案はありませんか?」と連絡をしたら「代案はないです」という文章のみを返される。 その日のために、車を共有する家人に無理を言って車の利用を譲って貰ったり、友人に運搬の手伝いをお願いしたりと手を回していただけに残念。 簡単に約束を反故にし、さらに間違って売ったけどその後は察しろという意思のメッセージを送る店。購入の際は気をつけた方が良い。
Reported here because there was a problem with Zimothi. I was inquiring about what I wanted and wanted to buy it. I don't pay the advance payment, so there is no legal problem, but the apology is "I'm sorry. I sold it in the store by mistake." , The intention of “Let's see” can be seen through. Since it was a habit to propose "Yes, there is no way to cancel", when you contact "Is there any alternative?", Only the sentence "There is no alternative" is returned. For that day, it was a pity that I was forced to give my car to a family member who shared the car and handed over the car, or to ask a friend to help with transportation. A store that simply sends a message that it's easy to violate the promise and sells it wrongly, but afterwards it will be inspected. You should be careful when purchasing.
netsuo nanashino on Google

そこそこ昔にひょっこり開店した中古屋。 朝霞店がどうなのかは未確認ですが志木店 だけに絞って言うなら、リサイクル店としての 機能を最低限満たしているか少し足りない程度。 とにかく店内が狭く壊れ物の陳列が雑なので ただでさえ狭い店内では体の大きい人なら 何かに接触して落とさないかヒヤヒヤもの。 商品そのものは状態の良いものが多いのですが ジャンルの偏りが厳しい為、探し物のジャンルが 決まっていても片手で足りる程の数があるか 全く無いかの二択。とりあえず開店直後から 度々足を運ぶ機会はありましたが、探していた物が 見つかった試しは一度としてありません。 ☆1個評価が妥当だけど、ご近所なので☆2個。
A second-hand shop that opened a little while ago. It is unconfirmed what the Asaka store is like, but the Shiki store If you focus only on it, as a recycling store It meets the minimum function or is a little lacking. Anyway, the inside of the store is small and the display of fragile items is messy. If you are a big person in a small store Do not touch something and drop it. Many of the products themselves are in good condition. Because the genre is severely biased, the genre you are looking for is Is there enough number with one hand even if it is decided? Two choices whether there is none at all. For the time being, right after the store opens I had the opportunity to visit many times, but what I was looking for was I have never found a trial. ☆ 1 piece evaluation is appropriate, but since it is a neighborhood ☆ 2 pieces.
阿部明 on Google

When I moved, I was grateful to everyone for their kindness. I will use it again ?
ほそかわあきお on Google

The price range of the product is set lower than others.
かりん on Google

男と女で態度が違いすぎます。 人で差別していますよね? 同家族なのに女の私が来た瞬間態度悪くなりました。 こんなとこ一生行きません。
The attitudes of men and women are too different. You are discriminating against people, right? Even though I was in the same family, the moment I came as a woman, my attitude got worse. I won't go to this place for the rest of my life.
松本清子 on Google

Always have fun and go around the store
nefzi samir on Google

small shop

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