1 Coin Cut - Hiroshima

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 1 Coin Cut

住所 :

1 Coin Cut 3 Chome-25-18 Yahatahigashi, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 731-5115, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88987
Postal code : 731-5115

1 Coin Cut 3 Chome-25-18 Yahatahigashi, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 731-5115, Japan
lemuria f. on Google

いつもお世話になってます。 個人的に散髪するだけが目的なので、美容院でしっかり手入れして貰うよりは、こちらで500円で切ってもらってます。 アットホームで入りやすい店内ですし、待合室には雑誌はもちろん漫画も置いてあります、 リーズナブルかつ仕事も丁寧でとても助かってます。 広島には数少ない財布に嬉しいお店ですね。
Thank you for your continued support. Since I only want to have a haircut personally, I ask you to cut it for 500 yen here rather than getting a good care at a beauty salon. The store is easy to enter at home, and the waiting room has magazines as well as cartoons. It's reasonably priced and the work is polite, so it's very helpful. It's one of the few shops in Hiroshima where you'll be happy with your wallet.
おおけん on Google

なんといっても安い❤️ 時には一時時間まつことがある、それが残念
Cheap ❤️ Sometimes I have to wait for an hour, which is a shame
森中祥子 on Google

いつも主人と子供がお世話になっています。車好きな店長さんとうちの主人は、いつも楽しそうに話しています。店長さんと奥さん、スタッフの方2~3名いらっしゃいます。皆さん、とてもフレンドリーでアットホームなお店です。 価格はとてもリーズナブルです。その為、家族で来られる方も多く、切った人と今から切る人とで、 待ち合い席は込み合う事もありますが、外にもベンチがありますので、大丈夫です。 順番が来たら外まで呼びに来てくれます。 週末は込み合うかな?と思いますので平日がおすすめです。
My husband and my child are always taking care of me. The manager who likes cars and my husband are always talking happily. The manager, his wife, and two or three staff members. Everyone is a very friendly and at-home shop. The price is very reasonable. For that reason, many people can come with their families, with those who have cut and those who will Waiting seats can be crowded, but there are benches outside, so it's okay. When the turn comes, he will call you outside. Is it crowded on weekends? I think that weekdays are recommended.
大原友子 on Google

息子2人を連れていきます。 4名いつもいらっしゃる方が居ますが、順番なので誰にあたるかわかりません。 速くていいのですが、雑な方もいますし、下手な方もいます。 若い女性二人はとても丁寧で仕上がりの形も上手だと思います。 土日は朝イチで行くことをオススメします。
I will bring two sons. There are always 4 people, but since it's their turn, I don't know who they are. It's fine to be fast, but some people are rough and some are bad. I think the two young women are very attentive and have a good finish. We recommend that you go in the morning on Saturdays and Sundays.
らっぴさん on Google

おばさんにスポーツ刈りを頼んだのにボーズにされた。 お兄さんお姉さんは上手だけど、おばさんはかなり腕が悪いと思う。安いけどもう行かない。カットだけなら660円。 知人も子供を変な髪型にされて、文句言いに行って、お兄さんになおしてもらったらしい。 おばさん、もっと練習して。
I asked my aunt to cut a sport, but I got Bose. My older sister is good, but I think his aunt is pretty bad. It's cheap, but I won't go anymore. Only 660 yen for cuts. It seems that an acquaintance had a strange hairstyle for his child, went to complain, and had his brother fix it. Aunt, practice more.
湯浅みなみ on Google

最高です!値上げしたけど………。 子供と旦那が、行きつけです! カット、上手ですよ~!
it's the best! I raised the price ... My child and my husband are my favorite! You're good at cutting!
Hirotsugu Yamamoto on Google

カットだけなら660円 毎回、サッパリさせてもらってます?
660 yen for cuts only I am refreshed every time ?
ろっこつ骨折野郎 on Google

近隣の美容室カット料金が2500〜4000円ってことを考えると破格だと思う。 仕上がりも特に問題ない。 剃刀使えるのがまたいいね。 首周りの産毛処理までしてくれた。 ずっと美容室行くのに毎回予約してその時間に予定空けてってやってたけど、思った時にフラッと寄れる理容室まぢでありだわ。 誰も1000円そこらでシャンプーカットしたなんてわからんと思う(笑)
Considering that the hair dressing fee in the neighborhood is 2500-4000 yen, I think it is exceptional. There is no particular problem with the finish. It's nice to be able to use a razor again. He even treated the hair around the neck. I used to make a reservation every time I went to the beauty salon and had a schedule at that time, but when I thought about it, it was a barber shop where I could drop by. I don't think anyone knows that shampoo was cut for around 1000 yen (laughs)

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