
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ハーブス高島屋店

住所 :

1 Chome−1, Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒450-0002 Aichi,Japan

街 : 区画 Aichi

1 Chome−1, Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒450-0002 Aichi,Japan
ちゃんまあ on Google

Herbs are delicious after all.
K M on Google

Located on the 4th floor of the Gate Tower. I went to the store just before closing (currently 2000 closed), so I had only 3 kinds of items, but I was able to spend time slowly.
To9 on Google

年末大晦日も並んで買いました。 ミルクレープばかり毎回買ってしまいます。 美味いか不味いかと聞かれると美味しいかなぁ程度。正直値段の割にフルーツは大して入っていないからぼったくられている気もするが、ケーキがデカイので食べごたえはある。 昔、三越と名鉄にあった、マキシムドパリのナポレオンという苺のミルフィーユが食べたいなぁ。
I also bought New Year 's Eve at the end of the year. I only buy mill crepe every time. Is it delicious if asked if it is delicious or tasteless? Because fruit is not much contained because it is honest price, I feel that it is ripped off, but the cake is delicious and there is gotten to eat. I want to eat strawberry Milfeuille called Maximdopari Napoleon which was in Mitsukoshi and Meitetsu long ago.
竹内照美 on Google

ボリュームのあるクリームたっぷりのケーキはハーブスならではですね。 ただ、以前から比べると値上げされ過ぎです。 生クリームはフレッシュではないですし、本物ではない割に高いと思います。
A hearty creamy cake is unique to Herbs. However, the price has been raised too much compared to before. Fresh cream isn't fresh and I think it's expensive for not being real.
honey_arakiハニーアラキ on Google

I went home to Nagoya and had a souvenir at my house ♪ I had a banana cream pie when I lined up, but it was sold out at the time of purchase! Instead, I bought apple mango cake ♪ It was delicious!
わんわわん on Google

11月末の日曜日、午後2時半ごろに行きました。 お目当てのケーキが見当たらず『please wait』の札が置いてあり、 15分ほど並んで順番が来たので、お目当てのケーキがあるか確認すると無いとの事。 please waitって待たせておいて無いってどう言う事…無いなら無いと書いて欲しい 並んで損した。2度と行かない
I went there around 2:30 pm on Sunday at the end of November. I couldn't find the cake I was looking for, and there was a "please wait" tag on it. It was about 15 minutes in line, so I didn't check if there was a cake I was looking for. Please wait What do you say that you haven't kept me waiting ... If there isn't, please write I lost side by side. Never go again
Nanako Higuchi on Google

平日の18:20頃に行き、2列くらい並んでいました。 土日のお昼とかよりかはマシだと思います! イチゴのチョコレートケーキ(?)とミルクレープが好きで、今回はイチゴチョコを〜!! やっぱり安定に美味しい、ビジュアルがあまり良くないですが味が美味しい! しかしこれのまたハーフサイズがあるといいなあといつも感じています。
I went around 18:20 on weekdays and lined up in two rows. I think it's better than lunch on Saturdays and Sundays! I like strawberry chocolate cake (?) And mille crêpes, so this time I have strawberry chocolate! !! After all it is stable and delicious, the visual is not so good, but the taste is delicious! However, I always feel that it would be nice to have another half size.
やっちゃま on Google

ハーブスの袋持参して、 今日はハーブス高島屋店で購入。 毎月、4回ほどハーブスケーキ 食べるのが習慣の夫婦です。 2人で3個食べるのも習慣。 ホールケーキを目の前でカットしてくれるのが、嬉しいですね。昼過ぎは売り切れになるケーキ有るので、3時から3時半ぐらいに入荷がある為、そのタイミングで、ショーケースに並びます。 夫婦でのハーブスケース トップ10を決めて楽しんでます。
Bring a bag of herbs, I bought it at Herbs Takashimaya store today. Herb cake about 4 times a month A couple who have a habit of eating. It is also customary for two people to eat three. I'm glad that the whole cake is cut right in front of me. Some cakes are sold out after noon, so they will be in stock from 3 am to 3:30 pm, so they will be lined up in the showcase at that time. I am enjoying deciding the top 10 herbs cases for couples.

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