みずほ銀行 明石支店 - Akashi

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact みずほ銀行 明石支店

住所 :

1-chome-5-1 Oakashicho, Akashi, Hyogo 673-0891, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 673-0891
Webサイト : https://shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp/b/mizuho/info/BA339215/

1-chome-5-1 Oakashicho, Akashi, Hyogo 673-0891, Japan
氷花 on Google

窓口の接客悪かった。 店前が隣の三井と同じ駐輪禁止区域で、 この銀行もちゃんとした駐輪場所ない。 宝くじのビック、ロト、ナンバーズ等、怪しい。 普通の宝くじも還元率低い。 メンテ多いシステムもどうなんだろう。
The customer service at the counter was bad. The front of the store is the same bicycle parking prohibited area as the neighboring Mitsui, This bank also doesn't have a proper bicycle parking lot. Lottery big, lottery, numbers, etc. are suspicious. Ordinary lottery tickets also have a low return rate. What about a system with a lot of maintenance?
金子幸嗣 on Google

Very convenient location. It's right in front of the station.
kaabee on Google

窓口、責任者ともに最悪の対応。 15時少し前の駆け込みではありましたが、窓口対応の時点では何とか対応いただけるようで手続きをすすめた。 20分~30分後くらい後、責任者が出てきて追い返された。理由としては、「処理が可能な時間(17時)までにご案内ができないとお客様に申し訳ない」とのこと。「最終的に無理な可能性があっても、今日しか時間が作れないので待ちます」、と伝えても、「こちらが困ります(苦笑)」と。最後まで、困りますの一点張りはクレーム対応のようで、閉まる間際に来るほうが悪い、早く帰れと言いたげな苦笑いは本当に不愉快。 帰す理由として、込み入ったお話でご予約されていたお客様もいらっしゃいますので、、なんてわざわざ伝える必要ありますか?処理が間に合いそうにないなら、理由はそれでいいのでは...?お客様のせいにするのではなく。 また世間知らずの若者が来たとでも思っていたのでしょう?最後まで逆なでしているとしか思えませんでした。
The worst response for both the window and the person in charge. Although it was a rush before 15 o'clock, we proceeded with the procedure so that we could manage somehow at the time of dealing with the counter. About 20-30 minutes later, the person in charge came out and was driven back. The reason is that "I am sorry for the customer not being able to guide by the time when processing is possible (17:00)". “Even if there is a possibility that it is impossible in the end, I can only make time today, so I will wait,” he says, “I am in trouble (bitter smile)”. The one point of embarrassment until the end seems to be to deal with complaints, and it is worse to come soon before closing, and the bitter laughter that is said to go home early is really unpleasant. As a reason for returning, there are customers who have been booked with complicated stories, so what do you need to tell? If the process doesn't seem to be in time, why is it okay? Rather than blame customers. Did you think that a strange young man came again? I couldn't believe it was reversed until the end.
Thanh Hoàng on Google

電話交換ガイド1スタイル。 銀行は1つのスタイルを行います。 時間を無駄にする アカウントのお金は引き出すことができません
Telephone exchange guide 1 style. Banks do one style. Waste time Account money cannot be withdrawn
伊藤正志 on Google

宝くじ換金にきて1時間近く放置。 何なんだ一体。
I came to cash the lottery and left it for almost an hour. What the hell is that?
山田田中 on Google

14時に着いて入口に立ってるおっさんに口座の解約をしたいと言ったら時間のかかる要件は今日はお受けできませんとグダグダと言い訳を並べられた。 時間かかるならとっととやれよ。 そもそも14時でできないなら15時まで店開けてんなよ。 システム障害の続発といい、この銀行とは二度と取引しないかな。
When I arrived at 14:00 and told the old man standing at the entrance that I wanted to close the account, I was argued that I could not accept the time-consuming requirement today. If it takes time, do it. If you can't do it at 14:00, the store will be open until 15:00. It's said that there are a series of system failures, so I wonder if I'll ever do business with this bank again.
K G on Google

要介護3の母親を施設に入れたから、住所変更しに行ったが、本人を連れて来い!との事!寝たきりだから、代わりに来ているのに? 電話でも、本人を電話口に出せ!の一点張り!最低の銀行だ。 金融庁は何故潰さないんだろう? 百害あって一利無しの銀行なのに?
I went to change my address because I put my mother who needs nursing care 3 in the facility, but bring her! That thing! I'm bedridden, so I'm coming instead? Even on the phone, put the person on the phone! One point! The worst bank. Why doesn't the FSA not crush it? Even though it's a bank that has a lot of harm and no profit?
Gregory Tada on Google

My Japanese is still a bit rough, but the staff here were so helpful. I really appreciate all of their assistance!!!

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